May 2007 Babies


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2005
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I have created this topic so that we have one main list of everybody's May 2007 due dates. You can then easily find other ladies who are due around the same time as you, if you feel that you would like to chat to somebody who is at around the same stage.

If you would like to be added, please make sure that you reply to this thread by clicking the
button (over on the left, just above my picture) and stating when your due date is. I'll update the list each time a reply is received, and the list will remain right here at the top of this thread so that it's easy to find.

(It's important to reply to this thread, as I may miss your date if you start a new topic. So just click the reply button above and let me know!)


May 2 ..................... Angelfox
May 2 ..................... Cat&Noah
May 2 ..................... claire81
May 2 ..................... fynemum
May 3 ..................... Jay9
May 5 ..................... Bunee1
May 5 ..................... Caz
May 6 ..................... Jayceesmumma
May 6 ..................... Vicky_Gazerimmer
May 7 ..................... Sami
May 8 ..................... amy
May 10 ................... Bessi
May 10 ................... LauraB
May 11 ................... rachelandjarvis
May 17 ................... fothers
May 19 ................... EllieG
May 19 ................... oldermum
May 21 ................... Salad
May 22 ................... kataalam
May 22 ................... Emma22
May 23 ................... Ali K
May 25 ................... Mel_
May 28 ................... KellyB
May 28 ................... Yaya
May 29 ................... Tattooed Lady
May 31 ................... trixipaws

Best wishes,
Laura B
Me and Jaycee's mumma please!!

Jo is due 6th May and I'm due 7th May :D
Hiya, My little one is due on the 19th, although I went ten days over with both of my others so who knows!
Hello all, :cheer: I am due around May 2nd, i still have my scan to get but i am sure baby will come whenever it's ready. nice to meet you all :wave:
Oh oh add me Erm May 4th I think, will update with def date after my 12 week scan.
Hiya :wave: im new here and just found out the other day ,and i should be due may please add me ,thanks.
May the 11th i think, but will know for sure after my 12 week scan

Hi I'm new here today.
Here's my story (in breif)

This is my second pregnancy this year, my first baby had a N.T.D that was discoverd at my first scan when I was 15 weeks, it was quite serious and they told me that my baby wouldnt survuve, so I had to have a termination. My baby who we always called Bean was born at 15weeks 4 days on the 25th May 2006 (it was a girl)

So I am now pregnant again, this baby is due on 25th May 2007 (what were the chances of that) I've had an early scan already, although it was impossible to tell if this baby has the same problem, it was lovely to have a scan where nothing bad happend. So we all have our fingers crossed hoping and praying that this baby is ok. I'll find out at my next scan (which I'm obviously very nervous about)

It would be nice to chat to anyone who is due around the same time or who has had a similar experience, and i'm happy to talk to anyone about what i went through before if it would help.
Hi, I am new to the whole forum/chatting idea and I feel I might get some comfort from talking to other May-mums. First of all, my EDD is 10th of May. Tomorrow I can make an appointment for the first scan and I can't wait! Of course I am also worried, that something maybe wrong and my husband and I are starting to talk about the possibilities of prenatal diagnostics such as amniocentesis. I am not sure what to think of it, as, of course, it would be great to know for sure, that the baby has no trisomie, but the risk of miscarriage is quite high.......Maybe someone else has some thoughts about this?? Would be great! B
Can I please be moved forward to the 2nd of May.

Thank you
Hi! My due date is 22 May although I haven't had any tests or scans yet (other than the initial pregnancy test which I did myself) so a little nervous. I've got my first scan next wednesday so I guess I'll have a better idea of how things are going then.
Anyway, nice to be able to talk to other people going through it, as I don't know anyone that's pregnant! It all seems a bit daunting at the moment.
Good luck with everyone's pregnancies! Kat xx

My baby is due on 21 May 2007

Hi Laura,

Could you add me to the list, my due date is 19th May.



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