Work being awful...

I think it's good that you've been signed off, although worrying about being signed off is not good! How long have you been signed off for and what does it say on your doctors note? What was the reaction at work to this?

Haven't been signed off yet, but I am going to ask my doctor if the stress will be having a detrimental effect on my pregnancy and if so then I want to know if they think I should be signed off.

Sounds to me because you are a small firm that you don't have much in the way of formal procedures. Do you have a staff handbook or any rules of any kind? I take it that there isn't a formal absence procedure?

Nothing at all, I thought that because they just got an Investors in People award (a joke, I wasn't even interviewed :wink: ) then they would have to have some procedure, but it appears not.

Money will be tight, but it's true that it's not everything. Not having the money but having my health and happiness (and my baby's) is far more important. Just wish that pig hadn't forced it to be like this. :cry:
Been signed off for 7 days to begin with, my sicknote says 'medical problem'. Phoned my work, MD is off til Wednesday so spoke to my Supervisor and she was fine. Asked me if I had received anything from the other MD (which I haven't).

A week of RnR and pottering around the house, makes me feel a lot more relaxed.
Hi rosieroo

Enjoy your time off and all that relaxing.

Would've been good if your doc could've put "work related stress caused by numpty of a boss" on your sick note, but you can't win 'em all :lol:
:lol: True, but she was that sympathethic I think she probably would've :lol:
Had another letter from my employer today. They've told me that the reason on my sick note is not good enough (medical problem) and they've written to my doctor for a further explanation (without my permission I might add). On the letter to the doctor they've said they are withholding SSP until more information is given. They've also said they want the MATB1 (or similar) certificate from my doctor medically confirming my pregnancy within 7 days. (I don't get this until I am 20 weeks according to my pregnancy book).

According to ACAS he is discriminating against me and I can do something about it now.
Go for it girl if you're up for it! I've been sending no end of bad vibes his way on your behalf wretched man... grrrr!

give me his number i will call him and tell him what i think of him!
i know i have said it before but he makes me sooooooooo angry!!!
go for it don't give him the satisfaction of winning do everything you can and think he may be your boss but he doesn't seem to clever!
can you get your hands on any sickness records from when the other pregnant girl was off??? (especially as she was related to him!!!)
Lol, she was a Lisa J too :lol: Not without breaking and entering, but I'm sure if that info is needed then they can ask for it. Though I expect it will be doctored, I also doubt if she has any letters on her file like I do on mine.
Hi Rosieroo

He's still being an arse, I see!

Your doctor shouldn't provide a medical report to them without your written consent, so they will probably simply dismiss their request straight off. Also, doctors have the right to charge for a medical report. I'm not sure exactly how much it is, I think it varies depending on what they ask, but I've got £80 in my head from somewhere. It's probably not that much for your employer to fork out, but at least you can get some satisfaction from it and from the hassle they are going through!! :twisted:

I've never seen a MATB1 until later like you say, 20 weeks sounds about right, it's usually after one of your check ups. That said, as part of your right to antenatal check ups they can ask for a certificate stating you are pregnant, so you must be able to get something.

Glad to see ACAS have woken up at last. What are they recommending you do?

When are you due back at work? You reckon you could get signed off again?

Have been signed off for this week, the letters he is sending me are such a proof of character. To be honest I don't feel happy about going back with the situation being like it is, It would be far far too stressful to be working in the same office as him so I imagine the doc will keep signing me off.

I have to speak to CAB about the wording of a letter I need to write to him telling him that witholding my pay is unlawful, also that he wrote to my doc without my permission (which he needed) and to give him a date of which he has to pay me any monies he is witholding. If he doesn't pay me I can take him to a tribunal. ACAS also said that I have a case of sexual discrim already, I won't put that in the letter as I want him to keep charting up more and more offensive things (though it's very very hard when I get the letters from him and the thought of writing a letter to him is stressing me out) so when it comes to starting action for sexual discrim there is plenty of evidence there. Though so far the things they've said he's said are discriminatory are the following:

When he told me that he hoped I wouldn't take advantage of my current condition.

When he told me my employee rights were limited.

When he told me he wanted it confirmed how long each of my antenatal appointments lasted before he would pay me. (I don't have to provide this).

I didn't even realise that it was that bad for him to have said that, but the bloke I spoke to at ACAS said I could start a case against him now and I didn't have to wait til he sacks me. Though I think that I will send in the wages letter and see what happens then. I do need to see CAB and also if possible get a free consult with a solicitor, but I need to get the letter in this week.
Hi, will check out that link.

Went to CAB today and the lovely lady spent an hour with me discussing my work. She is writing a letter for me including references to both the letters that he has sent me for me to send in, so I should have that by the end of the week to send to him. My doc called as they've now received his letter and have written him a pretty strongly worded letter back about patient confidentiality and that if the DSS want details of my absence then they will write to my doc, after asking me, and that he basically has no right/need to ask him. Grrrr, that man is a nightmare :evil:

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