***** March 2019 Babies! *****

Sorry! I've been moving house so it's total madness. We're completely exhausted!

Have you had your scan yet?

:pink: or :blue: ? :D

Yes baby is all fine and gave us a little wave on screen. Im having a baby boy. They also going to scan me next week for my proper 20weeks scan xx
Hey March 2019 mummies,
Its very quiet in here. How are we all doing?

I cant wait for this Thursday to come, got a scan at 19W+3D, instead of 20W. Hope all is good and i can find out the gender of baby :)

I think more or less everyone now just chats via the Facebook group, it's easier for most to access. I rarely come on PF anymore, the FB group is fab.

My scan isn't until 8th November, I'll be nearing 21 weeks then. I go away next week briefly so had to delay it as they'd booked initially for next week.


How do u get in the facebook group? Can you add me please x
Another pregnancy update!
Thursday morning (just gone) went to the toliet, to discover i was bleeding! Told my mum straight away (as partner was at work.) Got to hospital, had swabs, wee, bp and babys hb done. All was good. They docs wanted me to stop in over night, so i did. The next morning was still bleeding (baby had a good hb though.) Stopped bleeding Friday/Saturday morning. Baby hb was good my bp was good. But last night got home and had some brown (old/rischargey) blood in my pad, sorry tmi. I'm keeping a eye on it to see if it gets more or anything, also im montering babys hb on my own home doopler, did it this morning and it was very strong. Still got the brown blood discharge though. Also on friday had my 20weeks scan all was good. But becuz the aboves happend they wanna scan me this friday (coming.)

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