*****March 2018 Testing Thread*****

Cd#22 brown blood spotting still happening. Day 5 of the flu, not feelibg any better had a fever for 5 days. Its hurrendous- been in my bed for 5 days So fed up. Then don't know what to think of this brown spotting? Even if it was implantation would a embryo survive this hash flu with fever for so Long? When shoukd I try a test? Wait for friday when af due?

Yes, blastocyst/embryo would survive, that's the point...your immune system effectively stops working to allow the safe implantation and early pregnancy to continue without being attacked as a foreign body. Most pregnant women I know feel rough at the start and honestly, the whole first trimester feels like your body is arguing with itself!

I can't begin to imagine how frustrating this spotting is for you as there a few possible different reasons for it, but it's clear your body is trying to do something. Brown blood is old blood that every medical professional says is of no concern in pregnancy. Even one of the ling termers, Melanie has just got a proper bfp after brown and even some red blood.

I swear to god and all the heavens and helps, TTC does something to our bodies physically, that royally fucks everything up and makes it impossible for us to know to make of anything. It's nothing short of downright cruel.

I'm really hoping this is IB for you. Xx
Cd#22 brown blood spotting still happening. Day 5 of the flu, not feelibg any better had a fever for 5 days. Its hurrendous- been in my bed for 5 days So fed up. Then don't know what to think of this brown spotting? Even if it was implantation would a embryo survive this hash flu with fever for so Long? When shoukd I try a test? Wait for friday when af due?

Yes, blastocyst/embryo would survive, that's the point...your immune system effectively stops working to allow the safe implantation and early pregnancy to continue without being attacked as a foreign body. Most pregnant women I know feel rough at the start and honestly, the whole first trimester feels like your body is arguing with itself!

I can't begin to imagine how frustrating this spotting is for you as there a few possible different reasons for it, but it's clear your body is trying to do something. Brown blood is old blood that every medical professional says is of no concern in pregnancy. Even one of the ling termers, Melanie has just got a proper bfp after brown and even some red blood.

I swear to god and all the heavens and helps, TTC does something to our bodies physically, that royally fucks everything up and makes it impossible for us to know to make of anything. It's nothing short of downright cruel.

I'm really hoping this is IB for you. Xx

Thanks hunni for your words of wisdom. You always know whay to say. I do feel nauseous and very burpy. I've still got aches down there in and off and aches in my bbs on and off. I guess I need to sit it out a few more days and see what happens. Does IB normally stop after a few Days?
Cd#22 brown blood spotting still happening. Day 5 of the flu, not feelibg any better had a fever for 5 days. Its hurrendous- been in my bed for 5 days So fed up. Then don't know what to think of this brown spotting? Even if it was implantation would a embryo survive this hash flu with fever for so Long? When shoukd I try a test? Wait for friday when af due?

Yes, blastocyst/embryo would survive, that's the point...your immune system effectively stops working to allow the safe implantation and early pregnancy to continue without being attacked as a foreign body. Most pregnant women I know feel rough at the start and honestly, the whole first trimester feels like your body is arguing with itself!

I can't begin to imagine how frustrating this spotting is for you as there a few possible different reasons for it, but it's clear your body is trying to do something. Brown blood is old blood that every medical professional says is of no concern in pregnancy. Even one of the ling termers, Melanie has just got a proper bfp after brown and even some red blood.

I swear to god and all the heavens and helps, TTC does something to our bodies physically, that royally fucks everything up and makes it impossible for us to know to make of anything. It's nothing short of downright cruel.

I'm really hoping this is IB for you. Xx

Thanks hunni for your words of wisdom. You always know whay to say. I do feel nauseous and very burpy. I've still got aches down there in and off and aches in my bbs on and off. I guess I need to sit it out a few more days and see what happens. Does IB normally stop after a few Days?

Oh my, I burped like a trooper at the beginning of all positive cycles, lol. Couldn't stop myself. Aches down there were wonderfully coined as "fanny daggers" by another member of pf a while back and I think it's hilarious. Makes the pain more bearable when thinking "fanny daggers" gives you a giggle.

When is af due? There are no rules with implantation bleeding. I remember the cycle I had some and I must have read a dozen medical journal papers, tens and tens of articles and probably hundreds of various forum posts. Conclusion was that the medical profession has parameters, but actual mothers told wildly varying realities. Some dark brown for an hour, some for a week or a month. Some bright red for hours and my midwife told me in my first chemical that she had a mum that bled so heavily for 3 weeks, bright red blood that she was changing heavy pads every other hour...still pregnant.

Essentially, every single one of us is very very different. Just because something was bad or good for one woman is almost entirely irrelevant to the next.

I didn't do opks but I had ewcm from cd#11 and had cramping cd#14 which was much stronger than normal so I would say af due Friday. Today I am 8dpo approx. Had the brown blood stuff since Wed eve...I had left sided sharp pains on and off wednesday then that evening I had tiny bit of watery pink then it was a very uncomfortable sleep too..my hips and lower back were so crampy and uncomfortable and then the brown started thur/fri and today but has been about the same am out every day. Nothing much than a stain on my pad but a bit more when wiping after a pee but some timesheets a bit of sticky clotty stuff too

As for the aches down below its not the dagger kind of pain its like a dull ache /cramp not sure if that means anything
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I didn't do opks but I had ewcm from cd#11 and had cramping cd#14 which was much stronger than normal so I would say af due Friday. Today I am 8dpo approx. Had the brown blood stuff since Wed eve...I had left sided sharp pains on and off wednesday then that evening I had tiny bit of watery pink then it was a very uncomfortable sleep too..my hips and lower back were so crampy and uncomfortable and then the brown started thur/fri and today but has been about the same am out every day. Nothing much than a stain on my pad but a bit more when wiping after a pee but some timesheets a bit of sticky clotty stuff too

As for the aches down below its not the dagger kind of pain its like a dull ache /cramp not sure if that means anything

It's hormones causing the achey feelings. I had them too, so did TT.
I'm pretty sure you're not a massive fan of early testing which is fab as I never think it's a good idea to test when there are traces of blood around.

Hope you can try to relax a bit and let your body recover from the bug. Xx
I don't think I need to squint anymore <3


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Hi everyone, I’m new on here! We’ve been trying for 3rd baby for a year now, very relaxed approach though, but from new year we decided to really try, so been using ovulation tests, really hoping this month is our month! I’m due on 26th March so will probably test a few days before that as I can never wait lol! Lots of luck to everyone! xx
Hi everyone, I’m new on here! We’ve been trying for 3rd baby for a year now, very relaxed approach though, but from new year we decided to really try, so been using ovulation tests, really hoping this month is our month! I’m due on 26th March so will probably test a few days before that as I can never wait lol! Lots of luck to everyone! xx

:wave: Good luck, fingers crossed for you xx
Congrats Kaylip! What an amazing mothers day gift! I stuck you down for a BFP today lol Got your date updated Welshgirl and added you in driftawaybex! Good luck! :)
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Congrats Kaylip :)

So I think I'm 11dpo. I have a horrible cold and have had loads of creamy cm since 5dpo. AF should be due in 3 or 4 days, usually I have cramps and sore boobs by now but nothing yet! Hoping these are good signs...
Congrats Kaylip :)

So I think I'm 11dpo. I have a horrible cold and have had loads of creamy cm since 5dpo. AF should be due in 3 or 4 days, usually I have cramps and sore boobs by now but nothing yet! Hoping these are good signs...

Fingers crossed for you xx

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