*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Hi Lucy! I'm the 14th I think, going by early scan dates but could all change! My lg is the 21st March so this could be fun lol x

I'm Sarah, I'm 25, married with one daughter who is two next
Month, expecting baby number 2 around 29th March. Can't wait xx
Congrats to all the new mummies, how is everybody today? Tired and a little nauseous today...up at 6.30 with DD1 and fell asleep on the sofa by 9.30 this morning...I never do that hehe! Xx
Hello Scarlett, Yeah I did refer myself to the midwives, and i got an email back saying they'd intact me in 3 weeks. It just seems like forever. They'll contact me to book an appt and then I'll still have to wait for that too! Lol

Also, I'm glad you have a helpful GP!!! :) lol

Hello T84, oooh that's really close!! :) I keep getting confused with all these abbreviations, , what's your LG? Lol

I've finally figured out ttc and bfp and i think that's about it! Haha :'D xx
Oh MrsGriff we are a day apart also! You're one day ahead of me! :D

Pinbadge, I had a very nauseous day yesterday at work and today, typically on my day off, I've felt nothing!

Had my mother screaming at me tonight that I need an abortion. I'm just over a month off 25, and she thinks she can tell me what's best for me. :/ After splitting with my ex I am currently staying at her house, waiting another month or two before I can move again but I don't know how much longer I can stand the daily arguments and my mum telling me how disgusted in me and ashamed of me she is, when all I want is support. I'm over the moon and I'll be damned if I let anyone spoil this for me!
Morning all, hope we are all feeling ok today! My nausea has eased thank god, just feeling exhausted constantly! I can't wait to see midwife now and get scan booked
Morning ladies ,

mummyEdgar ...that's the bit I hate , bloods , because although I look veiny they move out the way , I think last time when I was having a mc they tried 10 times and by that point I was gone , fainted :/

Lucy , it sounds awful , mothers are supposed to be supportive , have you got anyone close to share it as positive news ? You sound like a strong person so keep fighting for what you want and stand your ground xxx
Morning everyone! Birdo - apologies for calling you birdie yesterday. Apparently my autocorrect is convinced that's your name!

Lucy - stay strong. She'll come round. Not pleasant in the meantime. Keep posting on here and I hope you have a friend you can talk to? Is your ex supportive.

I still have no symptoms except sore boobs. This is like pregnancy number one for me, but not like number two which was wracked with morning sickness for 26 weeks! I worry something's wrong but hope it's just me being paranoid.
Thank fully I haven't fainted, I just get really wound up! Lol then they take my blood pressure afterwards and tell it's a bit raised!!!! Lol
I feel like I've put a stone on already, had to put old big jeans on this morning as my reliable "comfies" wouldn't fit!! Like I popped out overnight !?!
Hi just found I am pregnant a few days ago due date March 31st so just made it into March but the scan will tell all. My name is holly this is my second baby I have a son is 22 months. Feeling on top of the world apart from a little nauseous. Xx
Hi Holsf congratulations xx

That made me giggle MummyEdgar ! Your not kidding your blood pressure would be raised

And Scarlett it's fine , Birdo is a nickname my brothers give me , it has no relevance to my actual name which is kirsty , I think it came form Kird, then tied then bird ? Strange bunch we are

Anyway poss TMI but is everyone still active in the " baby dance" or putting it off?? I'm not sure how I feel about it ? X
Congrats Holly!

Birdo - we are still BD- ing occasionally, although given the early morning visits from my 3 year-old and the general exhaustion we've not really been at it like rabbits for a long time!!

How is everyone today? This morning I thought I felt a bit nauseous - then wondered whether I was imagining it!!!
Morning, took my a while to figure out what BD'ing was! Lol I feel ok today, the nausea seems to have gone which is good, just tired but that I can cope with and hide better, we aren't telling until after 12 weeks

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