*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I'm ready for sickness and nausea to stop thou, I remember tri one being nice last time and I just feel exhausted and irritable lol
Hello March Mummies! How lucky and blessed we are to be here!

My name is Sam and I live with my partner Matt. This is our first baby and I am sooo excited. It's fair to say I've had my share of health problems so to be at this point feels like a miracle.

I hope we all have happy and healthy pregnancies with happy and healthy babies at the end 💜
Hello Sam and congrats! I am knackered too MummyEdgar - I don't remember feeling this exhausted before. What is worrying me is that I don't feel ill at all and I definitely did last time, I felt terrible. Although as I'm only 5 weeks it might be that it's too early! I'm also sleeping badly - so fingers crossed I have a restful night. Hubbie is away on business so at least I get the whole bed to myself!
I wouldn't worry Scarlett, with my son I never felt sick or anything, I think it can be so different each time
Ha! I never wanted to give mine up - baby or no baby! They are sooooooo comfy. X
We'll nausea has turned into sickness now and just thrown up. Had awful sickness last time so was expecting it but still makes you feel awful :(

Hope everyone else feeling okay x
How far gone are you Samantha? I'm 7+6 and feel like my symptoms are going away. I can't help but to feel worried with my history. I'm peeing at least twice in the night, dreaming weird dreams and a small amount of nausea but my boobs seem to be getting less sore. Is this normal? what do you all think ladies?
Hi everyone!

Finally got my BFP yesterday.... 9 days after my missed period. I am NEVER late so was going crazy testing every day and getting nothing but BFNs.

Very worried though as I don't understand why it took so long to show on a test :eh:
Squemers, my symptoms are pretty much totally gone and I'm 7+1. If I hadnf had such strong symptoms initially and actually seen baby on a scan I'd never believe that I'm pregnant.

It's quite disconcerting, however I do feel really greatful that I'm not suffering sickness like others are.

Congratulations tubbs, I wouldn't worry too much about the late positive. You maybe ov later than thought xx
Thanks Sparkles, I have another scan on Tuesday and I'm trying to stay realistic. Each time we get pregnant we go another step further, the 4th time there was nothing there at 6 weeks, the 6th time we had an empty sac. Was really pleased to see a heartbeat this time but am paranoid that that's all I'm allowed on this step and I'll have to wait till our next attempt to go any further. I know it's silly because each and every MC is different but hey ho, my brain aint listening! lol
I can only imagine how frightening that is squemers. I had an earky mc when i was verty young and the pain was awful. To repeatedly go through that must be terrible. Are you getting more regular scans?
Yes, every two weeks until the 12/13 week scan hopefully. Can't wait till Tuesday. It seems the pregnancy malarkey is all about waiting. Rubbish innit!
It's really good that you're being see so regularly though. It must offer a little bit of reassurance though I'm sure you're also worrying about each one too.

I have my booking in appointment two weeks today. I've been feeling so sick today. Threw up for the first time this morning and then had to sit in the car for 4 hours for the journey home from holiday - not fun!! The only thing that stops me feeling horrible all the time is eating - and I've been eating and eating and eating. I just can't stop craving carbs and fatty foods like crisps, pasta, chips - nothing healthy at all! It's such a contrast cos for the past few weeks I've been having a really healthy diet and I lost over 20 pounds in 7 weeks by counting cals and doing lots of walking. Now I can barely be bothered to get off the sofa.... I just hope I don't undo all the good work I've done and put it all back on
Squemers I am 6w 3days (ish). This is my second pregnancy and last time was throwing up most mornings from 6 weeks-24 weeks pregnant so did kind of expect it. I know lots of mums who towards the end of tri1 find symptoms are
going so try not to worry it's normal.

I never had any other symptoms other than the throwing up so it does vary a lot. Hoping the sickness doesn't go on so long this time round especially with a toddler to entertain! xx
With my first pregnancy I had no sickness until week 11, then it kicked in and I was sick without fail every morning in the shower until 18 weeks! Have had nothing again this time apart from a bit of nausea. Got tiredness and lower back ache though.

I have my booking appointment on August 20th and 12 week scan on sept 3rd. But I've booked for a private early scan on August 4th because after two early miscarriages before my little girl I still drive myself mad worrying.

Hope everyone had a good week! X
Hello ladies! Got my first ever positive 11 days ago and i'm sooooo happy! �� My due date is 13th March according to the dates I've worked out!

Feeling a little bit alone and out of the loop though as I'm 1 day off 7 weeks and haven't heard a thing from midwives etc.. when I saw my gp they didn't even do a test, are they meant to?

Symptoms wise I've had insane headaches today and yesterday, I get period like cramps and thr bottom of my back and my sides ache.. I'very been feeling a little nauseous this last week and especially today where I haven't wanted to eat until late on tonight. I'm finding it difficult to sleep and get comfortable but no morning sickness as yet, which I'm so greatful for!! Lol

Does anyone here have the same due date? I've scrolled through but don't think I saw anyone with the same. I'm living in Hull, anyone near? It would be lovely to develop pregnancy buddies 'cause I'm so on my own with this right now. I'm the first of my friends to be pregnant and my mum isn't talking to me and told me I should have an abortion because I'm going to be a single parent! So yeah, feeling very alone right now.

Anyway, congratulations all you March Mummies!!!! :D Looking forward to keepING up with everyone's progress! Loves! Xx
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Hello LucyGreen! Congratulations. Sorry you're doing this alone but it sounds like you're the kind of person who will make up for that! In my area (and the previous area I lived when I had my first two sons) you book your own midwife appointment rather than waiting for them to contact you. Is it worth ringing your GP and asking whether you can do that?

My news is that I finally had my GP appointment yesterday and she was lovely. I talked through a lot of my worries and she was so helpful!
Hi March mummies , can I join ?

Due 18th March and finding all of this very surreal xx

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