Aww Atlantis that's disappointing if you wanted a home birth but at least you know you'll be well monitored and baby will get here safely. There is a new member of the thread who shares my due date so I won't be alone
I'm consultant led too because of my previous labour being rather an ordeal. X
I am consultant led too as I had a c-section last time round... Although I know it must be disappointing if it's not what you want at least you will be monitored more closely leading up to the birth for reassurance & if it's a planned section you can prepare yourself for it and will know the date. I had an emergency section but found the whole experience absolutely fine, I am sure giving birth is far more traumatic! It was hard work for several weeks after though grr xx
Is anyone able to add me to the Facebook page please as my link won't work. My name is Anna Loveridge and my profile picture is a little girl I know called Aggie. It's a cancer awareness picture! Thanks xx
So I am 12 weeks today (by my scan at 8 weeks). I saw my midwife for my booking in appointment and she's put me as high risk. I am completely healthy and aliment free but because of my daughter being premature and apparently at a low birth weight (I thought 5lb 11oz was a decent size for her) she is referring me to a consultant as high risk just to be checked over.
However, the only good news is that I should get my scan in the next week or so Wooooo
I'm paranoid that I can't find a heartbeat on my Doppler, and worried baby will still be measuring at 8+3 when I had my last scan
I am sure everything will be fine at your scan and you will see a lovely healthy little baby let us know when your scan date is exactly when you find out and post pics after! I am high risk too (because of previous breech) xx
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