*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Congrats new March mummies! So symptoms starting to appear now...dizzy whenever I stand up and feeling a bit nauseous this morning, quite unpleasant but reassuring too :) Xx
Aw man I've got the dreaded poo problems! Either feel constipated or diarrhoea. I'm trying so hard to eat healthy but it's not working! Boobs are sore too but overall feeling ok. Early scan tomorrow to double check after bleeding last week so fx. Hope everyone's good x
Congrats to all the march mummy's! I have just recently found out I'm expecting, after a m/c early this year I'm feeling slightly worried and paranoid about things. So far symptoms have been cramps, clear discharge and tender breasts which people are reassuring me are normal, fingers crossed this time round and good luck to everyone for a happy & healthy pregnancy �� due date March 22nd!! X
Feeling positive today, I have now reached the day where I previously had two miscarriages and everything is still fine so I feel like I can start believing that baby number 2 is really on the way! Yesterday I had my future sister in law's hen party and was the only one not drinking - fortunately no one seemed suspicious as I just blamed breast feeding my 7 month old.
Symptoms so far are tiredness, a little nausea, hunger, very thirsty and upset tummy (which may or may not be related). Also just feeling a little frazzled with so much going on. Hope everyone is well, congrats to all new
Bfps! X
Just popped in!! Millie huge congratulations! That is amazing news!! Hope all you ladies are keeping well! Xx
Wow March is going to be a busy month...congrats to more new mummies :) how is everyone today? Xx
I'm 4+5 now and finding it hard to believe I am pregnant. Apart from slightly sore boobs I don't have any other symptoms. Is it too early for them? Keep finding something to worry about!
I'm 4+5 now and finding it hard to believe I am pregnant. Apart from slightly sore boobs I don't have any other symptoms. Is it too early for them? Keep finding something to worry about!

I'm (as far as I can calculate) 5 weeks today and I have no symptoms yet either except sorr breasts and a bit of discharge. I think it is a bit early yet, but I'm like you, I worry about eveeything too.

Congrats and hope you have a healthy pregnancy x
Thanks for your reply, makes me feel a bit better! Happy and healthy pregnancy wishes to you too!
Early scan after my bleed went well this morning. Tiny tiny start of baby measuring 6 weeks and a wee hb. Still a couple of things they want to check so back in 2 weeks for a reassurance scan which is great for peace of mind x
Hello everyone and congrats to all those who have recently found out. Jen - great news on your scan and The HB - you must have been thrilled!

From my end my boobs are killing me and I swear are bigger already. (Although I have always been a top heavy lady, even at size 10 bottom my top half is a GG cup!) Also I caved and did the other digi from my two-pack and on the plus side it went up to 2-3 weeks from 1-2 last week, which suggests all is progressing well! X
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Fantastic news Jen! And you get to see little one again in a few weeks, bonus! :) xx
Hello march mummies

Got my booking in appt and all went well (apart from the blood sample-im a big baby haha)

They've gave me a edd now of 28th feb, based on my lmp. Quite a bit off the 10th march edd I got at early scan last week. So I expect it will be something in between.

Bad news now is I have over 6 weeks to wait on my '12 week' scan. Bummer

When is everyone else getting vtheir scan?

Hope ur all keeping well xxx
My booking appointment isn't until I'm 10+2 so no idea when my scan will be. Hope it goes quickly though still have 2 weeks to go to see a midwife cx
My booking in appt with Midwife is next Weds and will be 7 weeks then will have to wit and hear about 12 week scan. Had a little nausea but otherwise been fine so far. Looking forward to seeing MW and things feeling more real now :) xx
My booking in appointment isn't till 9 weeks plus 3. They said they like to see at 8 weeks but earliest they could fit in. I go on holiday when I'm 12weeks plus 5 and don't return till 13 plus 5 and that's a Friday so they will have to scan before I go for the downs screening. I work closely with midwives where I work so checked that would be ok and they said they can specify a week if needed. Hope all your booking in appointments go well and time flies quickly! This pregnancy is certainly already going quicker with a lo to already look after and take your mind off it :) xx
Aw that's a shame robtans. I'm sure it will fly by.

Midwife was surprised how far away by scan is but did say they were v busy just now. 2015 must be a popular year for babies :-D
It seems to be taking ages to get to booking appointment and scan, that's the trouble with finding out so early, the first tri just drags! Lol

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