*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Feeling ok. On monday my nausea increased but now almost non existant. Just been feeling tired. Night shift tonight...really struggled on Mon night. First set of nights since I fell pregnant n really notice the difference. One week till my first early scan. I'll be 7w 3d x
Bleugh why can I not feel ok??? Sickness since 6am and I'm just about coming round after having a snooze. Just having a Fab ice lolly on the doorstep with my lb as I feel awful we haven't been out today and it's glorious. Hoping daddy is home soon to make up for my non existence today :( xx
Squemers, i recon it would be slower but I'm not sure loosing weight would be possible?, just controlling gain more then anything, i gained two stone with my first so i would like that to be much less this time and i recon with staying on plan i can make that work. I haven't told anyone yet and i go to group with my brother so I'm going to have to hide it from him! :)

A woman in our class was the same weight when she conceived as she was when she gave birth....she lost 12lb the week after obvs! So it can be done but is more difficult towards the end. And you can still eat as much as you like so no harm to the bump.
With my first I hardly gained anything until I was about 26 weeks...it was Christmas and it all went down hill from there 😂 Not happening this time I swear!
Hope everyone is feeling better soon. Xx
Hi, I'm also a march 2016 :) got my bfp on Saturday, am 4 weeks today. Feeling quite nervous and worried at the moment as so early but am very happy
Congrats Emcb82! Hope you have a happy healthy pregnancy!

Had a little nausea today and a few waves of tiredness today.
Mainly driving myself crazy with the constant knicker watching. For some reason I just don't feel very positive about this pregnancy working out. I don't know how I'm going to get through the next few weeks till the 12 week scan. It just seems like such a long long way ahead.
Hey not sure if I've posted in this already I been scrolling through ! I'm 7 weeks now due around 1st March according to my last af ! Is everyone in same boat as me feeling wet constantly so your forever checking it's not blood and it's just horrible white milky crap ! So gross ! Having mini heart attacks checking all time driving me mad ! What other symptoms are people having ? I'm knackered ! I've had a bloody wisdom tooth infection too and parocetomal did nothing so I've been in agony ! Thankfully over the worse ! My boobs are heavy and look like I've had a boob job. I'm bloated! Spots ! Never get spots now I have 3 :( been sick once that's it I'm hoping there will be no more had sickness with my first and it's horrendous thankfully it's not been bad this time .. Yet ! My appetite not been that good tho been feeling off food ! Nachos disgust me right now haha loving buenos tho !! How's everyone else getting on? Xxx
Congrats emcb82 and Theosmummy2010. Wishing you a happy, healthy 9 months.��

MrsGriff, I'm exactly the same re knicker watching...thought I'd be more relaxed this time!

Theosmummy you are that little bit further ahead and have just reminded me of all the horrors that await haha!

Still no symptoms really...pretty hungry in the mornings now though...ok starving lol. Xx
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Awww congrats ! I just can't wait to get to 12 weeks and have scan .. I bled with theo so got a scan at 6 weeks thankfully it was nothing but now I'm forever knicker watching even grossly sticking hands in pants and checking it's not red it's so scary isn't it ! I've got my first mw appointment tuesday and my mums birthday and my little boys birthday in next couple weeks so hopefully time should fly by till 12 weeks now :) I jus wana announce it and for everyone to know and to get my bump again ! Just look like I've eaten loads of pies and washed my face in chip pan grease it's spotty I'm not impressed haha ! All worth it tho I'm just thankful I've not really any sickness compared to last time ! I feel different and already thinking girlie xxx
Omg mortified...working on the wards last night and snapped at two docs who were just casually sitting chatting. Looked over at my really unwell patient and said "eh is she ok" all the while just sitting there. So I stopped what I was doing and went over to check...she was asleep. Said to the docs "gosh I'd worry if u were my doctor" (meaning if u were just gonna sit there n not check that she was ok) Tried to say in jokey manner but don't think I hid my annoyance well... Cringe..not normally like me. Totally blaming it on the pregnancy hormones! Haha xx
Nicky, that's funny and totally acceptable! I've been a monster the last week and I can't explain to anyone why!
Nicky that made me chuckle!
Theosmummy I'm wondering if they will give me an early scan so I don't have to wait til September! Last pregnancy I ended up having a very large ovarian cyst removed which they think grew quickly with pregnancy hormones. I wonder if they will want to monitor sooner this time round. Fingers crossed! Xx
Hey ladies, I'm currently 6 weeks 1 day pregnant with my 2nd <3 complete shock but over the moon, our 1st is 2 years old he's called Daniel. I've been with my boyfriend 4 and half years hes also my babies dad. we live together in a place called Cumbria, <3

I'm back and looking forward to hearing about all your pregnancies, I made a facebook group for due in march

group is https://www.facebook.com/groups/823107654448643/ Its secret so you may have trouble joining, add me as a friend and i will invite you :) xx

<3 Congratulations to all you ladies due in march <3
Congratulations to all the new March mummy's!!
I know what you girls are talking about with knicker watching, bled with first for a week at 7 weeks and had an early scan and just feel so wet down there! Pregnancy is so gross!

So tired today, I gave my little girl an extra cup of milk just so I could lay down for five minutes while she drank it. No sickness still though :) x
Your right it is gross getting horrible gloopy crap coming out of me so rank ! Haha that's funny I feel a complete bitch at moment other day one of mums at school was walking towards me and in my path but didn't move and I jus said your one in my way as I walked past
Congratulations all new mummies to be!

Had my first pregnancy symptom today... Nausea! Had bad morning sickness last time so dreading that again. Just felt sick on and off all day. Thought I might actually be sick a few times but managed to keep it at bay for now! Last day at work tomorrow for 7 weeks summer holidays thank goodness!

Hope everyone not feeling too bad!
Ah the mood swings...I'd forgotten them too! Perhaps it's not the best time for me to start a customer services job :rofl:
I'm in the middle of my third ocular migraine since conceiving. I don't mind, it's all a good sign. Problem is it looks like a clown put my make up on me this morning. Couldn't see a thing and think my eyebrows may be in the wrong place.
Oh Squemers you poor thing...the eyebrows did make me smile though! Xx
I really feel for you Squemers!! I felt rotten with mine that lasted 2 days. Could barely lift my head.

Feeling totally emotional today. Have been absolutely sobbing twice already. Also becoming super paranoid about the IC's I insist on still doing everyday. Going to visit my mum at the seaside for the weekend so hopefully that will keep me occupied!!! Xx

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