*****March 2016 Mummies*****

No I haven't but if the oh turns up before morrisons shuts I'll get him to go get one. He can pay too ;) least he can do! I've done ic's which are coming up great and straight away but think the digi will put my mind at ease xx
Hey ladies I'll be joining you, I'm 5 weeks 3 days pregnant x just hope I have a strong little bean
Hey robtans, I've had two early miscarriages and both of them were over within about 36 hours, I started bleeding and then a few hours later cramping would start until I passed the sack. If you haven't passed anything big then it sounds more positive. With my little girl I was in a thread where one lady bled for the first 18 weeks of her pregnancy and everything was totally fine x
Hi Rose,

Yes my previous miscarriage when from 0-100 over night, lots of clots and a sac then after a scan I passed another sac. I feel completely different this time....I know they are all different but I'm being hopeful! My mum bled every month when she had me so fingers crossed xx
Evening all, hope everyone is ok , v sore boobs tonight, loving the sports bra!! Might have to be my new look while I get through this bit! I'll just tell everyone at work I'm going to the gym! Lol
Started waking in the night for the loo which I've never done before , throwing me all out of sync and making me really tired!

Anyone else feeling knackered? I remembered this bit feeling great last time, and none of this , as they say each one of different!
I'm out of here now, as I had a miscarriage last Friday :(

I started to get really bad cramping, like when you are getting a period, then lots of heavy bleeding and then I past a blood clot, which I instantly knew was the baby.

My neighbour kindly took me to the hospital, where I got a scan and nothing was there. I was told that it was a miscarriage because I'd had all the correct symptoms.

One day I hope to return and be a bit happier next time as well.

So sorry to hear that Olivia! I am currently going through the same thing so I'm out of march mummies too!

Good luck to all you march mummies, wishing you all a very happy and healthy pregnancy!! Xx
So sorry babybumpwanted and oliviastevens. Stay strong ladies. I know we will see u back here very soon xx
Sorry to hear the bad news girls. Hope you will be back soon xx
So sorry to hear the sad news for you both. :( Hope you get your sticky bean soon. Xxx
Hi all, I will be 5 weeks tomorrow with baby number 2! DD1 is almost 14 months. Wishing a happy, healthy 9 months to everybody.xx
I've been avoiding joining this thread because I didn't want to tempt fate... but am pleased to report that a little heartbeat was seen this morning at my 6 week scan. We have another one in a couple of weeks. Due date 05/03/16 by dates and 13/03/16 by the scan measurements....
Feeling ok, was expecting the sickness to increase now I'm over the 6 week mark but it seems to have reduced! Hurrah!
Weighed myself ( in anticipation of going back to Slimming world) and put on about half a stone over last 2 months - considering the rubbish I've been eating thats ok. Need to make sure i re focus and get back onto healthy eating and not continue to be lazy! :)

Hope everyone else is ok and feeling well, just the tiredness that is haunting me constantly....
I'm with SW too and have completely used being preggers as an excuse to eat whatever I want! Back on plan from this morning...but do you think weight loss will be reduced because of doubling up the HeA & B?
Hey...still feeling quite normal!

Few aches and twinges for most of yesterday but nothing today. Started Pilates last night and a new job today, busy busy and hoping any sickness holds off!

Hope everyone is well? How are you Mrs Griff? X
Squemers, i recon it would be slower but I'm not sure loosing weight would be possible?, just controlling gain more then anything, i gained two stone with my first so i would like that to be much less this time and i recon with staying on plan i can make that work. I haven't told anyone yet and i go to group with my brother so I'm going to have to hide it from him! :)

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