*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I got my bfp this morning so tip toeing in with a edd of 10th March. This is my 4th pregnancy but will hopefully be my first take home baby as I have been unlucky and mc'd my previous pregnancies.

Reading through the thread so far I see a lot from Scotland and I'm another living in penicuik just outside of Edinburgh.
4+6 today with an edd of the 7th of march. First baby. So excited xx
Hi, got my bfp yesterday and due around the 12th March.

Keeping fingers crossed for everyone to have a happy and healthy 9 months!
How's everyone feeling? My spotting seems to have stopped so fx! Just af like cramps that get quite strong, and occasional sore boobs but that's it x
Hi T84, glad the spotting has stopped!!! The only symptoms I have at the moment is a heavy feeling in my stomach and lower back ache and achey hips!! Still feeling anxious and on knicker watch! arghhhh!!!!

Loads of March mummies popping up!! Love it!!! Congratulations everyone on your BFP!!!! xx
Congrats too :-) the knicker watch is annoying!! I can feel like constipation kicking in, euuggghhh!! x
Hi all, I'm roughly 6 weeks. Finally plucked up the courage to ring the doctors today. Have a phone appointment on thurs for my 5mg of folic acid then I can self refer to the midwives. I've got awful runs, lots of cm and have been sick twice over the weekend. Starting to go off certain foods too! Oh and extremely tired. Day off today and managed to get 2 naps in! Xx
Hi everyone I got my bfp yesterday, due around 18th march, I have tested positive 2-4 days prior to when my period is suppose to be, Infact I have been having pregnancy symptoms for the last 10 days
This will be my 3rd pregnancy, 1st one was an ectopic 23yrs ago, then i had a son 4yrs ago & now this one

I'm loving every minute of all the wonderful symptoms even the morning sickness lol.
Been getting quite a few twinges over the last few days. Then today, I tried to pick up something heavy (stupid I know) and felt a tearing across my tummy. Since the the twinges have reduced a lot.
I'm hoping all is ok. I shall do a test in the morning for the next couple of days to make sure HCG levels are still rising.

Hope everyone else is ok. Has anyone had any morning sickness yet?
Had a wee scare today where I was doubled up in agony for a cpl of mins. Had ivf and popped into my clinic where the scanned me there and then. Thankfully not ectopic. Saw a wee sac but too early for heartbeat. Got some free fluid in abdomen and both ovaries are still very swollen (side effects from the fertility meds) took my bloods and the nurses are happy with my level. To go in at the end of the month for my first official early scan. Little scare today but overall feeling relieved xx
Congrats everyone else! I'm sure you will be just fine mrsgriff. I read up on it today and you can't harm the baby with heavy lifting, it's only for your own body you can't.

Scary stuff Nicky! So good you got a wee scan to ease your mind :)
Hi ladies, congratulations on all of your BFPs!!! I had an early loss last month and but luckily it looks like we caught again straight away and have just gotten my positive test so am pregnant with my second baby. Due around March 16th eeeekkkkk. Xxx
I could honestly cry today. Up all night feeling like I need to be sick, now I'm exhausted for work. Got the runs too and just generally feeling rubbish. I know I shouldn't complain but I really did forget how rotten you can feel.

Congratulations to all the new bfp. Sorry for the grumble just needed to get it out!

Hope you all have a good day xx
Big hugs Robtans1st. This pregnancy thing can be pretty horrible at times! I hope things get better soon

I got a nasty reminder today about how evil hormones can be. I was cleaning my teeth this morning when I started feeling really nauseous and started gagging a lot. This happened every time I cleaned my teeth with my first baby and lasted throughout the whole thing. It started to get me down by the end.

I'm really hoping this is one sign that doesn't stay around long this time. Weird thing is that until this morning I'd completely forgotten about it.

Joined the forum yesterday.

I'm 6 weeks along with my first, so due around the 1 March.

Feel a bit scared as I'll be going through it on own, as split with the father before knew pregnant.
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Hello all
I'm pregnant with my second baby. First is Rosie- 21 months old. Expected due date 14th March. I recognise a few people from first time!! Had some nausea but had day off from that today which was nice and had bad pains before I got my bfp tricking me into thinking af was arriving!

Good luck to everyone here and here is to a healthy 9 months. Xx
I'm due 14th March 2016. Would love to have some pregnancy buddies! :D x

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