*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Hi Everyone - I'm 4 weeks + 5 days - first pregnancy so all very exciting and slightly scary as it's such early days. I've had cramping for last couple of days which seems to have now eased up, but no sore boobs which everyone else seems to have around this time. I'm guessing everyone is different and just hoping all is ok, really pleased I found this forum :)!!! Xx
Hello Everyone,

I'm 4 weeks and 4days pregnant with my first baby!!! Excited!!!!!

I am from Chester, Cheshire.

I have received a pregnancy pack from medical centre and I will book my first app with midwife. I have not been referred to my GP when I rang medical centre - shall I have an app with GP first or is it not necessary?

Can you please advise?
Hello and congrats to all the new people on here.

Doma, you don't need to see your GP. Your GP practice should arrange a midwife booking in appointment for when you are about 8 weeks pregnant - it's just form filling so not very exciting. Your midwife will then refer you for your first scan at about 12 weeks - and you'll get to your little bean for the first time.
So it's all but waiting now..... Don't feel really pregnant as yet now that I know. Only boobs hurt a lot . I kind of had a suspicious feeling during the 2 weeks after conception which has pushed me to test last week - 4 days prior to period due date and there it was second line very faint. then I took clearblue digital test that tells you which week and I was over the moon. I cried like a baby with joy! My husband and I we only just returned from our honeymoon in Mexico to find out we were flying back as 3 :) Happy days!
Congrats! I'm 4 weeks 6 days & live in Middlewich so not far from you I was also wondering about the GO thing I've booked an app for Monday morning.

Like you I feel like it's all waiting now lol I felt very bloated earlier this week but now feel very normal apart from excessive tiredness.

I'm a bit worried because everyone else says that their boobs really hurt - mine just don't at all slightly concerned that my progesterone levels are low.....it's all so new and unknown!!

I bit the bullet today and phoned my Mum to tell her about the baby.

I thought she'd be annoyed or angry, but she was really supportive and pleased that I've split from my ex.

Boobs starting to hurt and I feel a bit sick, but other than that I am doing OK.
Hey all, heard from the midwife today who said she will be in touch at 9/11 weeks for our first appointment, they really do leave you to it with your second! Anyway, got a course I'm attending which I need a hep b jab for, anyone know if this is safe in pregnancy? Need to ask midwife but she didn't leave a number and Mr Google is a bit vague. Any idea?
Hi there,
just having a read through your posts, congratulations to all the March mummies ( I hope to be joining you in a few days)
I am an Immunisation Nurse so MummyEdgar I can answer your question about Hep B, yes you can have it it is safe in pregnancy because it is an inactivated vaccine, Live vaccines (eg MMR) are not safe during pregnancy, hope this helps hun :) xxx
Hey angel thanks Hun, I didn't want to cancel the course so that's brilliant! Just have to be brave to have the jab now! Bit of a nervous needle person! Lol

Hope everyone's feeling well, I'm feeling sick most evenings now but haven't actually been sick. Starting to feel my boobs turning back on( sounds weird lol) but like they have been dormant since last one and now they are aching and hurting as they wake up ready for the next lol very strange feeling!

I'm re joining my slimming world group in a couple of weeks, I have always gone but haven't been last two weeks as we moved house so gunna head back and join a new group.
Looking forward to getting to 12 weeks so we can tell our families and everyone, feels strange not being able to talk about it at the moment
Hope your all good
Starting to freak out as not having many symptoms. I'm 5w5d and no sickness has started...I guess at times I feel a little nauseous and tmi but when I eat dairy products I get an upset stomach. I just pray everything is progressing as it should xx
Don't worry too much Nicky I don't feel anything at all bar cramping. I'm sitting in epu just now waiting for a scan cos I had a big bleed on thu. Levels are raising well tho, went from 1040 on thu to 2500 today so trying to stay positive x
Hi ladies!

Just looking for some advice please.

On thurs afternoon I started with a brownish discharge then is developed into reddish pink. Rang the doctors and epu yesterday morning and was told to keep my feet up and see how it goes! Feel really fobbed off. It's kind of trailed off now, a bit of a tinge when I wipe but not needed a pad at all and still feel very pregnant.
They have told me what to do if it gets worse but not if it stops. I've not had my midwife appointment through yet and only roughly 6-7 weeks so won't be due a scan for a while yet. With my mc 2 years ago it was completely different I was seen and scanned straight away. But everything was a lot heavier, quicker and more painful xx
Hi everyone, I'm tentatively saying hello as I just got my BFP and AF wouldn't have been due til tomorrow so very early days! This will be my second baby, my first came along in December so she is 6 and a half months. We would like 4 children so decided we weren't going to wait to try for number 2 - although we were just NTNP. My little girl is on solids now but still having breast milk (long story but I today express all her feeds). So I'd had two periods since having her which is of course is quite unusual when exclusively breast feeding! My BFP came at 9dpo so pretty early too! When I was trying for my little girl we had two early miscarriages so I am still very nervous about anything going wrong in these early stages.

Pregnancy forum was great during my last pregnancy so I look forward to getting to know you all x
Hi ladies!

Just looking for some advice please.

On thurs afternoon I started with a brownish discharge then is developed into reddish pink. Rang the doctors and epu yesterday morning and was told to keep my feet up and see how it goes! Feel really fobbed off. It's kind of trailed off now, a bit of a tinge when I wipe but not needed a pad at all and still feel very pregnant.
They have told me what to do if it gets worse but not if it stops. I've not had my midwife appointment through yet and only roughly 6-7 weeks so won't be due a scan for a while yet. With my mc 2 years ago it was completely different I was seen and scanned straight away. But everything was a lot heavier, quicker and more painful xx

Can you self refer to an early pregnancy unit where they will scan you? After my first miscarriage I was told that the next time I was pregnant I should just phone my local unit and explain what had happened previously and they would scan me for reassurance x
That's what I was also told! Then when I rang them yesterday the woman was quite rude and said its very common in early pregnancy so I need to be referred by the doctor. Just made me feel completely fobbed off then the doctors did the same. The epu woman also said "well we wouldn't be able to see you this week anyway so ring the doctor and get some sort of triage from them"!!! Not very helpful, I understand it is very common but I thought that's what epu were about? I have no idea if everything is ok or not xx
Robtans1st have you got any pain at all? I'm wondering whether they only take you serious if you have pain...which is stupid!! I rang this morn and they were really helpful and told me to come down because I had had bleeding and pain (my pain has been very short lived though) and they have booked me in for a scan & bloods tomorrow!! Good luck! Xx
I have the odd cramp here and there but nothing like my previous miscarriage. I'm having more of a brown discharge now so doubt they will say to come down. So annoying!!! Hope all works out for you xx
Sounds like the epu and doctor have really fobbed you off! With my first I bled at the same kind of time and I rang 111 not knowing what else to do and they were really insensitive saying if I am miscarrying there is nothing they can do anyway. But the next morning went to my doc who did a referral to epu and got a scan- did take 4 days though! My bleeding was very similar to you, bright red when I wiped the first day and then a few days of brown discharge. Everything was ok and she is now 21 months! Fingers crossed they will listen and get you in for a scan and all is fine. xxx
Well my oh went to play poker at his brothers last night, which I didn't mind at all because it gave me some peace. But now he got that drunk he can't drive back yet and the epu closes at 12 so even if I had rung this morning it would be too late. So annoyed with him. There's nothing there at all when I wipe. Having the odd cramp but nothing painful and feel so so sick so I'm hoping things will be ok xx
Have you done anymore tests? Maybe do a digi and see if your levels have gone up. You should be getting. A 3+ By now?

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