*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Had our dating scan this morning and the little one was all snuggled in next to my massive fibroid. Totally facing the wrong way! So another scan booked for two weeks and we'll try again then!
I'm 12 weeks on Monday, think it's normal to loose some symptoms, have some niggles now and then and still defo feel pregnant so I'm sure all is ok. Scan on Thursday, can't wait now
My scan is on Monday when I'll be 11+2. So so nervous about it but keeping fingers crossed that all is well.
Hello ladies , how is everyone? Is everyone else easing off a bit? I'm relieved that I am ... Phew ! Its been a very hard few weeks .... I just get very poorly in the evening now but I can soldier through my day still nauseous but bearable

Had to go to have my bloods done specially at the hospital because the community team cant get them .. Its an ordeal but she did it first time and I avoided fainting!!

Seems my OH got carried away and told all his family at a funeral yesterday ... He thought the good news would cheer people up .. Bless him!

Right girls I'm off to a charity festival today put on my my friend in aid of the neo natal unit that saved her sons life.. Its called " the easy peasy wine n cheesy festival" she's hired out a huuge field and got an entertainments licence and an inflatable pub! I will stick to the pop and maybe some cheddar

Have a fabulous weekend whatever you're all doing xxx
I'm still throwing up and nauseas unfortunately but had the odd day where I've felt more human. I'm less exhausted than I was last pregnancy in the early weeks so hoping I can keep that going!

We're just having a lazy weekend chilling in the garden etc as had a few busy ones recently then away next weekend.

Hope everyone else has a lovely weekend and not feeling too ill!

Just back from our private scan...measuring 10+6 with a beautiful heart beat. Feel like a weight has been lifted knowing all is ok in there :-). So a couple of days ahead of where I thought and happily no sign of any cysts like I had last pregnancy.

Glad to see lots of people starting to feel a little better, roll on Tri 2 and our next set of challenges! xx
Great news pin badge! Hope you feel better soon Samantha. This constipation is killing me - someone pointed out it could be pregnacare vits I'm taking, anyone had any experience?
Birdo - what a great idea & such a good cause! Hope you have fun xx

Pin badge - glad everything went well :) xx
Ooh T84 I've been suffering too and I'm taking pregnacare, wonder if there is a link. Might buy another brand and switch for seek or so.

Not long til 7th Sept now either, still counting the days, I just couldn't sleep for worrying! Xx
I spoke too soon :( all my tea is now in the toilet x
Oh birdo you poor thing, hoping it gets easier for you soon.x
I take pregnacare and I don't have the constipation issues x
I've been reading a bit up on it and I'm not sure what to do. Stick out with the pregnacare for a week or so or switch to just folic acid for a week and see if it helps. I'll give it today again on the lactulose and oj and see what happens :(

Not long at all PB, the last few weeks have went quick. I'm starting to get generally really anxious and I know it's this appointment coming up. I just couldn't face more bad news! My other mc's have always started with bleeding so I'm hoping seen as I've had none for weeks that's it's all ok
Right ladies I need a bit of advice. I work very closely with a woman at work who has been TTC for about two years, last summer she had a miscarriage at 8 weeks, don't really want to do into details but she found it incredibly difficult and had almost three months off work trying to cope with it. She started TTC again straight away and has had no luck. However she just told me two days ago that she has just had another miscarriage at 6 weeks. Obviously she is very upset again although coping a little better. As I had two early miscarriages myself she says I was a great help to her at the time (I was pregnant with my daughter at the time this first happened to her).

So my question is this - how do I tell her I'm pregnant again with what's going to seem like so little effort? We'll be making the news public from the start of September and I feel like I need to tell her personally before she stumbles across the news on Facebook. Do you think sending a text message is ok? My only other option would be to go to work to see her which I feel is a bit unfair to do when she might then feel fed up at work or I could try to see her outside of work but as we have never done that I think it might seem a bit odd. What I really want to avoid is her thinking that I've met up with her to make sure she is doing ok and then being faced with a me telling her I'm pregnant and it feeling like I'm rubbing it in. She is a lovely lady and a good friend and I know will be very happy for me but I'm just really conscious of how it can feel so unfair and upsetting when people announce they are pregnant when you are feeling so low. What do you think? X
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There's going to be no 'good' time to tell her hon. It's, like you say, trying to make it as easy as possible. What about talking to her at the end of a work day. Might be better than a text I would say. I think you'll find she will be happy for you still, it'll just be hard at first x
I would definitely do it by text message. I'd say something like "I'm telling you via text because I don't want to put you in a position where you feel like you have to force a smile when really I know how hard it is in your position to hear news like this."
Just explain that you understand that her being happy for you is difficult because of the losses she's experienced and that you don't hold that against her or take it at all personally. And tell her that you're still there for her to talk to if she needs to.
Hi March Mummies :)

I'm popped my head in to say hi last week or so as my due date is 1st April. However my daughter was premature and arrived 4 weeks early so reading up that it's more than likely going to be a early birth with this little bean I thought I'd pop in and say hi.

Friday I had a scan (this is my second one due to bad pains) and this time round they got a good strong heart beat and measured me later so I'm now officially a March mummy and due on the 29th. I'm still planning on hovering between the two boards because I try and mentally prepare myself for going the full 2 weeks over (in an effort to not go insane at the waiting around at the end) lol

Currently at 8+6 :)

PP xXx
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Hey all, seems like time is dragging waiting for this scan! Thursday can't come soon enough! We starting potty training my eldest yesterday, wow that's hard work!! Two days and not one successful attempt yet!! Can feel my resolve weakening and the nappies calling me! Lol must not give in!

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