*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Robtans1st - good luck for tomorrow. Update on how you get on!

LucyGreen - have you tried taking it at various times of day? Maybe last thing at night a you are literally falling asleep in the hope that you will have drifted off before the sickness kicks in? I say all this but with my first pregnancy I did stop taking them as I was being sick 20+ times a day and kept no food down at all ever so gave up! Xx
Good luck for the scan Robtans1st. Looking forward to seeing the pics.

Lucy, I had exactly the same about a week ago. Symptom disappeared completely for a couple of days and I started getting really worried. Then the morning sickness returned with a vengeance and I was so ill I couldn't get off the sofa without throwing up. The symptoms have gone again now and I'm determined to enjoy eating and feeling normal again.
I hear that a lot of peoples symptoms come and go randomly so try not to worry so much. I'm sure all is fine but maybe worth giving the midwife a ring if you are still worrying about it in a few days time
Well I just had my first random vomitt at 11 weeks and 2 days. Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come!
Thanks ladies!! I'm so nervous! Heading out to drop little one off soon then on to get change for the token machine. Hope we get some good pics :) I'll keep you all posted when we get out! Ahhhhhh!!! Xx
Well I just had my first random vomitt at 11 weeks and 2 days. Hopefully it's not a sign of things to come!

That's so weird! I was sick for the first time this morning at 10+3! I've felt sick constantly but never actually been sick til then!

Booking in done with mw this morning, defo all feels real now. I'd forgotten how many questions they ask!! Anniversary today too so heading out for a nice wee lunch :-)

Hope everyone is feeling better - tri 1 is almost over!
I shall add to the weirdness...I was also sick for the first time today...in the shower which is exactly where I was always sick with my little girl. She was not impressed at the sight of mummy heaving whilst doubled over and soapy! X
I'm having a particularly icky day today. Shouldn't have eaten the jelly babies :( but I really really wanted them :oooo:
Random sickness everywhere , my daughter is sick arghhhh .....

Happy anniversary T84 !!! Have a lovely lunch xxx

I've had my booking in appointment where I've been placed as consultant led , and she couldn't get bloods so I have to go to hospital to have them taken .... Scan date 3/9/15 ... Exciting xx
Thanks hon, not long to wait!! I tried to get an earlier scan date cos mine isn't til the 7th when I'll be like 13+4 but she was having none of it lol.

Mad that everyone is sick today!

Anyone tried a Doppler yet? My friend has mine from my little girl but going to get it back so I can put my mind at ease hopefully x
Just want to poop my head in here and say hiya to you all. I'm on the April board but due on the 1st. However going off my little miss impatient last time I was 4 weeks early, so wanted to say hiya!!!!


PP xXx
Just want to poop my head in here and say hiya to you all. I'm on the April board but due on the 1st. However going off my little miss impatient last time I was 4 weeks early, so wanted to say hiya!!!!


PP xXx

Hello! :wave:

So did your other half like Harriet or Ivy? ;)
Hi all! Well I'm a Feb mummy, just! Everything was perfect and due 29/2/2016 :) can't seem to upload scan pic but have changed avatar xxx
Congrats hun! Ooh a leapyear baby! How exciting!! :D xx
Lol T84 I've had my booking today too and also tried for an earlier scan date...she said no too! Tried to convince husband to have an earlier private one but he's not having it either :-( (He's away most of the month though so I'd have had to go alone!)

I very nearly bought a Doppler the other day but stopped myself, think I'd obsess and get stressed.

Hope everybody's sickness passes...how weird!
Haha! God loves tryers!!

I loved my Doppler pin badge, I had the same worry but limited myself to every couple of days and it was nothing but reassuring. Defo worth a think about still c
Which one did you have T84? Wonder if I'd hear anything before the scan...feels like an age away still!

Congrats Robtans, pic is lovely! Xx

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