Aw nightmare rose, it's bad enough feeling like that without lo being up too! Someone guessed a boy by the nub so guess away. I forget how it works? I'll find out at 16/17 weeks anyway with a private scan. Don't think I would ever fully trust 20 week scan when they tell you lol.
I'd say boy too - if the nub is parallel to spine its supposed to be a girl and if at a 30 degree angle or more a boy.
I don't really get migraines like that one very often. I suffer from headaches related to my neck tension quite a lot but last night was something else! Got a chiropractor appointment this afternoon which usually helps. Not sure how I'm going to make it through the day with my little girl who is quite the handful now she is mobile! X
Hope the chiropractor helps, it's so tricky looking after LO when you feel poorly. Morning sickness has started to ease now but it was awful trying to feed my 15 month old something decent when everything made me want to throw up!
T84 I think boy too, but only as it doesn't look like DDs theories lol.Xx
Chiropractor definitely made a difference but still got a lingering headache and unfortunately I continued to feel quite sick all day. Fully expecting proper vomiting every morning now for a while
Feeding my little girl has become tough - I was making all her food from scratch and freezing batches but now I can't seem to find the energy to get it all made and she is getting some basic home made pasta and some Ella's pouches. My mum will be here next week for my brothers wedding so I think I might rope her in to help me get some stuff made - once she knows I'm pregnant I'm sure she will want to help! Counting down the days until Friday when we get our scan! So excited! X
Hey all, been reading and trying to keep up but not posting been so busy! Scan for us tomorrow afternoon, v exciting! Need to time my drinks right so I have a full bladder but don't actually wet myself on route! Lol
Just tomorrow to get through before the scan - can't wait now!
Managed to not be sick this morning but was exhausted this afternoon. Found out yesterday that a friend of mine who was pregnant and three weeks behind me with my little girl is also pregnant again and this time about 8 weeks behind me - total accident as she said she was sticking with one but I knew she'd end up having more! X
Hi ladies!! Sorry I've not been on for a while, been super busy and feeling rubbish Hope you're all well and your little bubbas are growing nicely!
With us starting to go into Tri 2 soon I thought it would be a good time to set up a private facebook group since that's where most long term threads on here end up (and it's much easier to chat and stay in touch).
It's a bit lonely in there just now with just me, myself and I so it would be nice if you joined me lol!!. If you'd like to be added just send me your email address in here or on private message and I can send you an email invite. Hope to see you all there soon! Xxx
Hi Everyone. I have been very much enjoying hearing how you have all been getting on, it has been such a huge help knowing I'm not the only one worrying! On that note I am at 11w 3days at the moment and starting to feel nearly normal again, which I thought would be a relief but has had me more worried than anything else. Don't get me wrong I still feel pregnant if that makes sense but my scan on the 8th just can't come fast enough!! Please somebody tell me I'm not the only worrying they don't feel ill enough lol??!!!
Enjoy the scan mummyedgar, I had my drink on the way as I was afraid I'd burst lol! She said I had a nice full bladder but I had to run out at the end to the loo hehe! X
Ah KEW I think we are all having the same fears...Tri 1 is so stressful! I'm feeling a lot better too but I'm trying to see it as a good thing especially as I'm makes looking after my 15 month old easier!
How lovely to have a buddy to share everything with Rose. Xx
Totally exhausted again today - felt like I was going to fall asleep whilst in the supermarket - must be having a growth spurt or something! Scan tomorrow morning and I can't wait! Worried about how I'm going to keep my mouth shut until Sunday (after my brothers wedding) though! Also really do have a bit of a bump too so hoping my dress covers it enough! X
Hey all , thanks for the well wishes , it all went fine, lovely wriggly baby and a fab pic of its profile, she got some good measurements and I've moved forward slightly , so I'm 12+5 due 5th march
Dooeyona - a private facebook group is a great idea. please add me [email protected] ..... When I had my daughter we set up a FB group and still all chat on it everyday (& plan to all meet up soon!) it's much easier long term than the forum so I will probably just stick to that an get to know everyone that way if most people join too xx
Jaiandleigh ive sent you an email invite, hopefully it'll work! I'm part of a May 2014 mummies group too, we've all kept in touch on facebook through pregnancy and now our Los are 15months! We speak every day and it's lovely to have the support and friendship of mummies in the same boat as us.
T84 do you have an email and I can send you one too? Xxx
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