*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Oh my goodness I am so bored today! Now my little girl is crawling I'm spending all day dragging her away from stuff she can't shove in her mouth, I'm too nauseous and lazy to get myself out the house and am just lazing around being bored! X
Ahh it doesn't get any easier once they're running around!!

I've got a poorly toddler today so he's spent all afternoon cuddles up on my lap so feeling quite nauseas as unable to get up and eat! Thrown up this morning already so hoping that's it for the day. On the bright side I got my confirmation of scan emailed today for 2nd Sept... MW ha already given me the date but nice having the confirmation letter. Can't wait to see my baby now, it feels like I've been waiting forever. It's going to be in a private studio so looking forward to that as should be a nicer experience and get free pics :)

Hope everyone else feeling okay today and not too sicky! X
I have the older version of this pinbadge, it's great x
I've got my booking appointment tomorrow morning and my scan next Friday (I'll only be 11 weeks as they moved it when OH couldn't attend one the following) can't wait for the scan! I'm so desperate to blab to someone! X
Hey hope you are all feeling better after the sucky day a few days ago, must have been something in the air!

Had a scare yesterday, got to work and started bleeding. Luckily I work at a children's centre where the midwife was actually doing a drop in session in the morning so she saw me and rang epu and got me a scan that afternoon. All fine and happy! And got put forward to 11 weeks today and they finally gave me a date for my scan- next Wednesday! So get to see baby twice in one week. Now due 10th March which is the day before my birthday and the date I was due! They think I might have an infection hence the bleeding but sent off my urine for further testing.

Hope you all have a nice day and it's nice and sunny where ever you are. Xx
Just want to poop my head in here and say hiya to you all. I'm on the April board but due on the 1st. However going off my little miss impatient last time I was 4 weeks early, so wanted to say hiya!!!!


PP xXx

Hello! :wave:

So did your other half like Harriet or Ivy? ;)

He loves Harriet. He even said it's up there as a definite at 70%... which considering he's so picky that's a good bet !

Thanks :)

PP xXx
We're thinking of Ivy too. Ivy June, as that's his nan and my nan. For a boy, we have no bloody clue!
My little girl is Ivy Rose, we had picked it about a year before she was born and then she ended up being a Christmas baby so it seemed even more appropriate!

Just had my booking appointment which was fine, just the usual form filling and bloods. Now just a week until the scan :) x
Had booking appointment today. It only lasted half an hour. I'm sure I remember it being longer last time?
Hi Juice, my booking was only half an hour too...I think they think we are dab hands second time round so it's faster. My MW had pulled my notes from last time and filled some bits of info in on my new notes which sped it up too.

I've cracked today and booked a private scan for Saturday morning. I can't wait nearly 3 more weeks, I'm awake half the night wondering if something has gone wrong and analysing everything, nausea or not, soft belly, hard belly, tired, not tired etc etc, burst into tears this morning and hubby just said 'book it book it!' Followed by ' ah your hormones' :-) love him!

Hope I can relax a little after this.
Just want to poop my head in here and say hiya to you all. I'm on the April board but due on the 1st. However going off my little miss impatient last time I was 4 weeks early, so wanted to say hiya!!!!


PP xXx

Hello! :wave:

So did your other half like Harriet or Ivy? ;)

He loves Harriet. He even said it's up there as a definite at 70%... which considering he's so picky that's a good bet !

Thanks :)

PP xXx

OMG great! Delighted I could suggest something that you both like x
That's great, not long to wait PB! hubby gave me the choice of an early scan or 16 week gender scan, I wasn't allowed to pay for both lol! I'm counting down the days til the 7th! :( x
Afternoon all, been popping in and out and trying to keep up with all the march mummies progress, hope your all ok. We are good just waiting for scan next week! Then off for a few days on a city break, can't wait !
All symptoms have gone really , I'm trying not to panick, not had any pains or anything and my last pregnancy was symptom free all the way through so I'm not getting too worked up
Has anyone NOT had constipation? I had it with both of my previous pregnancies but not this time. I've never spoken to a pregnant woman who hasn't had it in early pregnancy! Am I really lucky or could it be an indicator of something bad? I know that not every lack of something means something bad, but I can't help but worry :/
I've had no constipation and didn't last time either and all was fine. I have the delightful sickness instead!
Juice I'm sort of inbetween, I've had a touch of constipation but am much more inclined to have the total opposite. Last night and tonight I've had a full on 'running to the toilet' cramping episode! X
Rose, that's what I'm like every morning. When ever he can, my dh always offers me a lie in, but I can't sleep past about 7am bevause I wake up with such a desperate need to go! Every damn morning for the last two months! But it is miles better than constipation, so I really mustn't complain lol :D
All symptoms have gone really , I'm trying not to panick, not had any pains or anything and my last pregnancy was symptom free all the way through so I'm not getting too worked up

I'm sure you are all good MummyEdgar. How many weeks are you - 11? My symptoms are easing too now. I think that's normal.

I am having more spotting today, boo :(

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