*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Scan this morning....eeek!!
Please wish me lots of luck ladies xxx
Good luck with the scan MrsGriff!

MummyEdgar, potty training is HARD! DD was out of nappies last May and spent until earlier this month - so a full 15 months - being "damp" at the very least. Or full on wet. We just could not take any more cloth nappies at that stage, and she was desperate to stop wearing them too. Guess they are only ready when they are ready and one cannot rush them. It's been the most frustrating 15 months ever for us and we did go back into nappies at one stage (disposable ones..). One needs a fully cooperating non-stubborn child who does not see this as one big game AND is physically ready AND cares about the rewards of being dry. Miss one variable, it all goes to pot (or not as the case maybe ha ha). Good luck on your potty training quest!
Good luck MrsGriff!

Congratulations princess's peanut!

My scan is next Weds... Times really dragging. Haven't seen baby yet so am desperate to see him/her! Still throwing up too. Dread mornings as always wake with the immediate sense of puking!

We haven't tried potty training yet with our nearly 22month old but don't think he is anywhere near ready! I have to say it is the one parenting thing I am least looking forward to. Hope everyone else not feeling too bad today x
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Hi March Mummies :)

Friday I had a scan (this is my second one due to bad pains) and this time round they got a good strong heart beat and measured me later so I'm now officially a March mummy and due on the 29th.

Currently at 8+6 :)

PP xXx

Great news, congratulations - what a relief to know this early!
Sorry you are still feeling poorly Samantha.. that really sucks.

We are almost due day buddies as I am 10+3 today!

My symptoms aren't easing either :( if anything they are really ramping up. I'm really lucky I am not throwing up however the nausea is constant morning to dusk and evenings are just really unpleasant. Hopefully it all peaks around 10-11 weeks - does it??? I am shattered so much on Saturday I slept twice in the day, boo.
Morning everyone. Glad to hear some people's symptoms have eased - sorry for those still suffering. Mine have gone completely, except my boobs still hurt. I am panicking as I felt ill in my last pregnancy for a much longer time. It's mad isn't it that we hate the sickness, then when it goes away we panic.

Hope all goes well MrsGriff. Let us know how you get on.

I have my booking in appointment today. I am swinging between looking forward to it as it makes it more real and panicking about all the weird things that I need to tell her about my health...
Ohh so we are Atlantis! Will have to see if we stay similar after dating scans. Is yours next week too? I did have all day nausea but that's eased off but I throw up if I start to get hungry which is why it's nearly always as soon as I wake up and often don't have time to eat before I throw up. The only relief for me is constantly nibbling but I just don't have any appetite and no food appeals right now so I just et to stop myself from throwing up!

Glad to hear some ladies are beginning to feel more normal again but then we worry that's something is wrong!
Glad to hear some ladies are beginning to feel more normal again but then we worry that's something is wrong!

Wouldn't it be so much easier if our bellies had a window!! :lol:
I'm not yet feeling any different to how I've been the last few weeks, but as my sickness has been so much less than with my daughter, I get worried that something is wrong :/ I had a scan at 8 weeks but I keep reading horror stories :(
Good luck Mrs Griff .... I'm 10+ 3 today too :)

Food luck with the potty training

I'm just slobbing out today after being so exhausted yesterday . My OH has had his back go , had the paramedics out last night and an on call doctor so I'm having to look after him too :( he's now zonked out on morphine so I'm having a break

Have a good day all of you .. Cant wait to hear news of scans x
Ohh so we are Atlantis! Will have to see if we stay similar after dating scans. Is yours next week too? I did have all day nausea but that's eased off but I throw up if I start to get hungry which is why it's nearly always as soon as I wake up and often don't have time to eat before I throw up. The only relief for me is constantly nibbling but I just don't have any appetite and no food appeals right now so I just et to stop myself from throwing up!

Glad to hear some ladies are beginning to feel more normal again but then we worry that's something is wrong!

I so know what you mean about constant nibbling. Hugs.

I have scan overload coming up I'm afraid!

I have a private scan + test for Down's syndrome next week 2/9; the official NHS scan is booked in for Monday 7/9. I am however going to refuse NHS combined tests at 12 weeks as private ones (that cost an absolute £££) are now deemed pretty accurate but NHS are still evaluating them. MW recommended that if we can afford private ones, to just go with them as they are already seen as superior tests despite the "evaluation mode".

We had a really scary experience with high risk for DD last time round, I had amniocentesis which was a huge worry, I know someone who lost a perfectly healthy baby as the result of amnio at the same time as me... :( very tragic. DD was OK in the end but I think I gained a few grey hairs especially when I came out with high fever 1 day after amnio. So if I can get a more accurate test this time round I am happy to pay to try and avoid amnio. I am not young anymore by a long way so I am expecting a high risk reading otherwise.
Good luck Mrs Griff .... I'm 10+ 3 today too :)

Food luck with the potty training

I'm just slobbing out today after being so exhausted yesterday . My OH has had his back go , had the paramedics out last night and an on call doctor so I'm having to look after him too :( he's now zonked out on morphine so I'm having a break

Have a good day all of you .. Cant wait to hear news of scans x

Yay another 10+3!

Hope your OH feels better soon, sounds awful :(
Hello everyone. Back from my booking appointment with the midwife which to an hour and 40 minutes!!!

It was all the history of my previous two births and medical history of depression etc that took up the time. Still, at least she was able to reassure me that my scan date would come thoug soon!
Gosh Atlantis you must have been so worried last time. I have my 12 week scan on 7/9 too, so does T84...busy day! Xx
My urine test has cone back and I have a uti , x
Hello - just wondered as per previous message whether anyone else had a booking in appointment that lasted as long? Whether I should be worried? Thanks.
Hi Scarlett my letter said it would probably last 1hr30 mins. In the end it was about 40 because I'd seen the MW at about 5/6 weeks and she had taken lots of info then. She had also pulled my notes from DD1 and copied lots of the info across about that pregnancy and birth to save time so I wouldn't worry. It sounds about right. xx
I was told to expect about an hour and a half for my booking in so I wouldn't worry yourself, she just needs to make sure they have all the right details down

PP xXx
Mine lasted 2 hours!! But she did also spend a good 20 mins trying to get blood from me and in the end have up and I went to hospital to have bloods drawn! X
Mine was an hour and a half too hon. My history of anxiety (and terrible ocd and irrational thoughts with dd1) took up a lot of time. Also my dd1 is epileptic and has been found to have a gene so there was a lot of chat on that for next baby.

Also this happened yesterday ladies....

Had terrible pains Sunday night so went to epu. Baby was In perfect position to just do dating scan so she did it there and then. All good and dating 11+2 so bubs due 12th March. (Dd1 is 2 on the 21st March eeekkkk!!!)
Oooo exciting T84! There is even a visible nub there - are you making gender guesses/finding out later?

Well I feel like crap. Yesterday I had really bad back and neck tension which turned into a full migraine headache, I was in bed in tears at 8pm. It was absolute agony. Up through the night and it wasn't getting much better. Then at about 4am my little girl wouldn't settle so I went to sleep in the bed in her room and it started to ease. But then I woke up at 6.15 and puked my guts up. I knew the full on vomiting was going to start around 11 weeks for me, just like it did with her. Feeing very sorry for myself :( but at least I know baby is quite happy in there making me spew! X

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