*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I've had to have today and tomorrow off work and I'm at the midwife on Tuesday so I'm hoping to get some reassurance and help maybe ... My daughter is at her dads but back on Monday and I will struggle to take care of her . I'm glad its the 6 weeks holiday because i couldn't do the school runs x
Congrats and welcome to the new mummies. :-)

Aw Birdo, I hope they can give you something to make you feel better. It sounds awful. :( xx
Hey ladies,

I am unsure if I am a march or April mummy so if it's ok with you I will hop inbetween the two? Current due date is 23/04/16 but think it may be later than this.

I have a daughter who is 8.5 months old & I haven't had AF since she was born as I have been breastfeeding which is why I am unsure on dates. We were NTNP but we're going to start actively TTC when she turned 1yr old so this little munchkin is an early surprise :)

Rose I remember you from last time, our babies are similar in age & we are not far off similar dates this time round either pregnancy wise hehe xx

I was just reading your post on the epidural thread and thinking 'oh my god we were in the same mummies group!' Glad someone is as crazy as me and doing it all again so soon. We were NP and I would say sort of trying but not really going all out. I was still breastfeeding too although now I've cut down to the point where I can almost stop and switch to formula as getting pregnant made my supply drop way too low x
We had our early (private) 9 week scan today because I had a past ectopic and my primary care hospital does not seem to care... Anyway all was great and there was a heartbeat pumping away :cloud9:
That's lovely Atlantis. I can't wait to see our little bean. 3 more weeks! Xx
Great news Atlantis!

I have to admit I'm really struggling now.

Between the nausea, thrush and constant headaches I now have cold sores. (Probably run down because of all the waking up early and not being able to go back to sleep.) I feel terrible!
I'm feeling pretty awful too. Constant nausea/hunger and on the verge of throwing up but never quite being sick. Also think I have oral thrush. Long story but after the birth of my little girl I got a womb infection and had antibiotics which set off thrush on my nipples which went undetected for weeks and weeks (I ended up exclusively express breast feeding her until the start of this month as she wouldn't feed from me). It took almost three months to rid my myself of the thrush and it's been back in other forms over the last few months. The weirdest of which is probably me having transferred it from my nipples to my mouth (what an odd sentence to write). I keep getting this thing where I randomly get an allergic reaction in my mouth. It's not specific to any certain foods and can strike at any time. Basically all the soft fleshy bits of my
Mouth swell and so does my tongue and tonsil area then it goes down but leaves this horrible sensation and feeling like my mouth is all furry. Then I've had some white plaques of thrush in there too. My GP basically said its all thrush related but all they can give me safely is Fluconazole which my body is resistant too as I'm so prone to thrush I've had it too many times and these oral drops which really don't seem to have helped. Thrush is literally the worst! X
Oh Rose - how awful! I really feel for you. Fingers crossed you can finally beat it! That's all you need with the morning sickness too...

I also have the nausea with no actual throwing up. It used To start each day at about 5pm (weird) but this morning I woke up at 5am with it. Yuck.
Oh Rose I'm feeling for you!! . Mine eased yesterday and today and I've managed to get some things done , but its there bubbling away and now and again the feeling floors me ..... I wished it would stop but then when it did for a few hours I panicked !

Hi to all the new march mummies , congratulations and a safe few months xxx
Birdo - I hope you feel better and at the same time not worried! I have to admit that because mine is intermittent I don't get panicky when I feel ok. I do get a couple of hours a day when I feel ok ( although still exhausted).
Nausea is such a horrible feeling isn't it! I'm finding that at about 9-10pm I feel ok then by this time the nausea is starting a little then I will wake up to pee about 3am and it's kicked in full force (I'm sleeping with a bowl next to the bed just in case!) then when I get up at 7am with my little girl it's a sort of 'eat or throw up situation' and then the feeling just comes in waves throughout the day but worst when I'm hungry or thirsty. I actually wish I could get to the stage I got to in my first pregnancy where I just did a 'morning sick' in the shower and that was it for the day! X
Hugs to everyone who is feeling awfully rubbish. I hope it eases for you very soon!
Feeling sorry for myself today... Already thrown up twice and feeling rotten with a headache as was awake half the night just unable to sleep or get comfy. Just want to spend the day in bed in my pjs but have a toddler to entertain! Dreading returning to work after the summer hols! :(
its great to see other mummies joining this thread :) 2 weeks till my scan yay cant wait bring on the 27th :) x
I have my scan tomorrow. I'm so nervous!!! Also think I'm turning into a wotsit! They are the only thing I can stomach at the moment xx
I have my scan tomorrow. I'm so nervous!!! Also think I'm turning into a wotsit! They are the only thing I can stomach at the moment xx

Good luck for the scan!

And don't give me any ideas re wotsits please :lol: that sounds like it's got potential to turn into a new craving for me ;)
Hello again, Since the last time I posted, boasting about the lack of sickness and nausea, I have been overcome with it!!! I feel absolutely sh*te most days!! Thing is, I am only being sick between half an hour and an hour after taking my pregnancy vitamin (with folic acid) and so I'm confused as to whether I should stop taking them or carry on? But if I carry on, surely being sick brings it all out anyway so there's no folic acid getting to my baby!?

Which brand are you taking Lucygreen? I read some brands cause more nausea than others (read that in relation to Pregnacare specifically)
My sickness has suddenly disappeared the last 2 days. Thought I would be pleased but have felt terrified all day that something is wrong and I don't feel pregnant anymore. Still got potentially 4 weeks till scan. Thought I'd feel better having seen baby and heartbeat a week ago but just feel like crying today. Is this normal?!

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