*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Thanks , none at all today

Samantha scan date is fab

I've been asleep until half 3 , I am gobsmacked at the time , only just got out of bed today and want to get straight back x
Aw Rose83 poor you, my hubby has a cold and drives me mad at the best of times when he's sick but me and the baby have it too so we are all as bad as each other!

I told work about baby today...I started there the same week I got my bfp eek! We are getting new uniforms in December and the order had to be sent today...mine will obviously need to be maternity hehe. It felt weird telling someone when we haven't told family yet but there wasn't really a way round it. I sort of want to tell my mum now but hubby isn't sure. :| So who's telling work, family etc before that magic 12 week date? xx
I've told a couple of close friends who I also work with as been quite sick etc but not telling any family or bosses at work until after scan just to make sure all okay first xx
I didn't want to tell until after the scan either, just couldn't avoid this one. I've sworn her to secrecy as my brother works for the same company and I don't want him hearing in the grapevine before I get to tell him. Roll on the scan...only 3 and 1/2 weeks to go :shock: x
I've told all the other mums at the baby groups I go to with LO. Not telling family and friends till after 12 week scan

Has anyone thought of an interesting way of announcing the news?
I've told my work, I'm a teacher so that involves telling the head, the deputy, the general manager and my head of department so it feels like loads! Also OH told his work. We aren't telling anyone until 3 days after the scan because it's my brother's wedding the day after the scan and his future wife would go mental if I 'stole her thunder'. Just spent the afternoon with her actually and feel stressed. Long story but basically boils down to the fact she is unreasonably angry with my parents and decided to argue with me about it x
After my 8 wk scan, we did a video of me asking my daughter "what's in mummy's tummy?" and she replied "baby". We'd been working on it for a month!! ;)
Yeah I'm back in October then maternity leave will start again in February. Need to go back or I wouldn't get enough money x
I'm so excited to tell family but so nervous until the scan is over. I even toyed with buying a Doppler today although I swore wouldn't when I had my first!

If all goes well I think I'd like DD to help us with our announcement, my mum and dad have her when I'm working and on my scan day I should be at work. I think I'll buy a 'big sister' t-shirt and bring it home as a present in front of my folks, see how long it takes them to realise. :-) Last time we turned up at my mums in tears as they had found a huge cyst on my ovary, booked me in for surgery, taken 3 lots of blood and given me a flu jab, told me I may miscarry and sent us on our way after about 4 hours. It was awful so any announcement will be better than that lol!

Haven't thought about a Facebook type announcement, I don't think we did one when DD was born, she just appeared! Xxx
Ah Rose you are being so patient with sil. She sounds hard work! Xx
Hi everyone

My name is Anna and I am expecting my second baby due on approx 20th March. Haven't had my scan yet to confirm 😍
Congrats and welcome Anna! A happy and healthy nine months to you!

I have told a few people but we a avoiding telling too many and none of our family know. I think there may be a few 'really?!?!?' Comments. And I think my mum will think we are bonkers. (I suffered from pre and post natal depression with number two, generally have a full time stressful job and also have colitis which was much worse throug pregnancy, so I think they will all think that this pregnancy is a bit foolish.)

Rose - I haven't told work yet. I am a deputy head in a big secondary and my head is going to go MENTAL!

On a seperate note - tmi - but is anyone else having problems with thrush???
Scarlett I don't envy you! I teach in a private school and because I teach Latin there is quite a shortage of teachers for the subject in Scotland so I felt I had to tell them soon so they could notify the guy covering me of my return to work date but that also if he wants the job he can come back and do my second maternity in a few months! My head of department seems pleased for me but the head hasn't even acknowledged the email so I suspect is less than impressed. I think he sees females who reproduce a great inconvenience! X
Hi girls I don't really check in pf a lot im on the March FB group tho you should all join :) well just let you know I went for my scan yday thinking I was 11w2d to be told I'm 12w1d so I've gone from 1st March to 24th feb ! Shocked!! Hope everyone is ok :) xx
Hey ladies,

I am unsure if I am a march or April mummy so if it's ok with you I will hop inbetween the two? Current due date is 23/03/16 but think it may be later than this.

I have a daughter who is 8.5 months old & I haven't had AF since she was born as I have been breastfeeding which is why I am unsure on dates. We were NTNP but we're going to start actively TTC when she turned 1yr old so this little munchkin is an early surprise :)

Rose I remember you from last time, our babies are similar in age & we are not far off similar dates this time round either pregnancy wise hehe xx
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Hi everyone :wave:

Another newbie here, hoping for my second LO in mid March. This one is another miracle baba for us! I am going to be 41 quite soon.

I am having a private scan tomorrow just to be sure there is a heartbeat etc - it's hard to believe we managed it.

I have a 3.5 year old daughter who would love a sibling, she keeps asking me why we don't have a baby in the house "because they are so nice" :cloud9: She does not know our news yet though, she'd be way too excited to do anything but talk about babies non stop.

A x
I'm still really struggling guys :'( ....its not getting better , ive been in bed for 30 hours plus because i feel so dreadful , I'm not coping at all ...sick as a dog , unbelievably tired , dizzy and faint ... I don't think I can do this much longer its Maki g me so depressed ..

I know I've been the person " trying " for years and having heartbreak after heartbreak n I would have given anything to be pregnant ... Now I am and it was a total unplanned shock and I feel so poorly I cant cope .... I'm sorry for moaning esp if any lttcers read it but I've never felt like this in my life ... X
Oh Birdo you poor thing, that sounds really tough :(

You must not feel that you seem ungrateful - feeling so rubbish is something else entirely. No one hopes to get their miracle bfp and then be left so poorly they can't function. No one plans for that and the fact the baby is much wanted does not make it any easier to bear the current symptoms.

Can't the docs do anything at all for your sickness? Sorry I don't know your history as I'm new here x
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You mustn't feel guilty for complaining. Sometimes pregnancy is shit. It just is and you shouldn't feel bad for needing to moan and for needing some sympathy. It doesn't make you ungrateful at all.

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