*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Thanks Birdo.I know I've joined a little late but it's nice to talk to other people other than my mom and best friend,they are fab but it's great to talk to people going through the same stages.I'm definitely going to go back to superdrugs own vitamins I only stopped taking them because I got pregnacare free on prescription lol I get my blender today too,sad that I'm quite excited just hoping it gets some goodness back into my body ☺️

Was meant to see my mw today too but she cancelled looks like a 2 week wait now for me too because we're going away Saturday,can't wait

Where are you off?

I knew instantly when you Said " mom" you'd be from the Birmingham area c
Well just out of the midlands but my OH is from Sutton , he says mom I say mum x
I'm from Sutton too.Mad how a little bit of distance can change the way we talk lol
We're off to Devon by the way,sorry wasn't ignoring your question.Cant wait definitely need the break my brain is mush ☺️ Xx
I would totally have assumed you were originally from the U.S. If you say mom! I didn't realise it was a Brummy thing too!
I'm from London originally but have lived in Scotland for 10 years since I came to study here.

My little girl got her first tooth today! She is getting so big so quickly! X
I would love to be from the U.S,perfect weather all year round instead of just one month a year of your lucky here lol
What part of Scotland are you from? I've got family in Scotland I've been going there since I was a little girl
Pointless post but met my midwife and had a fab appointment except she was unable to get any blood from me so now got to try doctors to see if they can get some blood. I get all worked up and my veins collapse! She's called to make my 12 week scan appointment for 3 weeks time so just got to wait for confirmation then can start looking forward to that.

Been referred to VBAC clinic also as had an emergency c-sec last time and hoping for normal delivery this time. All feeling more real now!

Oh no Samantha , bloods are a nightmare , exciting about the scan being in three weeks , even more exciting when you get a date... It wasn't a pointless post it was nice to hear about how it went x
I live in Paisley now but used to live in Glasgow while I studied at the university.

I am in such a terrible mood this evening so rant alert!
OH is usually very good when he comes in from work and gives my little girl her bath but tonight he said he was too tired so I bathed her and said to put the dinner on while I'm getting her asleep. After half an hour of trying to get her to sleep I realise it's just not happening and bring her back out to the living room. Find him asleep on sofa and only the chicken in the oven- hasn't put the veg or potatoes on so leave her with him and get that done. Can her just chatting away and yelling to herself and go back in to find him asleep again! We have dinner and two hours past bedtime I'm still fighting to get her to sleep - she eventually goes to sleep then 15 minutes later he announces he is going to bed because he is tired. Meanwhile I have to stay up to hang up the washing, wash and sterilise the bottles, make up her dream feed and give it to her, express my breastmilk (am slowly cutting it out), wash down her highchair and do the washing up from dinner. lLiterally all he did this evening was turn the oven on and take the bins out (we live in a third floor flat). He is usually not bad at all but tonight I'm just really grumpy now because he knows I'm exhausted but always forgets that I can't just decide to go to bed like he can. Hmpfh.

Also I feel horrendously sick, have such terrible smelling wind I'm making myself feel sick and the expressing is horrible.
When my oh gets like this (he goes through stages of being great and then stages of being thoughtless) I do half of everything...is my half. I hang my own washing and leave his to go stale. I do my own dishes and leave his to fester....obviously you have to do your littles ones things but if you don't do his he'll see what's not been done and hopefully twig as to why.

I think in the main though. men don't see what needs doing and would probably do it if asked. It's just frustrating to us that we have to ask. When as functioning adults they should be able to figure it out!
Now I've had a good sleep I feel better and less grumpy. But really it does wind me up! Why do men not see dirt?! Like the bathroom when it gets dusty - are they immune to the sight of dirt in there?! X
Yes! They are immune... They see it but they don't care I reckon!
Oblivious , I point things out but OH cant see what I'm pointing at x
Anyway ladies , slightly off subject and possibly tmi for this time of morning but OH and I dtd last night and straight after I had a bleed , I thought the last time I dtd I saw pink when I wiped but this time it was a bit more , pink in colour but when I went for a wee a bit of red cane out , seems to have stopped this morning but I daren't go for a wee yet ...anyone else had this before? Xx
Well after several attempts at the hospital this morn they eventually managed to find a vein in my hand and get some blood! Also got my scan appointment through today for 2nd Sept so just 2 weeks and 6 days to wait! Eeeekkkk :)

OH's can be a pain at times... Mine also never thinks to clean things like the bathroom/ kitchen but will do it if I ask him too.

Hope all ladies feeling okay today and not too nauseas. Thankfully over the last 2 days mine has eased up a bit... Fingers crossed it lasts! x
Birdo I have no experience as I've always been too scared to dtd! But I've read loads of posts on here over the last year and a half where women say they bleed after dtd and everything is fine.

My nausea seems to have eased a bit today - definitely feel a lot more human. My little girl slept through the night again (yay!) and then actually crawled for the first time today. It's like she has just decided to do all these new things all at once! X
Birdo, I've had a couple of big red bleeds after sex and everything has always been okay. It's just because of increased blood flow and everything being extra sensitive. My midwife said that if you bleed then you should hold off until after 12 weeks, but I guess it's just personal choice. I carried on and after about 9/10 weeks I didn't bleed after sex any more.

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