*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Hi MrsCK and congratulations! Maybe you just a feel a bit disconnected because you are kept busy with your first? I know I feel similar because I'm so busy with my little girl that it's hard to believe there is even anything going on in there! With her she was all I had to think about whereas now there is so much else.

You all had me laughing last night with talk of taps making you nauseous! I thought I was doing a bit better today and then got a whiff of my little girl's sweaty head and it all came back! I remember with her that I was at work talking to a male colleague eating his cereal and I started heaving when I saw drops of milk getting caught in his moustache x
Morning ladies
My name is Emma I'm 31 and I got my first BFP at the end of June.Currently nearly 10 weeks pregnant.Been with my fiancé nearly 2 years now.So excited to be having our first baby but can't wait for the all day sickness to pass 😔
I'm new to all this so please bare with me.
Welcome back mrsCk, I remember you from our lo's. S is 17 months almost too.

We have the exact same dates Pinbadge, that's funny! Not looking forward to my booking in, it's so long! I have the same mw as my lo and she's soooo serious!! Good at her job tho I suppose bar the bf lecture!!
Hi Jen,

OMG that is so funny, congratulations hun. I've got my booking in on Thursday hoping it may start to feel a bit more real after that. X

Welcome back mrsCk, I remember you from our lo's. S is 17 months almost too.

We have the exact same dates Pinbadge, that's funny! Not looking forward to my booking in, it's so long! I have the same mw as my lo and she's soooo serious!! Good at her job tho I suppose bar the bf lecture!!
I'm am really struggling , I honestly keep thinking I cant do this .... But I know I have no choice .. I feel so so so ill x

Help me lol
Hi Birdo
Thanks for the reply ��
I feel your pain at the moment,I've never felt so ill,struggling to enjoy pregnancy feeling this rough
Bought a blender today though to try some fruit smoothies to see if that helps as I'm not eating properly
Have you found anything that works?
Had another scan at the EPU this morning. Little bean is bang on target for 10 weeks and 3 days. I am officially no longer under the care of the EPU and my next scan is the dating scan at 12 weeks!

I am so pleased!!

Unfortunately I don't get the new scan picture at all! It's a blob. An unidentifiable blob!
No nausea today at all. Nothing. Don't know whether to be worried or relieved. Just don't feel pregnant today at all. Keeping fingers crossed all is ok and that I'll feel rotten again tomorrow x
Hi MrsCK and congratulations! Maybe you just a feel a bit disconnected because you are kept busy with your first? I know I feel similar because I'm so busy with my little girl that it's hard to believe there is even anything going on in there! With her she was all I had to think about whereas now there is so much else.

You all had me laughing last night with talk of taps making you nauseous! I thought I was doing a bit better today and then got a whiff of my little girl's sweaty head and it all came back! I remember with her that I was at work talking to a male colleague eating his cereal and I started heaving when I saw drops of milk getting caught in his moustache x

Surely that would make anyone heave- pregnant or not!! :lol:
Woo squemers that's great news!

Sorry to hear about all your sickness! I've been really lucky this time, nauseous with no sickness with ld and this time just the odd feeling of heaving but not much. It does worry me until I remember the insane amount of discharge, massive bloat and constipation and remember I'm pregnant! I remember smoothies did help me last time though MissB when I couldn't stomach any fruit or veg!

Got booking in appt tomorrow and so excited! Same midwife as before and I work quite closely with her too in children centre so know her well and she is so lovely! Not told her I am pregnant yet so be a little surprise when my name comes up! :) xx
MrsCK, I've felt a little bit detached this time...I have a 15 month old. I think it's fear for me, I'm so afraid something might go wrong, far worse than I was with my first. My symptoms have been different and quite lacking really so I think I've been detached to protect myself until I see a healthy little one on that 12 week scan!

MissB31 welcome to March mummies :-) the smoothie thing is a good idea...I've found eating often seems to keep the nausea controlled. I'm trying to remember to take my vitamins so the bubba gets all they need.

T84 how weird! We'll have to compare notes hehe. Aw I'm looking forward to mine, I had a mini one with a MW I'd never met when I was about 5 weeks. She seemed lovely. Hope yours lightens up a bit!

Squemers congrats that's lovely news.

MrsGriff my nausea has lessened a lot too, I read somewhere as the placenta develops and starts to take over we start to feel better so I'm putting it down to that. Xx
Thanks Pin Badge it's good to be here ☺️
Really hoping the smoothies work,chewing and swallowing really isn't going down well at the moment. I have stopped taking the pregnancy vitamins I was prescribed today too because they made me worse because they said to take them on a full stomach but I'm not eating right.Think I'm going to go back to superdrugs own instead of pregnacare,what vitamins are you on? X

Yayyyy squemers that's fab news ��
I'm taking pregnacare too but have been for months as I've been taking their breastfeeding supplement since I had DD1. I wonder if it makes a difference that my system is used to them. I think someone told me to avoid vitamins with omega 3 last time when I has sickness. That may help. Maybe just go for the folic acid for a few more weeks? Xxx
Thanks Pin Badge I've got loads of folic acid left so I might just go back to that,just wasn't sure if the baby got more from the pregnancy vitamin because I'm not eating properly.God I'm so confused by it all �� should of had my first midwife visit today which might of helped but she's just cancelled �� glad my friend recommended this forum now,she said it really helped when she was pregnant and she's made lots of friends xxx
I was here years ago after being diagnosed with secondary infertility and everyone was such a support , I still have some old lttc'ers on facebook and its been wonderful to see them get their babies , I found it a huge support back then , which is why I popped back after this shock :)

I'm taking pregnacare , I took them with my first , although this was 9 years ago ... I feel like a first timer its totally different this time round . They are a big tablet to swallow though. I think there's some other brands in smaller sizes and shapes , although I'm not sure which

You will get loads of help with queries and support through problems in here ...

Hope everyone feeling okay. Finally seeing MW for first appointment today after she cancelled 2 weeks ago! So excited. Not feeling too sick this morn which is also good news :) x
That's come round fast Samantha :) happy days x
I know felt like of be waiting ages but soon come around. Looking forward to it and hoping I will get to find out when my 12 week scan will be :)

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