*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I wish my nausea made me not want to eat but it's the exact opposite. I get that nausea you get when you feel like you are so hungry you'll throw up. I have genuinely eaten everything in sight today and I'm already so overweight :( I'm going to look like a whale in my brother's wedding photos!

Does anyone else have a constant thirst? I feel like I'm drinking and drinking and nothing quenches it (I'm a big water drinker so it's mostly water I'm having) sometimes I'm drinking and immediately feel thirsty as soon as I stop! I have a bit of an orange juice craving as well. Do you think it's all to do with the making more blood and stuff? X
Haven't been on in a while, so sad to hear of more losses :(

I had my booking appt on Tuesday, and even though I'm not sure how far along I am, My scan isn't until September 11th.. Just still seems so far away!

I don't feel especially pregnant anymore.. haven't been sick once, and maybe once a week I feel nauseous, and so empty that I have to eat or I'll faint etc.,, but other than that and a few twinges here and there I feel fine.. Which with it being my first, is also really scary because I keep getting so worried that I keep running to the toilet to check for blood.. I do feel like I've put about 7 stone on already though lol at my appt I found out that I'm thr heaviest I've ever been in my life right now.. do not feel happy with myself! Lol

Does anyone else find themselves buying more pregnancy tests just to make sure that the hcg is still present? Or am I just craaaazily paranoid and freaking out?? :/ lol

Hope you're all stressing out alot less than me!!! :) xx
Lucygreen I was like that with pregnancy tests with my first and was freaked out for ages but I was so nauseous I knew there must be a healthy little bean in there.

I feel awful this morning, my little girl had me up loads in the night, I've woken up with a terrible upset stomach, headache and feel horrendously sick. Glad they are all good symptoms but I still feel horrible! X
Hi all, haven't been on in a few days, busy with work and getting garden sorted while I can! I've got my booking in on 18/08 and scan on 7/9, can't wait . Had to put my scan back 5 days as hubby couldn't make the first date-feels like forever!
Still having nasty bouts of nausea but eating every 2 hours helps....not helping my waistline though:shock:

My booking in is on 20th. Feels like years away!
I used to poas everyday but the lines weren't getting as darker as I wanted them to so I'd get upset and think something was wrong. I was much happier when I stopped!
I've finally stopped poas as nausea and sickness is with me everyday to remind me I'm definitely pregnant! Really hoping it doesn't last as long this pregnancy. Feel sick from the minute I wake until I go to bed and throw up on and off inbetween. The only thing helping is eating food!!!

Have my booking in appt with MW on Weds and looking forward to that xx
Samamtha you sound just like me - it's all day long and only eating helps. Annoyingly it's mainly at the time of eating as well, as soon as I stop eating it's back. Fortunately haven't been sick yet but I think it will be any day now. Last time it didn't start until 11 weeks so I'm not surprised I havent actually been sick yet.
Awh,, I thought I'd been lucky not being sick yet and I was kinda hoping it meant i'm not going to be at all! I don't like hearing of people getting morning sickness later on, it reminds me that it's still a possibility! Haha

I have this image in my head of me sailing though pregnancy just fine with nothing to complain about! Lol
Last time my sickness was only first thing in morning and usually throwing up have me relief but it did last until I was 24 weeks pregnant. This time I'm throwing up less but just feel so nauseas and any face food but have to keep eating as the only real relief. Feeling sorry for myself today :(

Hope you escape the throwing up Rose!
I've got all day nausea and it only stops when I eat! So annoying as I don't want to eat all the time but if I don't I then feel sick :( can't wait until it's passed and can really start enjoying it!
Afternoon , all this sickness sounds awful but all good signs I guess! We had booking in today, long appointment but all straightforward, I was vey brave and did my bloods without making a fuss!
Hi all , glad everyone is doing well .... Even if a little sick ...

I've been having a mini breakdown for 2 days as I'm so poorly I cannot face food at all!!!! . I really can't even think of it , I've ended up run down and exhausted , I cried and cried yesterday because i know I should eat but just do t want to . I struggled through work today and cried in the back several times , nausea comes over me so often and the horrible fast in my mouth ..... I've manages a sausage roll a d a Greggs pizza today so I'm winning , but I cant bare to think of looking in my fridge or kitchen it makes me feel so ill .... Always been a bit strange though and ocd x
Oh and logging on to pf brings on a wave of illness so I've been trying to avoid :lol:
I'm finding the most weird things have been setting me off...

The sight of a dead fly on the windowsill in the bathroom and most strange, the shape of a tap on a Victoria plumbing ad on TV.
I have restless legs at night too ...... Arghhhh .

That dog that says " book" does it to me

A shape of a tap lol that's def out there x
Morning all! I'm back from a week's holiday which was very nice but as I was feeling exhausted all the time I don't think I enjoyed it as much as I could have. I am also now feeling nauseous but no actual vomiting. I have also got the horrible situation that I really don't want to eat but eating actually makes the nausea go away - so weird! Also it''s carbs that I can stomach and that's not good for my weight at all - I keep eating toast all the time. Gah! How is everyone else? X
Hi everyone

I'm pregnant with our 2nd baby due 11th March 2016.
My DS is 17 months and will be 2 years old on 10th March 2016.

I have to admit that I am feeling very different with this 2nd pregnancy, not connected at all and actually quite worried because of it. I felt an instant connection with my DS from the second I got the BFP, so feeling very guilty that I don't have that this time around. I am hoping that the connection will come in time.

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