*****March 2016 Mummies*****

Rose83 I'd like to thank you for making me laugh this morning. I reckon that'll put me in a proper good mood for the rest of the day! Again not because of the farting, but because of the other halfs comment!
Ha Rose!!!! Hilarious , the midwives wiped my bum for me as I just stood there over my own runny poo on the floor , I didn't care though

Fancy holding your trumps in through 8 hours of labour!!!!! You trooper you :lol:
Hahaha ladies - I'm not even sure I was aware of how much I was holding them in until I just lost all control! We laughed for days afterwards about it!
When I was in labour I shouted "I'm pooing and I don't care!" There were two midwives and a consultant in the room at the time. My husband said they all laughed! :lol:
I had an early scan today at 7 weeks + 2, saw little bean and heart flickering nicely :)
Really pleased for you Emcb82. That first glimpse of baby's heartbeat flickering away is such a magic moment
Yay that's great emcb!

I finally defeated my pile of ironing and cleaned the kitchen. Got my SIL coming round tomorrow to watch my little girl while I attempt to tackle the rest of my flat x
Scan went really well. Good strong heart beat. Measuring 9+4. Baby was waving it arms and wiggling about. Can't get the hang of uploading photos here tho �� xx
Afternoon all, hope your all well. Scan sounds great Nicky, happy bean in there wiggling around! We had midwife on Monday, already nervous! Has anyone else's belly popped out? I dunno if it's cos it's the second on but I feel huge
I feel big mummyedgar - I suspect i'm going to get big quick when it was only 7 months ago that I was full term! My problem is I'm still 3 stone heavier than I was pre-pregnancy so now I have that extra tummy fat sitting at the front too:(

Had my SIL over watching my LO for the afternoon so I could get some tidying done and it was great - really made a dent in things and gave me a bit of a break from having a little limpet on me all day. She is exhausted now too so is napping - double win! X
I am fine in morning but by the evening I look six months pregnant I get so bloated!

Scan sounds fab Nicky! I keep thinking of paying for private scan as nearer it gets to the 12 week scan the more nervous I get. By this point with ld I had two scans already with bleeding!

Feeling bit nauseous today but had none at all the last week so nice in a way that it's come back! Xx
Nothing beats a tired LO !! Lol we've had a busy day so I'm sure mine will sleep tonight and I can have a nice hot tea and bath
I've got my booking appointment on the 20th - feels like just the other day I was going for my daughter's one! I think the booking appointment and the 12 week scan will make it feel more real. At the moment because we aren't telling anyone I almost feel like it isn't really happening - even having had the early scan!

Have had the worst nausea all day - literally since 5am and still feeling it x
I had my booking in app on Friday. I felt a bit awkward as she'd been my midwife in my last pregnancy and she'd messed so many things up that I eventually made a complaint and requested to change midwives. I really didn't want her again but because she's the midwife attached to my GP surgery I didn't really have much choice.

Nothing was said but I swear she was a bit off with me - she rushed through all the questions on the form, filling in most of them without giving me chance to answer. Maybe I'm being paranoid and it it's just cos this is my second baby but I was very glad to get out of there...

On the plus side I now have a scan date (24th August) and today has been a nausea and pain free day. Unlike yesterday when I woke up at 4.30am and spent the next five hours with my head down the loo!!

Hope everyone is having a good day too!
I had my booking appointment on Thursday. Was fab as was with my midwife from lb. she remembered everything and was really concerned about how ill i have been so got me sorted with some new medication. Scan is booked for 18th :) counting down the sleeps as single figures from tomorrow! And 2 days of no sickness!!! I actually ate a whole panini today haha my first full meal in weeks! Xx

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