*****March 2016 Mummies*****

I'm having a huge meltdown today. Anti sickness tablets have stopped working and I've literally been throwing up all day. I had a huge cry earlier and I'm exhausted now. When will I feel better???! I know no one can answer that I just hope it's soon. Have my booking appointment tomorrow and can guarantee I'll breakdown in there. Just a little rant as feeling a bit lonely :( hope everyone else is feeling ok xx
Hi all, hope all well. Been away for a few days and just home . Had a bit of brown spotting after dtd so been a bit worried, from what I've read it's nothing to worry about, midwife on Monday so I'll ask her and hope it stops
robtans1st, we all have days like that. Just remember that every day is different and tomorrow even if you don't feel better physically, you will probably feel better emotionally. Tell the midwife everything! They can help :)

Mummyedgar, I usually bleed quite a lot if I have sex in the first couple of weeks after finding out I'm pregnant. It stops as quickly as it starts. You're advised not to have sex until after 12 weeks if you have a bleed after sex but if it was only tiny I wouldn't worry :)
Lovely news about your scans ladies. Can't wait til 12 weeks for mine!
Aw Rose you poor thing...nappies are really awful for me too at the mo, even just wet ones but I'm sure it'll pass soon enough.

Aw robtans I feel for you, I've had horrid nausea but no vomiting , BUT today I actually felt a little better, every day can be different so here's hoping you start to feel better. See if you can get some different meds tomorrow, I really hope so. Xx
Aw Rose , I couldn't help but giggle at that , poor baby x
Sorry your feeling rubbish rose and robtans. I've got serious pregnancy poos too. Either can't go or when I do go it comes along with terrible cramps and pain. I'm trying to eat all the right things just doesn't seem to help!
Aw Rose , I couldn't help but giggle at that , poor baby x

Hehe I know - poor thing. Also felt like a terrible mummy earlier, was lying down on the floor with her sat in front of me playing. I was exhausted and must have dozed off for a few moments (the TV was on so I know it was only a few moments from what was on!) but in the mean time she had thrown up on the carpet and was happily playing in it/smearing it around!

I'm with you on the pregnancy poo issues too - horrific cramping the other day and constantly going then two days with nothing but foul smelling wind (tmi). Pregnancy is so not glamorous! X
So this morning my OH announced he couldn't possibly do the date I have been given for my 12 week scan so I've rung up to change it and got an earlier date (where I know they will find I'm only 11 weeks as I was having long cycles) but the date they have given me is the day before my brother's wedding. He and his future wife will kill me if we announce it the day before their wedding so I'm going to have to keep it a secret all weekend which is going to be torture! X
So this morning my OH announced he couldn't possibly do the date I have been given for my 12 week scan so I've rung up to change it and got an earlier date (where I know they will find I'm only 11 weeks as I was having long cycles) but the date they have given me is the day before my brother's wedding. He and his future wife will kill me if we announce it the day before their wedding so I'm going to have to keep it a secret all weekend which is going to be torture! X

You could tell them only? as a kind of wedding present... and then ask them to keep it quiet because you want to wait till 12 weeks or something???

They'll feel special that you've told them and it means you can get it off your chest!
Haha squemers they are weird and definitely wouldn't see it that way - they'd think me telling them was selfish and wanting to make their day about me. We'll wait until two days after the wedding when we would have been getting the scan anyway. The bride to be has already thrown a bit of a fit because her cousin announced she was getting married the following month in Italy and she thinks everyone will be thinking about that wedding instead of hers. (Rolls eyes)

Also my brother and I both live in Scotland but are originally from London so our parents will obviously be up here for the wedding so I want to tell them just after the wedding before they go home when we can get them together with my OH's family too x
That's ridic! I genuinely would be nothing but happy for my sister! Some people eh. Nausea is so bad today and not slept last night . Just feel like all I've done through tri 1. I'd forgotten how hard it was let alone with a 16mo who's wild and working 4 days ;(
How are we all today? I'm stuck at work with nothing to do , I'd much prefer to be at home :( x
I'm so happy to say I'm tired. And that is all! I still can't face food but no sickness so far today :) hope everyone else is feel well xx
I've got quite a few jobs done today despite the almost constant nausea. Got a mad craving for a bacon sandwich so had to go out and buy bacon - had the exact same craving in the early weeks with my daughter when the rest of the time I can totally take it or leave it! OH is away for weekend working so hoping to tidy up our flat as we need to move into a house before this baby comes along and it is in no fit state to have estate agents round at the moment!

Got a huge pile of iron to do and trying to find the motivation to start! X
I'm having a bit of a stress day today. I keep getting mild cramps and it makes me worry instantly...

10 week scan on Tuesday so just keeping everything crossed.

Glad you're feeling a bit better today x
Going for a private scan tomorrow afternoon. Will be 9+5. I'm so scared. Don't think I'll sleep tonight. Hope little baby is ok xx
Good luck with the scan Nikki.

Squeamers I've had some right Sharpe pains today . Started on that fybogel because i just couldn't go .... Or pass wind , I feel as if there's a cork up my bum ..

Rose did you manage some ironing? .. I possibly might need to move .. I will be going from a parent to one 9 year old girl , to a parent to a fifteen year old boy .... My daughter and a new baby within the space of a few months , OH son is coming to stay with us because he doesn't get on with his mum .... Its all too much lol ... I don't know what to do with boys especially if all his mates come over xx
Hahaha nope no ironing, I was going to do it when my baby went to bed but then she decided 7pm wasn't a time she was happy with tonight and was up til 9 so the pile is still waiting for me!

Have you tried Lactulose? I was desperate towards the end of my pregnancy and asked pharmacist and midwives and they said it was fine to take throughout pregnancy. So I was 40+1 and had the normal adult dose before bed. Woke up at 5am with cramps and everything came out (thanks Lactulose) then at 6am my waters broke...not sure if related or not but think I'd be careful about taking it in tri 3 now! X
I poo'd everywhere whilst in labour :shock:
... It was my biggest fear .... They put a mat on the floor and i stood over it and just went and went .... I'm trying to avoid that this time lol!!! ...

Going to mention lactulose to my midwife and see , so far this stuff seems to be working I think .

I'm at a festival today.... Don't really want to go , but I'm so lonely I want to see my friends , see how my first one sober goes down xx
Oh no! That was my fear too. I was so embarrassed of my partner seeing anything like that. About 8 hours into labour I'd not long started the gas and air and started saying I felt like I needed to push and they looked at me and said I was 3cm so it wasn't that. Turns out I just needed to fart majorly and had been holding it in as I didn't want OH to hear. He'd gone out the room to get food and came back in to witness me throwing up from the gas and air which made me lose all control and these massive farts were just ripping out. He said it was the funniest thing he's ever seen because I was so mortified by it! X

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