So sorry to hear about your losses - I've been through it twice so know how devastating it is. I was so confident that nothing would go wrong with my second that we told everyone at 6 weeks and it was awful to have to 'untell' everyone. You shouldn't feel silly though, big hugs to you and hope to see you back in tri 1 soon xx
Pregnancy does not make me blossom ..... Awful awful skin , all over my neck and chest , I had this first time around and it was through summer , I was so embarrassed , me and hormones just do not mix
Can't stop eating crisps....they're the only thing that stopping me from feeling sick.
My diet has gone to shit since i found out I was pregnant. I am consuming my own body weight in stooge, craving pastry, chips, anything crap. The though of fruit, veg and fish which is what I normally live on is just turning my stomach!
I'm feeling pretty rough from about 11am til I go to bed eating rubbish too! Really been fancying appletiser so order some with my tesco delivery today...when it came it had all leaked out of the bottle I was gutted! Xx
So sorry for the losses. Such a horrible time thinking of you both.
Sorry I've not been on for a while, all the losses scare me into not coming on sometimes! But came back from my reassurance scan after my bleed and there was bubs measuring spot on at 8+3 and a nice hb
Still feeling dead nauseous all the time so food is either a no go or I eat crap! Making corn beef hash tonight so doesn't get any better hope everyone else is good! x
I'm on the crap eating boat too! Last time it was pickled onion monster munch, this time it's cool original dorritos. My friend at work went and brought me a pack today as she felt sorry for me cause apparently I was drooling while talking about them earlier. Haha. I'm a slimming world target member and went in yesterday expecting worse but only half pound on in 3 weeks. Was very happy! This massive belly must all be air and water!
T84 and rose- glad your scans all went well and baby's are coming along nicely xx
I ate half a pack of biscuits for dinner tonight. I had to eat them in the garden because dh was making his dinner and I couldn't stand the smell!
Doritos is a fun craving!!
So sorry to hear of your losses. I am away at the moment with not so much access to internet so have just come on for the first time in a few days. I really hope you are back here soon. X
Feeling like such a bad mummy as my nausea is massively set off by the smell of my little girl - her sweaty smell in the morning, her bath time moisturiser, her breath, and definitely her poop but basically most things about her and I'm finding myself holding her at arms length! X
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