Male midwife on one born every minute


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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Am I being shallow?? There is no way on this earth I would want a male midwife. I don't know why and he seems lovely but I just wouldn't be comfortable xx
Hahaha yeah, jealousy in the labour suite, not the best! I wouldn't want a man to see me possibly poo or my piles pop out when I pushed lol ;) xx
I'd love one!! I'd feel more relaxed thinking that the mw couldn't try and relate to how much pain I was in IYKWIM. I mean, midwives I'm sure aren't judgmental at all (but in the back of my mind i always think they are lol), but a man, well he really couldn't be could he lol
The only thing that bothers me about male midwifes is that they can't and will never understand the feeling of giving birth BUT 2 of the the 3 midwifes that delivered my babies had never given birth themselves so in all honesty it makes no difference. As long as he is supportive, i guess its all you need. OH might have seen it differently tho lol xx
id of had him he was really supportive and i think a man can give that sense of support a woman cant like take me i have easy labours so i wouldnt be symathetic to a screaming woman they would get on my nerves
I would love a male midwife!! It really wouldn't bother me, the babies still got to come out!!
I'm not convinced, I would be much more relaxed with a woman, it would creep me out with a man xx
I have to admit - I would be a tad bit more relaxed with a male! I think male doctors/ male nurses are alot more sympathetic to us women! Reason being is because they don't understand what we actually go through so they sympathise alot more! I noticed it when I was in hospital for over a week after my MC last year.. The women working in the hospital where a nightmare !! I had to ask 5 times for something to be sick in as I couldn't get it my self as I was attached to a drip! The girl in the bed next me ended up feeling sorry for me and went and got me a bowl! Then I got a male on the ward and he was lovely and couldnt do enough for us girlies!!! Xx

When I went into labour at 25 weeks with dd I had a male midwife and he was such a great help as his wife had been through the same aswel it didn't bother me really.

I really wouldnt care as long as he gave me drugs ...... LOL:bum:
I think the thought of it would put you off but once you actually get there and you're in labour, you wont really give a toss who delivers it, lol!! I had female mw's for my labour but after an exausting 37 hours Lennon went back to back and I couldn't push him out so they took me down to theatre and preped me for an ECS and my obs/gyn was called in who was a male (and was ex army so no bedside manner at all!!) and he delivered Lennon by forceps and cut me and sewed me up after and I can tell you, by that time I couldn't be arsed to be embarrassed!

Also because of what happened in my first pregnancy (membrane broke at 14 weeks and I ended up having to give birth at 16 weeks), I had lots of swabs to check for fluid leakage and they were all done by that same obs/gyn so he'd already had a good look down there!!

I was laughing with my sister the other day as we were at a cafe/soft play the other day with the children and my obs/gyn came in with his wife and kids and we were saying I wonder if his wife comes into a place like this and thinks I wonder how many of the muffs in here my husband has seen?!!! We live in a very small Island so he's probably scanned/delivered 1/3 of the women and babies in the Island for the last 10 years.
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I just loved that male midwife he was lovely! As long as the midwife is supportive, patient, professional and calm, I wouldn't care if it was a man or woman xx
He was lovely, but I'd definatley ask for a female if I was in labour. I've had females with all of my pregnancies. With my last, because it was twins, I had to have the male consultant in, and i must admit, even in the throws of labour, i still felt uncomfortable with him "down there", I was self consious about my swollen bum, stuff leaking out, I felt like I should make myself look more presentable etc. I suppose I'm one of these who thinks that men shouldn't see you this way, really old fashioned I know!! It's odd because I am usually the most laid back and open minded person I know! xx
I'm actually the same, I'd hate a male midwife delievering my baby and am praying it's a woman if I have a natural birth and even then I know I'll feel funny with someone (even a woman) having a good look and feel 'down there'. I just know i'll be feeling embarrased and wanting myself covered up as much as possible.
I'm a bit embarrassed to say that i would also be a bit judgemental and assume that they aren't as good as female midwives :oooo:

A good point was made about some female midwives not having given birth but i just think that a women connects better with another women re something that only women can do, but i guess it depends on how dependant you think you will be for emotional support with your midwife.

Even in the programme i thought the man was nice enough, but he was still a bit wooden in his encouragement and reassurances like i would expect a man to be.

Also he couldn't hold hands and stroke the patients hair and legs in the same way i have seen female midwives do and i personally would appreciate that kind of physical contact.

I suppose it depends on how dependant you would be on your midwife, but i think i would need a female one to establish the bond and trust i would need to feel :)
I'm a bit embarrassed to say that i would also be a bit judgemental and assume that they aren't as good as female midwives :oooo:

A good point was made about some female midwives not having given birth but i just think that a women connects better with another women re something that only women can do, but i guess it depends on how dependant you think you will be for emotional support with your midwife.

Even in the programme i thought the man was nice enough, but he was still a bit wooden in his encouragement and reassurances like i would expect a man to be.

Also he couldn't hold hands and stroke the patients hair and legs in the same way i have seen female midwives do and i personally would appreciate that kind of physical contact.

I suppose it depends on how dependant you would be on your midwife, but i think i would need a female one to establish the bond and trust i would need to feel :)

I totally agree and that is exactly how I feel. I thought he was a bit disconnected, it all seemed a bit clinical and not as compassionate as the ladies on the show x
I thought he was lovely. OH and I said we wouldn't be bothered at all when we were in the middle of it & I actually thought he was one of the nicest midwives (midhusbands...!) I'd seen on there x
Ooh interesting thread. I actually quite liked him. Wouldn't mind a male midwife at all if he was like him. I think, at the end of the day, modesty etc goes out the window. Good point about touchy feely stuff though. I think I'd be partial to a wee stroke of the head if I was feeling it! lol. x

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