My Midwife is going to be a man!

I am the on,y one who read this and thought u meant ur female midwife was becoming a man through a sex change :oooo:

Although it sounds weird having a make midwife I think I would really care, do any of u remember the male midwife on season 2 of obem, he was lovely to the polish girl his was looking after xx
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It would have bothered me previously but I really couldn't care less now. I have had two lots of surgery on my foof and my surgeon was male and the anaesthetist and quite possibly other theatre staff too- was alseep by then obviously! At then end of the day it is his job after all!

I agree with most of the other ladies, I think he'll be really good and I'd be fine with it. Thye had one on OBEM once and he was amazing!! x x
i couldnt have a male midwife! im getting paranoid enuf about the men that will be in the delivery suite! lolol

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