Lost weight - Normal?


Well-Known Member
Oct 28, 2007
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I usually dont get on the scales very often but I did today just because hubby said yesterday my face looks smaller. Well lo and behold, I have lost 6 llbs!!!! I am eating and drinking well, my diet has not changed apart from no wine and no usual "no x food during pregnancy". I am not exercising and I would expect to gain weight now. Anyone infact go through this?
I've had a bloated belly from the start and feel "fatter" but weight-wise I think I lost some too, although I don't really keep a record - hopefully gaining now but the midwife weighed me at 9 weeks and my weight seemed low!

I've heard it can be quite common to lose a little before you gain, as your metabolism speeds up in pregnancy
Don't worry about it, as long as you are not dieting then its fine. I found the same happened to me, I guess your body is working hard to develop the bean so its not suprising if you are burning up the calories.
Nope would not dream of dieting. Need the baby to have all the nurtitions so I have been eating 6 times a day which include three proper meals. I have never been a breakfast person but since 4 weeks that I had BFP I have made sure breakfast is never ever missed. Now that Nausea is kicking in I want to eat in morning. I did read today too that metabolism can become very high in the first tri so lets hope it is just that or my sudden healthy eating.
I lost weight too - due to extreme sickness
I lost half a stone this time but I'm soon putting it back on! I lost about 2 stone with my son and gained that back as fast as I lost it :lol:
Yes this is possible most likely from bub nicking all your goodies and energy from you.


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