Lost Weight?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2010
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Just got on scales this morning and found I've lost 7lb!!! Now I would understand if I was having sickness but I've not been sick once since being pregnant and to be homest I've been eating like a little piggy ....... should I be worried? Been having a lot of problems lately with spotting and watery discharge....my mind is working over time

anyone else lost weight without being sick?
omg....lol.....I have no clue! But I know it's high

I'm 5ft and weigh 13st 2lb!....I carry it very well though plus I got a lot of muscle lol

ok just did it.....mortified!!!!!

35.9 obese! :shock:

Just asked bf if I'm obese he said god no...you just got big boobs and bum lol

Maybe losing weight is not such a bad thing eh?
mines 35 aswell huni and ive been told to lose weight!! aslong as u have a high bmi its okay to lose it as the baby is eating at ur fat reserves, i read online that if you do have a high bmi your not supose to put any weight on while preggers, just eat really healthy and just eat 2000 cals a day
It's soooooooooo difficult not to eat bad stuff lol.....normally I have a really bad sweet tooth but since being pregnant all I want is bread, crisps, cheese biscuits, sausage rolls, pies ( I never ate pies or sausage rolls before being preg but can't get enough of them now) anything high carb, fat and stodgy .... oh and fish finger and cheese sandwiches coming out my ears lol

Maybe I lost a bit of weight bacuse I haven't been eating huge amounts of sweets and choc...which I did before I was preg!

Gonna go give that link a read... thankyou for replying :)
hun i was told to eat loads of carbs!! the doctor said steer clear of saturated fats but eat pleanty of bread pasta and stuff like that! hence why u hav prob lost weight
I think at my current weight, I cannot afford to put on extra...I have spondylosis of spine and I think if I get any heavier my back will give in.....sooooo no more pies & sausage rolls! Really gonna try and eat lots of fruit and good carbs from now on, long as I can have lots of bread and pasta I think I can do it lol...just have to make sure it's whole grain :)
me to huni!!!! just fill ur fridge with fruit as u will wanna pick its natrual for yah! but if u can pick at grapes and stuff it will be good for yah!

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