Looking for some reassurance


New Member
Nov 17, 2008
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Hello everyone, i'm new to this forum. I wanted to join to find people who are going through the same things that i am. I am 13weeks pregenant with my first child and having a really hard time. I have had awful morning sickness since 6 weeks that has no signs of disappearing!! I am a huge worrier and can't seem to stop. Everyone says that pregnancy is supposed to be an amazing experience but i'm not enjoying it at all. As much as i love the little baby inside me i'm finding it hard to stay positive. Things in my personal life are a bit up in the air and all i've had for the first 3 months is stress stress stress. As much as my friends are wonderful i'm just looking to talk to people who have been through or going through similar to me.
hiya hun my sickness has ONLY just started easing lol and i'm 15+4 weeks, welcome to the forum :D i hope you get as much as i do out of it :D
Hiya, I have had sickness since week 4 and am now in week 13. Since week 11 the sickness has got much much worse. Along with this I have constant headaches and am also more than a little emotional for no reason.

Some women get it worse than others, the way I see it is everytime I feel sick I know baby is ok - worry more if I start feeling better - cant win lol! It does get me down sometimes to constantly feel ill, but it wont be forever. Just take one day at a time and try to enjoy being pregnant. :hug:
Oh hun :hug: :hug: :hug:

Pregnancy isnt always a wonderful time, but I do believe its what you personally make of it. I personally didnt enjoy Tri 1 at all, and was worried about everything, once in Tri 2 it does get easier, especially after the 20 weeks scan, at which point I blossomed (apparently)!!

Tri 3 is more hard work than anything, not really too many worries (once you have gotten over any thoughts of labour), but more constant aches, and pains and total discomfort in just trying to stand or walk to contend with!

Give yourself sometime and dont feel you have to enjoy the experience, although it does fly by very quickly, so enjoy some days if you can!!

Once you start feeling your baby moving around constantly in your tummy - everything becomes so real and wonderful!!

Hope you feel much better soon & the sickness starts easing up :hug:
hi hun :hug: :hug:

sorry your feeling this way its not the same i know but i too am finding this pregnancy very hard to even stop worying but it does get easier hun i promise, :hug:

even now im almost 20 weeks and still have odd days of sickness and yep its not nice but its a good things in a way to let you know bubba is alright,

try to enoy being pregnant it really is an admazing thing i know it can be hard to sometimes but think of all the good times ahead, maybe get some hobbies or something to relax you and put your mind on something else every now and then and just rest and relax much as you can

anyway always around if you want to chat or anything :hug: :hug:
awww bless ya :hug: :hug: i know how you feel, i sat in tears asking my best mate why i was putting myself through it when i hadnt eaten for 2 days. i was 'lucky' my morning sickness was only 1 or 2 days a week, but i'd be left with a migrane type headache and terrible shakes so i'd just sleep for the whole day :cry: its *fingers crossed* been on from 20 weeks onwards, but who knows.

if you need a chat PM me, im a first timer too so im not much help with pregnancy stuff but i'm always happy to chat :hug: :hug:
Just want to say welcome to the forum :wave: :hug:
I'm sorry you are feeling so poop but here is a great place to get things off your chest - everyone is really friendly :hug: :hug: :hug:
welcome to the Forum :hug: :hug: :hug:

All i can say is just try to relax, and im sorry to hear you going thro so much sickness hopefully that will start to settle down and things will get easier, Make sure you find time to spend alone and relax - look after yourself and your LO :hug:

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