Looking after yourself in pregnancy *updated*


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2007
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birth, and beyond.

My first antenatal class is this morning. I'll share any useful tips later :D

Oh, also my little bump is 7 months old today!!! Look at my ticker tho' im on my 8th square!! :shock:

Ive been singing 'happy seven month day to you...' C'mon everyone join in... :D
...happy seven month to you...
...happy seven month to you...

I can't wait for the 8th square....I keep looking at people's tickers to see when baby moves from 7 to 8 - now I know!! Congratulations on your 7th month marker, looking forward to your class tips later on!! xx
Happy 7th month!!! :D

Hope the class goes well!
Hope your class goes well, let us know if it was sitting in a circle and saying my name is.... and i do......

But defo give us tips!
Happy 7th month bumpaversary! :D

Enjoy your class.
The class was ok, but as other ladies have said in the past, i pretty much knew most of what the physio was telling us. Plus i was half an hour late which was really embarrasing (bloody hospital carpark, had to park about 15 mins walk away across the other side if the site :evil: )


she told us about pelvic floor and trans-abdominal muscle (what you pull in when you are trying to zip up tight jeans) excersises. from what she said i think my PF's are ok. she said its pretty normal to pee a little when you sneeze but if you cannot hold very long when you first realise you need the loo, thats when they need work. she said you can check your bits out in the mirror to see if you can feel movement or pop your finger in to see if you can feel a little squeeze (or ask OH if he can tell you are squeezing next time you are BDing)

she also said how important it is to keep your knees together when getting out of bed (and keep your legs lined up when doing anything physical) to prevent SPD (or to stop it getting worse. she also said PF and TAM would help with this)

she also talked about good posture. putting a rolled up towel behind you when sitting down, or make a wedge out of a towel and sitting on it. they were both really quite comfy.

there were some post birth excercises that involved lying on your back so she didnt recommend them during pregnancy. these were lifting both knees towards the chest, then alternating each leg alone.

im pretty sure they were the main points. hope they help anybody that needs it.
Seems pretty much what i remember from my old antenatal classes.They dont change much do they? :D
mrs_tommo22 said:
Seems pretty much what i remember from my old antenatal classes.They dont change much do they? :D

well im sure they wont until they invent another way of giving birth

im pinning my hopes on a star-trek style transporter, preferably before the end of july!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

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