thank you everyone for your kind words.
it has been rather hard sometimes. but the love i feel for riley is amazing. and i live for his little smiles.
sarah, im in devon. i think its quite a distance from you. isnt colchester near birmingham?
riley is doing so well atm. he is now up to 8lbs 1oz. he gained almost a pound in a week
the bad thing is, hes now got reflux. so is on infant gaviscon. poor thing

lets hope this is the end of his problems

last week i brought him 4 new outfits. 3 of which wont fit him for a couple of months
The other being one from mothercare £13 which is a little set of dungarees and body suit. he had a blow out the day i went to the docs (poor doctor lol) and stupid me forgot to put spare clothes into the changing bag

so i treated him
my dad is buying a activity play mat for him today. as he is getting to the age now where he is very aware of things around him. so i think he will like it
i brought a rug for the livingroom yesterday. only £20 and its Huge. my vain attempt to get the flat looking good
just sorted out my tv liscence online. there so expensive now arent they. i chose to do it by direct debit each month. wont be so much of a sting then lol.
Riley is now wearing 56cm clothes. which i think are mainly the 7 1/2 lbs ones. one day he will fit normal newborn clothes
i think that about it for now. little man needs his medicine.
thanks again for all your kind words. it really means alot to me. and i may well take you up on your offers for a chat at some point