Long termers 6 months or more

Had my 20 week scan today! All well!

How is your beautiful boy Rory?

My 1st name is Louisa, middle name Alexis but all my friends call me Alexis apart from my mum incase you notice my name is diff on my scan photo!

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Oh how fabulous...this makes my heart sing. I am so happy for you!

And Team Blue as well...how exciting. Have u got names picked out?

We are doing well. He is 10 weeks now....I'm starting to get in the swing a bit more and take back some control by aiming for a routine...albeit still quite flexible. Had his first laugh yesterday.. ..I could have cried it was such a beautiful sound. Your turn soon! Xx
Oh how fabulous...this makes my heart sing. I am so happy for you!

And Team Blue as well...how exciting. Have u got names picked out?

We are doing well. He is 10 weeks now....I'm starting to get in the swing a bit more and take back some control by aiming for a routine...albeit still quite flexible. Had his first laugh yesterday.. ..I could have cried it was such a beautiful sound. Your turn soon! Xx

20 weeks to go... Feels like forever. That's amazing wee Rory laughed for 1st time. What a magical moment for you!
Had my 20 week scan today! All well!

How is your beautiful boy Rory?

My 1st name is Louisa, middle name Alexis but all my friends call me Alexis apart from my mum incase you notice my name is diff on my scan photo!

View attachment 88591

oh wow can’t believe you are 20 weeks already? That’s really flown by? Glad to see everything is going well xx
oh wow can’t believe you are 20 weeks already? That’s really flown by? Glad to see everything is going well xx
Thanks hunni. Its dragged for me trust me.... I can't believe I've still got another 50%of the pregnancy to go!!

How are you? Xx
Such a beautiful scan Alexis I’m so pleased for you! Half way there now! You must be so excited!!
Such a beautiful scan Alexis I’m so pleased for you! Half way there now! You must be so excited!!

I am but my anxiety is still getting the better over me. Not sure what I can do to make it better. I woke up last night 4am thinking I had blood In the bed and ran to toilet and it was fine but I was shaking. I can't stop feeling like this. I'm sad I can't enjoy being pregnant
Thanks hunni. Its dragged for me trust me.... I can't believe I've still got another 50%of the pregnancy to go!!

How are you? Xx

sorry to see you’re still having some anxiety it’s great that everything is going well though but I think I’d feel the same way to be honest if it did ever happen for us? I still feel like it won’t ever happen though?

Im just plodding along as always :(
I am but my anxiety is still getting the better over me. Not sure what I can do to make it better. I woke up last night 4am thinking I had blood In the bed and ran to toilet and it was fine but I was shaking. I can't stop feeling like this. I'm sad I can't enjoy being pregnant

ive had dreams where I’ve gone to the toilet and there is blood and I have dreams where I’m an awful parent. It’s totally understandable why we are more anxious than others, we had long journeys and suffered losses, just keep pinching yourself and reminding yourself it’s real. This is your miracle.
We had our 12 week scan a few days ago and it’s like I only really accepted the pregnancy then, I just cried in the kitchen yesterday because I couldn’t believe I’m actually pregnant.

We deserve this, Alexis xx
sorry to see you’re still having some anxiety it’s great that everything is going well though but I think I’d feel the same way to be honest if it did ever happen for us? I still feel like it won’t ever happen though?

Im just plodding along as always :(

oh Millie, I pray it will happen for you, it’s so cruel some of us have to wait for so long. You will get your miracle I’m sure xx
@SugaryIris I don't think I believe it yet. When I see baby on the screen I can't belive he is ours. I can feel baby move and I know he is there but I still can't belive it's happening. That's amazing you had your 12 week scan, are you finding out gender?

@xMillie I just have this feeling deep inside me that I know your getting that BFP and so soon, a matter of a few months. Keep going, keep strong. I admire you so much. We are here for you and I know you will be rewarded!!!
Oh how fabulous...this makes my heart sing. I am so happy for you!

And Team Blue as well...how exciting. Have u got names picked out?

We are doing well. He is 10 weeks now....I'm starting to get in the swing a bit more and take back some control by aiming for a routine...albeit still quite flexible. Had his first laugh yesterday.. ..I could have cried it was such a beautiful sound. Your turn soon! Xx

Lovely to hear that everything is well with you. Can't believe Rory is 10 weeks already! It's scary how fast time flies. Enjoy it. My little man is nearly 1 and it won't be long before I'm back at work!!
@SugaryIris I don't think I believe it yet. When I see baby on the screen I can't belive he is ours. I can feel baby move and I know he is there but I still can't belive it's happening. That's amazing you had your 12 week scan, are you finding out gender?

@xMillie I just have this feeling deep inside me that I know your getting that BFP and so soon, a matter of a few months. Keep going, keep strong. I admire you so much. We are here for you and I know you will be rewarded!!!

no, at the moment we want a surprise, we only want one really as I couldn’t do ltttc again, so we are trying to keep it as full of surprises as possible!
Lovely to hear that everything is well with you. Can't believe Rory is 10 weeks already! It's scary how fast time flies. Enjoy it. My little man is nearly 1 and it won't be long before I'm back at work!!

Thanks @MoominGirl I camt believes he is now 4 months. Just had his last set of jabs today. For all the days go slow when your pregnant they absolutely fly by once they are here. The weeks just keep zipping by....I cant believe he was born in august and it's nearly xmas!

@Alexis2017 I hope you are keeping well now you are past the half way mark. I know what you mean about it not feeling real. I was like that until I felt movement....but even then I always kinda felt like it was happening to someone else. That was one of many reasons I was so keen to breastfeed as I was worried I wouldn't have that bond with him. I'm glad that I have as I do think it has helped me to feel like a mum. Sounds stupid I know but I didnt have the tears when he arrived just felt quite out of body that there was a little person in the corner and he belonged to me. I think a lot of that was to do with a 3 day induction/labour though and just being so exhausted.
@Alexis2017 how are you getting along? Not far to go now?! Xx
Hey.. 35 weeks today so 5 weeks to go. So tired and still have another 6 days at work till I have 1 weeks annual leave then I start Mat leave. Swollen legs and ankles but on the last wee stretch! Hope you and Rory are well
Hey.. 35 weeks today so 5 weeks to go. So tired and still have another 6 days at work till I have 1 weeks annual leave then I start Mat leave. Swollen legs and ankles but on the last wee stretch! Hope you and Rory are well

Aww that's lovely news to hear you doing ok. Bet you are knackered bless you. You will find a final wind when you start your leave.....and enjoy every minute of rest that you can. Batch cook...fill the freezer and do a final tidy up but other than that rest rest rest! (You will be grateful for the batch cook after bubba arrives) I'm so excited for you! Xx
Hi ladies, I hope you’re all well. I wanted to drop by to say hello. Hopefully some of you will remember me.

I’ve just got out of laparoscopy surgery to remove endometriosis- but they didn’t do anything as it’s stage three so need a longer op to remove it and need to chat to the consultant... but I started a YouTube channel to share our journey to baby no 2 with endometriosis and loss and I wanted to share in case anyone would take comfort in joining us on this journey that is definitely not plain sailing! Here’s the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm8ZUHAXsvRpSibf_UVWgw. Give us a follow if you fancy it! You’re not alone! Xx
Aww that's lovely news to hear you doing ok. Bet you are knackered bless you. You will find a final wind when you start your leave.....and enjoy every minute of rest that you can. Batch cook...fill the freezer and do a final tidy up but other than that rest rest rest! (You will be grateful for the batch cook after bubba arrives) I'm so excited for you! Xx

Yeah planning on batch cooking if he doesn't appear early! Got a bump photoshoot booked in for 37 week's.

I've got a midwife appt on Thur to discuss birth plan, then a 37 wk growth scan on 11th and meet consultant 19th to discuss sweep/induction!

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