Long termers 6 months or more

morning girls.

Peony - huge hugs. I know how you feel. every time AF turns up for me, its just heart breaking. every one that turns up feels like a huge blow, I think we all feel like that the longer it goes on. I totally agree with telling people so that they stop asking. its what me and my husband do! anyone that asks, were blunt and honest. Most people drop it after that and don't ask again. occasionally people ask us follow up questions (like any news on hospital dates etc), which I don't mind as I'd rather people know and try to understand our position, then be in the dark and keep sticking their foot in it.

Nikki - keeping everything crossed hun!

1sttimer - it sounds like it was a positive appointment and definitely a step forward! will be a right pain waiting for October but fingers crossed it will be worth it!

sending huge hugs to you all!
@1sttimer, not that this is any consolation (I’ve had to not try for 2 months at Xmas and I know it was horrible and I’d always rather try than not!), but at least you’re not having to force yourself to dtd in this heat! I’m really hoping it will have cooled down by the time I get to my fertile week! Do you think you could book some nice things to do in between now and October to distract yourself from it? I was quite lucky when I wasn’t allowed to try as Xmas distracted me, but even then it felt so wrong, especially during the fertile weeks!

@katie88 I think you’re right and i am starting to tell certain people now. But very select people who I know will not say silly things! And actually, it has been a bit of a relief telling them. It’s like getting rid of a secret that you didn’t want. And I know most people are starting to guess that we must be ttc by now.

@nikkibiscuit fingers crossed for you this month. Since we’ve been dtd more across the fertile week, ive not had the worry of ‘could we have done it more?’ Which if nothing else, helps my brain stop worrying about that at least! And I was the same, always thought I was doing it enough by dtd every other day, but looking back I really think we could have ‘tried’ more in the beginning. Hindsight is a wonderful thing :roll:

Best of luck to everyone this month. It’s been too long since we’ve had some long termers get a bfp.
Too right someone on here must be owed a BFP we have certainly all put the time in. Would be so nice if August brought some happy news for one of us x
Meltdown warning ahhhh

I am on the count down to ivf. I was told 6 months waiting list in May...So expecting to have the treatment in December or maybe January. I am just learning that it's another 3 months on top of when your on the top of the list and called up. That means its been almost 2 years since our 1st appointment at the clinic until we have treatment...That seems so long. I know it's only 3 extra months but it's made me feel so low now
Anyone else think that's really long ? I can't deal with it anymore. I was focusing on the 6 months and feeling better that it was only a short time scale and now it's going to be like March or even April 2019 before we even start our 1st round. Totally gutted today.

I know people will say that's more time to try naturally but it's not happening and I know it won't happen before then. It's been 20 cycles of trying and a few months before that of trying but not timing and charting. It isn't ever going to happen naturally
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Hi alexis, huge hugs.

its a totally shitter to be honest. I was due to start my ivf in august but have now been told to expect September but more than likely October. its really is a complete nightmare, so I know exactly how you feel.

have you thought about trying acupuncture while you wait? I've been having it for a while now. its quite relaxing and at least make me think im doing something to help the process. and my acupuncturist has even helped ladies fall pregnant naturally while they've been waiting for ivf. might be worth a look into?

@peony - im glad you've found people that you can trust to talk to. I felt relieved when I felt I could finally tell people what was going on. everyone has been supportive or in worst case that they don't know what to say, they don't bring it up which works for me!

huge hugs x
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Hi lovelies, I’m so sorry I’ve been radio silent for the past month but after a second cp I just lost all hope. It has been 12 months since we started trying and my irregular cycles constant spotting during my lp tell me this isn’t going to happen naturally. I called the doctors to make an appointment this morning. I can’t have one without a telephone call from the doctor first. I tried to explain to the doctor that I don’t want to discuss my infertility whilst I’m at work and I work from 9-5.30 but point blank no appointment without the call. I literally got to my desk at work and cried. I’m exhausted and fed up.
I don't know if you girls can get this over in the UK but I started using Premular about two cycles ago and it has dramatically changed my wonky cycles into regular ones. I still have pretty long cycles (about 33 days) but at least I am now ovulating regularly and my CM has much improved. It's got vitex in it...

Glad you are back Sugar - we really missed you one here :hugs:
Yeah my problem I habe regular cycles and no issues so nothing I can do but sounds like thats really positive Kat! So happy for you. I am on the count down to ivf now. We should get a letter in about 8 weeks time saying we are top of the list asking me to go for a blood work appt then I get a 2nd appt maybe 4 weeks on from that to sign the consent form in October for treatment in November .. I hope it works
:)Good luck with your ivf journey Alexis

I was just wondering if I am 9dpo would fertility be able to detect anything as I am there on Tuesday and not been feeling myself I have burning in my chest second night and sore bbs and my tummy feels weird and I'm constipated even though I'm eating loads of fruit and vegetables as rejoined slimming world so changed my diet

Thanks and baby dust to you all :dust::dust::dust:

Good luck Alexis! My sister just needs three more cycles and then she is on the ivf waiting list. After her referral they stopped doing ivf in my area on the nhs which means me and dh will have to pay for it so it will be a long time saving.

All my sisters have pcos and needed ivf and I’ve got a lot of the systems so pretty sure they’ll tell me I have it too.

Unexplained issues sound awful :( at least you must feel like you’re making progress? Xxx
Yeah my problem I habe regular cycles and no issues so nothing I can do but sounds like thats really positive Kat! So happy for you. I am on the count down to ivf now. We should get a letter in about 8 weeks time saying we are top of the list asking me to go for a blood work appt then I get a 2nd appt maybe 4 weeks on from that to sign the consent form in October for treatment in November .. I hope it works

Hang in there Alexis. Just think how far you have come and in relation to that a little longer wait should seem manageable. Hold onto the fact that you are getting help and you are moving forwards.

Everything crossed for you. And there are many stories of ladies falling pregnant right before IVF because they have accepted fate and just taken foot off the gas. So nothing is impossible. In the meantime enjoy all the things that you can do while u wait x
:)Good luck with your ivf journey Alexis

I was just wondering if I am 9dpo would fertility be able to detect anything as I am there on Tuesday and not been feeling myself I have burning in my chest second night and sore bbs and my tummy feels weird and I'm constipated even though I'm eating loads of fruit and vegetables as rejoined slimming world so changed my diet

Thanks and baby dust to you all :dust::dust::dust:


Not sure jemjem regarding what fertility might be able to tell you. 9dpo is still pretty early days. Try not to worry as it could be a good sign.....but I have to say I'm a slimming worlder have been many a time over the years and the first couple weeks always take a while for my guts to settle down one way or the other. Our bodies can react strangely to diet overhauls

Everything crossed for you x
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Hi alexis, huge hugs.

its a totally shitter to be honest. I was due to start my ivf in august but have now been told to expect September but more than likely October. its really is a complete nightmare, so I know exactly how you feel.

have you thought about trying acupuncture while you wait? I've been having it for a while now. its quite relaxing and at least make me think im doing something to help the process. and my acupuncturist has even helped ladies fall pregnant naturally while they've been waiting for ivf. might be worth a look into?

@peony - im glad you've found people that you can trust to talk to. I felt relieved when I felt I could finally tell people what was going on. everyone has been supportive or in worst case that they don't know what to say, they don't bring it up which works for me!

huge hugs x

Yeah I tried acupuncture for about 4 months. It helped me in some ways but was so expensive and in the end I knew it wasn't going to bring me a baby. The acupuncturist I went to helped my friend fall pregnant but she had endo. I dunno....i.had nothing.much wrong with my cycle other than brown spotting on lead up to af.I once had brown spotting and brown bleeding at 6dpo then it went on for over 1 week. She thought it was prob a failed implantation and was only time its ever happened so maybe it was helping...who knows
Meltdown warning ahhhh

I am on the count down to ivf. I was told 6 months waiting list in May...So expecting to have the treatment in December or maybe January. I am just learning that it's another 3 months on top of when your on the top of the list and called up. That means its been almost 2 years since our 1st appointment at the clinic until we have treatment...That seems so long. I know it's only 3 extra months but it's made me feel so low now
Anyone else think that's really long ? I can't deal with it anymore. I was focusing on the 6 months and feeling better that it was only a short time scale and now it's going to be like March or even April 2019 before we even start our 1st round. Totally gutted today.

I know people will say that's more time to try naturally but it's not happening and I know it won't happen before then. It's been 20 cycles of trying and a few months before that of trying but not timing and charting. It isn't ever going to happen naturally

Hey Alexis, I hope those months go by really fast.
It might even be less time than that, it’s usually just 1 or 2 appointments just for paperwork and bloods. We were first seen by our clinic in an October (I think?) and had started our first round that November.

Hope everyone is doing as well as they can.
Really feel like I have totally given up here, I don’t even want a baby anymore. I see babies or pregnant ladies and it doesn’t bother me anymore like it used to. I just don’t think I want this anymore.

I did digi opks this month, as my last cycle was long and af caught me off guard lol, I have a whole drawer full.. 60 sticks lol.
cd13 NEG, cd14 PEAK. We’ve dtd once all month on cd14. I’m just not interested anymore, meh. At least I know when to expect af.

I miss that excitement when you first start ttc.. none of us get to feel that anymore.
Meltdown warning ahhhh

I am on the count down to ivf. I was told 6 months waiting list in May...So expecting to have the treatment in December or maybe January. I am just learning that it's another 3 months on top of when your on the top of the list and called up. That means its been almost 2 years since our 1st appointment at the clinic until we have treatment...That seems so long. I know it's only 3 extra months but it's made me feel so low now
Anyone else think that's really long ? I can't deal with it anymore. I was focusing on the 6 months and feeling better that it was only a short time scale and now it's going to be like March or even April 2019 before we even start our 1st round. Totally gutted today.

I know people will say that's more time to try naturally but it's not happening and I know it won't happen before then. It's been 20 cycles of trying and a few months before that of trying but not timing and charting. It isn't ever going to happen naturally

Hey Alexis, I hope those months go by really fast.
It might even be less time than that, it’s usually just 1 or 2 appointments just for paperwork and bloods. We were first seen by our clinic in an October (I think?) and had started our first round that November.

Hope everyone is doing as well as they can.
Really feel like I have totally given up here, I don’t even want a baby anymore. I see babies or pregnant ladies and it doesn’t bother me anymore like it used to. I just don’t think I want this anymore.

I did digi opks this month, as my last cycle was long and af caught me off guard lol, I have a whole drawer full.. 60 sticks lol.
cd13 NEG, cd14 PEAK. We’ve dtd once all month on cd14. I’m just not interested anymore, meh. At least I know when to expect af.

I miss that excitement when you first start ttc.. none of us get to feel that anymore.

Millie it's so nice to hear from you but I am so sad to hear you say those things.

I am so so so tired of ttc we only tried twice this cycle and I know it was pointless. I feel like ivf is so close yet so far. So many hoops and hurdles to get through , over and under. I don't think I have the energy to do it ? I am already a different person from 2 years ago. What will be left of me on th other side of ivf....Millie your so right. When you go through this thete is no happy baby making, exciting news and planning. It's all misery and emptiness and loneliness
Hi girls am heart broken day 29 and Af arrived had all pregnancy symptoms think I’m going nuts ! Ac arrived think will start Clomid tomorrow
It's so sad reading these posts from you lovely ladies in despair and sounding like giving up.

But you are so right...the fun and baby bonking is a distant memory for us. We managed to make last month feel not too much like it was going through the motions which made a change but no matter how hard you try sex always has a consequence in the back of your mind. Or rather lack of consequence.

It is super hard to not make it all about getting there. And I can relate to those saying they not bothered. We haven't had sex now in a week. It's like if you manage a few times around ov. We then need 2 weeks to recover. Then chuck in another 5 days for AF and suddenly we can creep up towards 3 weeks without sex.

Not every month is like that but it would be so nice just to not think about it for a while. Hard as I try to plan forward regardless that little what if voice always chatters away. What if your pregnant. What if your not.

I envy those who can enjoy this game x
Welcome to the gang Lyn and huge hugs. its a total mine field this whole ttc malarkey!
I completely feel you Nikki, it's already been a week since we last dtd which was a dismal 2 days before O - as DH struggles with sperm motility and quality I honestly don't know how to feel about the odds for this cycle. I'm holding onto faith that things will work out if it is meant to for this cycle. I honestly just want our TTC journey to end, if God can bless us with a wee little human I doubt that I will ever want to put myself and DH through this hell again.

One little human...that's all I ask...just one....
I completely feel you Nikki, it's already been a week since we last dtd which was a dismal 2 days before O - as DH struggles with sperm motility and quality I honestly don't know how to feel about the odds for this cycle. I'm holding onto faith that things will work out if it is meant to for this cycle. I honestly just want our TTC journey to end, if God can bless us with a wee little human I doubt that I will ever want to put myself and DH through this hell again.

One little human...that's all I ask...just one....

I was literally just thinking this yesterday, its becoming very apparent that its not so 'easy' to fall pregnant and would i really want to go through all of this again if i did fall pregnant, but then i also think, i wouldnt want them to be alone, god its so hard!

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