london meet (south)

I did put up another post about this and either no one is online or you dont want to post so what are we doing about this??????? the meet that is.
i would be!!!!

might need to scrounge a lift from Nicki or Duds who are my bestest, prettiest most wonderful pals :cheer: if its somewhere a bit trickier for me to get too!

London too far for me :cry: over 3 hours on train!!!
there is no way i could keep Jack entertained for 3 hours i'll have to see if anyone fancies a North meet sometime
lol it would take me about 6/7 hours on the train!! im miles away from everywhere down 'ere in Cornwall!!! :lol:
stephlw25 said:
lol it would take me about 6/7 hours on the train!! im miles away from everywhere down 'ere in Cornwall!!! :lol:

jesus is that how long it takes on the train, its only (well i say only, not really) 3 and a half hours driving to cornwall from here (im in reading, about 30 mins on train to london)

Am going to be spending the week in cornwall from saturday :wave: :dance:
Trains are rubbish with times i think :shakehead:
Yea i know! its a joke! i get well grumpy on the train for that long, my cousin works in London so often comes home once a month ish and he said it takes him 6ish hours?!
Sorry... just popped in here!

When are you guys thinking about meeting up? I would love to meet up with all of you, as I'm also planning to be in London for the baby show. Not too worry otherwise - I guess some of you will be going to the show anyway - will see you then!

Emilia xx
I would consider it, depending on train times/prices etc :)

SO many people travelled from far away for the Birmingham one.....I was so pleased, I would travel too :)
urchin said:
I would consider it, depending on train times/prices etc :)

SO many people travelled from far away for the Birmingham one.....I was so pleased, I would travel too :)

In that case, will it be possible to meet up say the 20th Oct - I'll deffo be there!!! Want to meet Urchin too!!! :cheer: :cheer:

Emilia xx
Emilia that sounds good! is that day of friday? if its a saturday then i cant come as i have a wedding to go to. :cry:
Flossy82 said:
Emilia that sounds good! is that day of friday? if its a saturday then i cant come as i have a wedding to go to. :cry:

It's a Friday!!! I'll be there & you too Flossy! :cheer:

Emilia xx
yay i could do that as long as i switch my shift at work - should be cool though!

where in uk will you be staying emilia?

Yay count me in then all should be ok how about everyone else then? we need a list of those who can come.
:cry: wont be able to come the o/h said its ok for me to go to the baby show or where ever but he wont allow me to go the lodon on the trains with the little one's.

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