LOL - seen loads in the South - sorry if you have one!

dionne said:
lol i must look likea snail then,
im not a confident driver though not been driving to long and partner always has the car :roll:

no way..i went on holiday with my mate a while ago..and i think the fastest we went on the motorway was about 60 miles an hour!! :doh:
He was such a slow driver.
as long as you are in the right lane for your speed i dont think people bother how slow you go...i dont think i will enjoy the motorways when i can drive!! :shakehead:
Eblinx said:
beanie said:
i kept telling OH to slow down. he nearly threw me out the car (he was only doing 50 in a 60) :D

"Persistent dawdling and/or obstruction can wreak havoc on the tempers of following drivers who lack a masters degree in patience, and their increasingly desperate attempts to overtake can be highly dangerous.

It is foolish of them to take risks, but the slowcoach at the head of the procession must share some of the responsibility for allowing the situation to arise. We are dealing with humans, not robots"

50 miles on a country road with a new born in the back is hardly dawdling. :roll:
Eblinx not sure what point you're trying to make.

I hope that you don't approve of such driving when you do have a child :( And I also hope that you never experience the unfortunate event of your child slipping away from you and darting out in front of a car that's doing 70 in a 30 mile an hour zone. I hate to think what sort of fatal injuries that would cause.
People who purposely drive so much over the speed limit are pathetic and immature. To purposely endanger other people's lives for fun is inexcusable. A 30 mile an hour speed limit in a residential area is there for a reason. I find your posts infuriating and hope that you mature very quickly in time for your baby's arrival.
I am discusted at some of the childish comments I have read on this thread :evil:
rosieroo said:
To purposely endanger other people's lives for fun is inexcusable. A 30 mile an hour speed limit in a residential area is there for a reason. I find your posts infuriating and hope that you mature very quickly in time for your baby's arrival.

I'm with you.
I cannot believe this topic is even up for discussion, It's one thing on a dual-carriage way or a motorway to go a little over, but to think 70 in a 30 zone is acceptable is absolutley SICK.

Forget about when YOUR baby is in the car...what about the innocent people in other cars, or the child stepping out onto the pavement...And you claim it would be THEIR fault that you are doing 70????
If you were doing 30 you would be able to stop and let their mom tell them off, at 70 they would be DEAD.
If you clip the kerb going 70mph you will flip the car, possibly onto the pavement where little kids or babies in prams can be. Doesn't your selfish OH think about things like that when he's showing off in his new car?
I hope your child quickly learns the rules of the road and never has to learn the hard way like so many others.

*absolutley FUMING here* :evil:
Oh come on people - I started this thread as a light hearted joke about people who drive around with England flags sticking out of their cars. I feel bad this has caused an upset. I certainly never meant that to happen.......... :cry:
You are right, it was a lighthearted post but those comments really upset me. I shouldn't use the forum for my personal issues and for that I apologise but I did feel that particular comments needed to be challenged.
I liked the joke, honest! But didn't feel that Eblinx's comments should go by unchallenged.
thats brill! Iv just forwarded it on to everyone! I actually got it usually Im a bit slow at getting things
I saw that the last time the flags were around. I agree with them as it was one of them flying through the air on the M6 that meant my aerial completely came off (I had snapped it but it was hanging on) and I had to travel 150 miles with no radio - grrrr
Don't you feel bad Alicebabe, the original post was great - a joke I actually managed to get straight away yay yay yay!!!!

As for the speeding issue, I live in a 20 zone. It should be a nice quiet street when the shops are closed, but instead it gets used as a rat run by people avoiding traffic lights and speed cameras on the main road which runs parallel to us. The carnage of two cars hitting each other at 50 isn't a pretty sight, let alone 70. The last accident wrote off 4 parked cars, totalled a garden wall and the bay of a house. Nobody knows the cause because both drivers were pronounced dead at the scene. Had the little girl who lives in the house been playing in her own garden at the time, would it have been her fault? Her parents fault for living there? Oh no, it must be the county councils fault for putting speed cameras and traffic lights on the non-residential road - let them speed there instead. Or perhaps it was the person that gave the driver the cold that made him sneeze. grrrr I'm shutting up now, I'm going to hoover the stairs :evil:
Alicebabe said:
Oh come on people - I started this thread as a light hearted joke about people who drive around with England flags sticking out of their cars. I feel bad this has caused an upset. I certainly never meant that to happen.......... :cry:

Don't feel bad I thought it was really funny. It's not your fault there are bad drivers around.

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