Lilymac's labour thread! Update 1st post 23.45


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2010
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Just had a text from Stacey, she's gone into labour!!

"Hi chick. After all the malarky at the hospital yesterday im now in labour! Woke up at 2am in agony contractions coming every 10mins up until 5am when they dropped to every 6mins. Spoke to birth centre and they dont want me to come in until they are every 3mins! What a joke im having a nervous breakdown, theyre about 4-5mins apart now and lasting a minute. Iv never felt pain like it! Im exhausted only got 2hours sleep so think i might just demand to be bought in so they can give me something for the pain and i can get some rest :) hope youre ok xxx"

Will update again if I get any more! I've wished her the best from us x

Got another text
"thanks chick! They still every 5mins and lasting 50ish seconds each but they still dont want me to go in! I feel like a zombie, everytime i nod off i get another one so theres no chance of rest until i get some pain relief!XX"

23.20 update - received "On way to hospital couldnt cope anymore. Bet they just send me home!XX "

23.45 update - "23 hours of agonising contractions n im only 1cm!! Being sent home with pain killers and will be induced tomorrow unless something more happens tonight :( XX "

I said she needs to get some sleep! Busy day for her tomorrow! At least she will have her baby. Xx

Hang in there!!

20.40pm just received:
"Contractions have slowed right down, stopped altogether for about an hour and now theyre every 15minutes again but twice as strong as last time! Hes giving me some grief! Still cant do anything at hospital so hopefully theyll stop altogether for the night and i can be induced tomorrow as planned and itll all kick off properly. My brain is fried can barely remember my own name now! X"

Poor girl bet she's tired!
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Yay :yay: how exciting!! Hopefully after all the pain she's been in the labour will be a quick one and her little one will be in her arms super soon :) x
Good luck Hun it'll all be over soon and your little man will be here xx
Oh good luck, very exciting ! hope it's all going well X
Good luck...fx theyl let u go in soon xx

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