Likelihood of going overdue

xx emma xx

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2010
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I was sat up until 4am wide awake last night so as I do I end up on all sorts of websites reading stuff about pregnancy and stuff to pass the time until I'm tired.
I read that if your monthly cycle is longer than the average 28 day cycle then you are likely to go overdue. My cycle was very erratic but most of the time would be between 30-32 days, 32 days mostly. Has anyone heard this before or been pregnant and this be true. It might be rubbish but it's kind of made me accept that I will probably go overdue :(

My cycle was 30 days and i went 4 days overdue whether that's why or Not i don't know xx
28 days cycler here and ive gone over due on time and early so i would say no the theory is rubbish lol
Well that's positive news, maybe I won't after all. I reckon I'll be the beginning of June anyway so I'm mentally prepared lol x
My average cycle was 26 days........we'll have to wait and see I guess.

I always had 31 day cycles and I was 8 days early. Theory def rubbish! x x
ive been on the pill so many years i have no idea what my cycle was! I have heard that too though x
I a 32 day cycle and went overdue on the first.. this one im over due but was only off the pill for a month when i got pregnant so not sure what my cycle would of gone back too...
They say that coz it's a guess to when u actually fell pregnant, most people can't say the day the egg was ferterlised so that's y they say u r pregnant 40 weeks instead of 38 as u have a 2 week window,

then they also give u 37week till 42 week window were they say it's fine to either go early or over, I suppose if u can pin point exactly when ur egg was embedded u will know when ur date will be, with my son I knew to the day n was only a day early

This time I think my edd is totally wrong as I am really ott with my periods n know every thing n the date didn't make sence so I've got it in my Ed I'll be early hehe by 2 weeks or summat or instead of 4th July it will be more like 9th, time will tell x x
So they probably say that as they can't be sure of the day you ovulated. I reckon I can pin point the day the egg was fertilised. Cos me and my OH always joke it was the time the tesco man arrived with the shopping and we were rushing to finish hahaha. So that would make it just one day later if that makes sense as that was the Sunday and my due date is the Saturday. Xx
Mine were 30 day cycles after coming off the pill. Will have to see if its true for me. I doubt it's true though as everyone has said above xxx
I knew first time round when my egg embedded coz I had spotting so I took that day n it was bang on, this time I didn't have spotting but I think I know but we will see, but that y they say with ur cycles coz some people that don't know them x
Even of it's true I'm sure it doesn't make you dramatically overdue. Just a few days. And then some people go like 2 weeks early so it prob doesn't count for much. I'm just praying 3 weeks today I'll either be in labour or have my baby xx

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