Leela Born 14/12/07 *Pic Added*


Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2006
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Sorry it' taken so long to post this but been shattered with little madam.

Well as a lot of you know I had to be induced on Friday due to the baby not growing in the scans.
They used the gel on me in the morning (10.45) and by 3.45 I was 3cms so in established labour. I made my way to the labour suite with john trailing behind me with the gas and air.

When I got to labour room I thought I was being a real baby as the midwife told me I was only 3 cms. So I asked for pethidine. They wouldn't give me a full dose coz of the size of the baby so they gave me half a dose.

I wish they'd checked me first coz within 10 mins of having the pethidine I wanted to push and after 10 mins and 1 push she was born.

Overall it took 1 hour 15 mins. She cried straight away and they passed her straight to me, then they gave me the scissors to cut the cord.

After they took her to be weighed they made me lie down as then the pethidine hit me and I got really spaced out and kept asking john about car seats lol. They made me stay there for an hour to make sure the pethidine had worn off before I went in to the post natal suite.

It took us days to get a name for her and we still havent decided the spelling of the middle name lol. I will update with some pics.

Leela Jade Kelsey born 14/12/07 weighing 5lb 8oz.
Wow Hope my labour is that quick..

Glad you had a nice quick labour......congratulations :dance:
Here's a pic of my little princess

OMG how georgous is she!

quick delivery too.

Congrats hun
Well done.

Another baby born on 14th. :dance:

She is so cute. xxx

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