Baby Lucy Rydzek born 14/04/07

She is gorgeous honey! Im so sorry u had to go thru all that! :shock: Theres only one word for it... SUE SUE SUE!!!
I know i bloody well would!! Thats disgraceful what they done to you! It was bad enough messing you about getting u into a hospital!( :shock: )

I do hope u feel much much better soon hun, talk to a lawyer!! Take pics of your noonoo and show the damage!! Painkiller reciepts the works hun!!!
oh poor thing Kat!!!!

congratulations on your beautiful little girl - shes gorgeous!!!!

welcome to the world baby Lucy :cheer:
:shock: :shock: hun i have to agree with the others, you need to SUE them - its disgusting what they put you and Lucy through, thats certainly not on!!!!!!!

glad your on the road the recovery darlin :hug:
oh my god poor you :hug: .

I can kind of understand where your coming from as i had a simular birth story except the hospital part and i wasn't unconsious afterwards.
But i had vontuse and forseps without being cut as they had to get jack out asap as his heart rate was lowering badly, so when they got him out he was rushed away and put into scbu and i did not see him til late that night and that was only for a little cuddle :cry: . In the meantime i was in theatre being stuffed with gauze and sewn back together. I got to see jack the next day and later that night he was brought to me to keep :cheer:. The day after that i was allowed to go home as i kept asking, i hated it in there i just wanted to be at home. Your story sounds a lot worse than mine though :hug:.

I hope you get well soon take lots of careXXX :hug:
I hope you don't think that i was trying to steal your thread or get sympathy or anything i'm not like that :oops: , but i was just explaining why i can understand

Get well soonXXX

Ouch, ouch, ouch - I hope you heal very soon.

I would also sue as this will hopefully give these hospitals a kick up the bum and prevent it from happening in the future.
Congratulations hun! :cheer: Sorry you had such and awful time and i would definatly sue.
a huge congrats to you hun, you went through it though eh?
take care.xx
Jeez that is just awful. I hope you have the energy to sue them - maybe they'll think twice about treating someone so badly next time.

Lucy is very beautiful though, well done.

Pea xxx
OMG what an ordeal. So glad you're healing and Lucy looks gorgeous in spite of the bruising - well done you :hug:

you poor poor thing, you deserve the mother of all medals hun :hug: :hug: what a truly beautiful little girl you have to show for it all, shes gorgeous :hug: :hug: xxxx
OMG that sounds awful. I am glad that you and Lucy are both ok :hug:

Lucy is beautiful by the way congrats :cheer:
Firstly well done for making it through all this. Secondly what a gorgeous little girl.

Our birth stories are identical so if you need any advice or reassurance just ask. Everything will be fine just give your self time to heal - don't sit up for too long, stay out of the bath and get doing your pelvic floor exercises.

I'm now expecting my second and needless to say i'm delivering at another hospital by c-section!

Lots of love
Juz x
Sorry Kat - meant to ask who advised you to sue? Have you had any progress? When i had my 12 month check up 2 wks ago the consultant looked shell shocked when i said how unsatisfactory the care had been and that i wouldn't be delivering there again. Needless to say i checked myself out a day after delivery because the care was horrendous and suffered badly after that. Best of luck x
First things first - thanks for all the well wishes - I am healing nicely & Lucy is doing really well :D

My midwife was the one who I advised I sued and as time has gone on - more & more people have said the same.

I'm in two minds as to whether I will purely as I was looked after so well after the ordeal & it allowed me to heal & bond with my baby in the luxury of a wonderful private room & believe it or not i'm not that traumatised by it all & i'm healing really nicely & everything works! :dance: lol
What a relief! So glad you're healing well. You obviously were looked after really well after the delivery but that's no more than you deserved after your treatment.

It's tough isn't it cos you know you've got your little baby and the main thing we care about as mummys is them. However, you might just want to think about the future - i'm so pleased everything is 'working' but they say the problems for us will come when we're older - think about how it will affect your future birth choices as i've been in such a dilemma.

But i guess on the otherhand the NHS have got enough problems and maternity wards are bad enough without losing valuable funds due to litigation. And at the end of the day you've got Lucy!

Good luck with everything x
Kat@girlracer said:
First things first - thanks for all the well wishes - I am healing nicely & Lucy is doing really well :D

I am glad you are both doing well. Keep us updated if you take things any further as i'm sure you may help someone else that's thinking
of sueing(sp)

Take careX :hug:
Jesus! you poor thing, im glad shes here happy and healthy and I hope you make a speedy recovery, please please I must stress using a shower to go for a wee and washin with just water in a shower! I had a deep espiotomy and found this the best way to wee and prevent infection.

Baths will more than likely cause an infection.

:hug: :hug: :hug:

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