Freya Isobelle Tandy 29/12/07 - 6lb13oz


Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2007
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Hi everyone,

Hope your all ok - this is the first time I've been on here since leaving work so thought I would post my birth story.

Went to see the MW on the Thursday & she said she would book me in for a sweep the week after(0n my due date), she said if I wanted to try & get things moving then try eating some pineapple, so i went straight to Tesco & bought one. Then about 7 hours later my waters broke, it was about 1:30 am, didn't know what was happening, it was horrendous told John I thought my waters had broke but couldn't tell if it was just me weeing & not being able to stop!!

We rang the labour ward & asked what they wanted me to do, they asked me to go in, when we got there I was hooked up to the monitor for a while to check for contraction- there were only a couple of tiny ones, the they wanted to examine me to see if my waters had gone, they had.

They sent me home & told me to go back at 07:30am the next day(saturday) BUT started to have mild contractions that afternoon so we were timing them, it wasn't until about 3am that they got so bad that John had to ring & say we were coming in. We got to the hospital & were put in a room & forgotton about :roll: , think it was only coz I was kickin off that the MV came in, she examined me & I was 6cm dilated, she asked if I wanted an epidural & I said no, we then went to into the labour suite & I was givien gas & air, the MW's were swapping shifts so they said they wouldn't be long & the new MW would be along to examine me, by this stage I was really ready to push, the MW came in & looked at me & said are we ready to push then? I can see this LO has alot of dark hair. It didn't feel like I was pushing for too long & finally Freya plopped out, didn't tear thanks god :dance:.,it was really really painfull &. I just kept going on & on about pooing coz thats what it felt like, that I just need to do a massive shit, I have been told that I didn't though

She was born at 09:25 on 29/12/07 5 days early weighing 6lb 13oz, with loads of dark hair,she is gorgeous.

Take care everyone - hopefully I will be back online soon to catch up.

Congratulations! ......and welcome to the world :hug:

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