late period?!? advice plzzz


Active Member
Aug 10, 2011
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right in a nut shell i was due on monday now friday so 4days late, we been trying 5+ years so wud b a miracle!!! i usually have sore boobs cramping a week b4 but this time nothing even got 2 last thursday had 2 work out when i was due realised monday thought it weird no signs, then monday came n went n now its friday, im getting twinges wouldnt really say cramping (i get them really bad) no sore boobs, im confused and scared (i want this so much) thanks every1 xxx
And good luck...
Do a test, I tested when I was 4 days late, after over two years of trying, the day before my 1st fertility clinic appt.

Good Luck xx
im too scared! ive told myself if i get 2 a week late ill test (i think) i no thats all i can do but i cant explain how scared i am of getting a negative! has any1 else been late but had some signs of a period but actually found they were pregnant? thanks xxx
I was only a few days late but I had cramping and felt like I was going to come on and still do. I'm just impatient and wanted to know one way or another. But I honestly thought I was going to come on, apparently it's an early sign... Xxx
Mee. I still feel like I could come on any moments - boobs are killing me and I keep getting real bad cramps. Then it eases for a bit then starts again. I always make sure no bleeding every time I go to loo.

Sooooooooo TEST :D

PS I only tested cos of a weird dream I hard or I would of waited thinking it was my PCOS playing silly buggers again ;)
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im just trying 2 b hopefull but not too hopefull after 5years of period after period after period im too scared and y would it suddenly happen now? oh ladies im so puzzled but i feel 4days is neither here nor there n with twinges i get im expecting just to come on xxx
I know how you feel hun I've been trying 7 years. Are your periods regular?

Only thing you can do is test or go to docs.
I can understand how you feel I wanted to wait to do mine but I couldn't take the pressure in the end. It's your choice and I can see why you don't want to just yet but you won't know unless you do one. Do one when your ready but do t emotionally torture yourself. I've my fingers and toes crossed for you...
Firstly you have to think if your periods are regular? I worked out my cycles every month for about 18 months and realized that only once had I been more than 4 days late (and had several BFN's before just giving up, I just missed a period for some reason that month), so I happily tested at 4 days late not believing I would get a positive, but got one.

If your often 4/5/6 days late, or more, then leave it a while and try not to get worked up as this can delay your period, causing a vicious cycle.

I know it's hard and horrible seeing a negative test, but I don't find it *much* worse than getting my AF, and at least if you test you'll know, and you can start taking care of yourself
ye thats very true, i usually start the evening of the day b4 im due or as soon as i get up on the day im
due wooosh its there lol im regular every 28days odd time ive been a day late just weird this time as i had no sore boobs no pains usually all this starts a week+ b4 im due only this time the day came n went with no sign n was only yesterday n 2dsy ive had twinges but no sore boobs i ALWAYS get that! oh confusion lol xxx
My Advice is to go to the shop and get a test. It could be miracle baby. If you've got a regular cycle, it's a bit more of a mystery why you haven't caught before now, and perhaps a miracle has happened and the mystery has solved itself. xx
Seriously hon, don't torture yourself! Go get a test and pee :) I really hope this is it for you x
well i tested and got a big fat NOT PREGNANT!!!! story of my life! :-'(
:hugs: oh hun, so sorry, I know it must hurt so bad

Have you been to see the GP or even better a fertility specialist to try to find out why? Has your OH been tested?

I hope you get a good result soon x
we have both had tests done they say im fine hes got a low count and motility! i dont know what 2 do still no period a negative result??? thought i was confused b4!! xxx
Sorry to hear about the test, if your still late maybe contact your Dr to see if they can offer any advice...
Has he tried all the things to do to improve his count and mobility, I'm not sure of it all (though I am sure there are ladies here who are) but I know choice of underwear, diet and drinking and smoking habits can have huge effects. I bought my OH boxers not so long back, who knows if that had an effect even though he tested fine.

As for your late AF, go speak to doctor, for those of us with PCOS, we know why they sometimes disappear of behave oddly, but if your usually regular, go see someone, my friend had been pg for months before a home test would pick it up x

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