Hey lovely ladies,
I haven't been on here for several weeks as I needed a break but just thought I'd update you all & hopefully put some minds at rest for those of you who are having laparoscopies soon. Well I had my lap yesterday & it all went smoothly. There really wasn't anything to worry about, the staff were so friendly & I didn't know anything from having the cannula fitted to waking up in the recovery room. The pain since has been very minimal discomfort around the main incision site at the belly button. I've experienced no shoulder/gas pain although my stomach is slightly bloated. I have also experienced slight nausea & dizziness (effects of anaesthetic) but otherwise I must say I feel pretty good
So, the results... They found mild to moderate endometriosis on my left ovary, pouch of Douglas & uterosacral ligaments. They were able to burn off some of the spots, including the ones on ovary, but unfortunately were unable to remove larger/diffused areas of endometriosis.
So, what now?... I was hoping that we would now be able to conceive naturally, & I'm hopefully going to try some acupuncture too. But the surgeon was really keen/ pushing me to go straight back onto Clomid (which made my endo symptoms 100% worse). I get the impression she doesn't feel that we are going to conceive naturally
She basically said the ball was in our court & we have 3 choices: Clomid, injections for 3 months or straight to IVF! This upset me a bit as I felt that was always a last option & it wouldn't come to that. The other bit of bad news is that she informed me that the policy changed earlier this year & having been told we'd have one cycle of IVF on the nhs, we now have none, so no other option than going privately!
I would love any advice on what to do from here. My initial thoughts are one to two months of trying naturally, with acupuncture. Then 3 months of clomid, followed by 3 months of injections & then IVF if still no luck.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to read my long story & replying!! Any others who have had laps, would love to hear your stories too.
Thanks xxx
I haven't been on here for several weeks as I needed a break but just thought I'd update you all & hopefully put some minds at rest for those of you who are having laparoscopies soon. Well I had my lap yesterday & it all went smoothly. There really wasn't anything to worry about, the staff were so friendly & I didn't know anything from having the cannula fitted to waking up in the recovery room. The pain since has been very minimal discomfort around the main incision site at the belly button. I've experienced no shoulder/gas pain although my stomach is slightly bloated. I have also experienced slight nausea & dizziness (effects of anaesthetic) but otherwise I must say I feel pretty good

So, the results... They found mild to moderate endometriosis on my left ovary, pouch of Douglas & uterosacral ligaments. They were able to burn off some of the spots, including the ones on ovary, but unfortunately were unable to remove larger/diffused areas of endometriosis.
So, what now?... I was hoping that we would now be able to conceive naturally, & I'm hopefully going to try some acupuncture too. But the surgeon was really keen/ pushing me to go straight back onto Clomid (which made my endo symptoms 100% worse). I get the impression she doesn't feel that we are going to conceive naturally

I would love any advice on what to do from here. My initial thoughts are one to two months of trying naturally, with acupuncture. Then 3 months of clomid, followed by 3 months of injections & then IVF if still no luck.
Thanks in advance to anyone willing to read my long story & replying!! Any others who have had laps, would love to hear your stories too.
Thanks xxx