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Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2012
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Hey lovely ladies,

I haven't been on here for several weeks as I needed a break but just thought I'd update you all & hopefully put some minds at rest for those of you who are having laparoscopies soon. Well I had my lap yesterday & it all went smoothly. There really wasn't anything to worry about, the staff were so friendly & I didn't know anything from having the cannula fitted to waking up in the recovery room. The pain since has been very minimal discomfort around the main incision site at the belly button. I've experienced no shoulder/gas pain although my stomach is slightly bloated. I have also experienced slight nausea & dizziness (effects of anaesthetic) but otherwise I must say I feel pretty good :-)

So, the results... They found mild to moderate endometriosis on my left ovary, pouch of Douglas & uterosacral ligaments. They were able to burn off some of the spots, including the ones on ovary, but unfortunately were unable to remove larger/diffused areas of endometriosis.

So, what now?... I was hoping that we would now be able to conceive naturally, & I'm hopefully going to try some acupuncture too. But the surgeon was really keen/ pushing me to go straight back onto Clomid (which made my endo symptoms 100% worse). I get the impression she doesn't feel that we are going to conceive naturally :-( She basically said the ball was in our court & we have 3 choices: Clomid, injections for 3 months or straight to IVF! This upset me a bit as I felt that was always a last option & it wouldn't come to that. The other bit of bad news is that she informed me that the policy changed earlier this year & having been told we'd have one cycle of IVF on the nhs, we now have none, so no other option than going privately!

I would love any advice on what to do from here. My initial thoughts are one to two months of trying naturally, with acupuncture. Then 3 months of clomid, followed by 3 months of injections & then IVF if still no luck.

Thanks in advance to anyone willing to read my long story & replying!! Any others who have had laps, would love to hear your stories too.

Thanks xxx
I've not had a laparoscopy but didn't want to read and run so to speak! Although my friend did have one a few years back after suffering with endo, and she now has 2 under the age of 3!
I think sometimes go with your gut instinct, try yourself for a one to two months then move on each step as needs be if the BFP isn't acheived?
Sucks that you are not allowed IVF on NHS now I didn't know that! The only option for me was only ever egg donation until I recently randomly started to OV (after 4.5yr) and I know how expensive it can be.
Good luck anyway with what ever you decide to do
Hi there,

I had a lap back in nov and they found mildo endo which wasn't treated due to its location. I too had been on clomid and it made my pains awful!! The consultant after the lap advised 3 more months of clomid before ivf but I decided I didn't want all the pain again so made the decision not to! In fact I got so fed up of two years of nothing I said I've had enough!! (Also due to the fact I was slightly too old for nhs ivf and would needed to of fudged dates) clomid defo feeds the endo as my pains were not bad at all til I took it for 6 months!

Anyway I made the decision and just 3 months later got my bfp! Even though I had nothing done during the lap (apart from some adhesions split) it stopped my spotting (which I used to get at 10dpo without fail) and I'm convinced the lap got me my bfp! I had charted in the past so always thought i ovulated but my progesterone was always borderline. What have you been told regarding ovulation as that could maybe sway decision (eg if you definitely don't ov on your own)

Anyway sorry for the rambling but if all else is ok is definitely give a few months of natural trying, there's another lady on here who conceived after a lap so I'm sure it helps lots of people.

Am on my phone so apologies if doesn't make sense :) good luck and hope you get your bfp soon
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Thank-you Minniemaker & LD1978 for your replies.

It's very reassuring to hear that you fell naturally with endo LD1978 after having a lap. Congratulations!! And Minniemaker your friend who now has 2 little ones after a lap also gives me hope :-)

I've been told that I'm definitely ovulating on my own, although day 21 progesterone was only 22 so maybe borderline? On the Clomid it went up to 83!! But still no BFP & the endo pains were unbearable while on it.

I think I'm going to try naturally (with acupuncture) for a while before starting Clomid. Or maybe skip the Clomid & go straight to injections? Anyone have any experience of the injections??

Thanks again for your advice xxx
Hi kate, I'm currently waiting for our first fertility appointment but due to hubby's SA I think we're gonna need ICSI IVF. What reason did they give you for not being able to have any IVF on the nhs if you don't mind me asking? I'm terrified about this as we can't afford to go private and don't think there's a chance we'll conceive naturally given hubby's results. X
Hey Cornish Fairy

The reason is because I already have a 13 yr old son from a previous relationship. Originally we were told that as my hubby does not have any biologically children we would be entitled to one cycle on the nhs but only earlier this year they changed it to either partner already having a child then no nhs treatment :-( I'm sure you'll be fine if this is your first :-) xx
Thanks Kate, but that's so crap for you. So sorry to hear that. My mom gave me a newspaper cutting at the weekend about someone who had developed a way of doing ivf in a really simple way in a couple of test tubes which cost £170. They developed it for developing countries but it made me wonder if they'll adopt the method in this country. With all the money the nhs needs to save £170 vs approx £15000 cost of providing a treatment cycle certainly seems a no brainer! But I bet they'd say they can't do it the simple way as theres probably some bloody red tape nonsense about doing it in a few test tubes rather than using super duper equipment that costs millions of pounds!! Its a shame though as if it's that cheap they could offer it to all of us, regardless of whether someone already has a child. Xx
Hi Kate,

just wanted to thank you for starting this thread. It has answered some of the questions swimming about in my head and perhaps the next few steps for me!
In Jan this year got my ultrasound and blood tests which confirmed I'm not ovulating, even though I have very regular periods. Hubby is fine, so problems are with me :( So consultant suggested I have a laparascopy. She thinks I may have some blocked tubes, adhesions or endometro.
Unfortunately due to unexpected bad health I managed to put on weight. Been told to loose the weight before they would even consider me.
So far I've lost 2 and a half stone and my consultant is happy that I've listened, worked hard and now considering the lap. :dance:
Appointment isn't till Nov but works in my favour. By that time I will be at the weight they want me to be so can get the lap done more or less straight away and if needs be treatment can start fairly quickly depending on what they find.
I think it's endometro, I've had problems with my periods since I started them but GP's didn't seem to take my constant complaining seriously. Sometimes I feel if they listened to me all these years ago I perhaps wouldn't be in the situation I am now or much better prepared than I am now.

From the comments above, I suspect I won't be started on the clomid, if I'm still having regular periods. Obviously everything depends on what they find, but I'm at that limbo situation where I don't really know what happens next.

:pompom: I wish each and everyone good luck and hope your BFP are not too far away.

I am absolutely sure that he is affected by male infertility and you need to have IVF as soon as possible... ;/
@ Svenya

What makes you say that? His sperm analysis was all clear. I'm the one with endometriosis!!

LisaMaguire, Well done on the weight loss hun. I hope you will get the answers you're looking for after the lap in Nov. Good luck xx

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