Anyone in the same position as me?? TTC almost 3 years First Baby


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2012
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Hello Ladies

I've been trying to conceive for almost 3 years now. Fell pregnant last Oct with an ectopic pregnancy (had a feeling when I did fall pregnant it wouldn't go smoothly) had to wait 3 months to try again and have tests to try and work out what caused it. Managed to keep both my tubes as they caught it before it ruptured but later found out one of my tubes was blocked!! Gutted is an understatement. The doctor said mine and my husbands tests are all fine and no reason why we can't conceive naturally so why isn't it happening!!!! It's all I think about everyday!! While all my friends and family fall pregnant and make us godparents!! I wonder when will be our turn.

They are giving us 6 more months then starting IVF!! I really want to conceive naturally but nothing has happened the last 2 and half years (apart from the ectopic) so why should it happen now! Excited about IVF but still tears me up inside!!

Anyone else fallen pregnant with one tube? Did it take long? Anyone share thier experiences of IVF so I know what to expect.??

Would love to hear from some ladies who can relate?

Nicky xx
:hugs: well done nikki x joining us will feel like a breath of fresh air so many knowledgable ladies here all on different paths but united in Long term TTC xx

Sorry for ur hard time with ectopic xx
Good news is IVF should be relatively straight forward for u with unexplained infertility xx

We can help each other through most things - If it's ivf then LouiseB will be ur girl she knows everything there Is to do with IVF and scotchegg is beginning her 1st cycle shortly xx

Fx you'll get a bfp again and a keeper this time :)
Welcome Nicky! Sorry about your long journey! Your in the right place. Lots of us in here going through similar experiences of fertility treatments etc! Good news your in the system ready for some help!
Hi nicknack :wave: Welcome to ltttc. I've never been pregnant but been trying for over 2 years. Sorry to hear about your ectopic :-( That must have been horrible.

There are lots of girls who will be able to share their story and some who have gone through/are going through IVF. We are all here for each other and that's the main thing. Good luck honey xxx
I thought it would be good to come on a forum like this as everyone would be in a similar position and share hopes and wishes. My husband is so supportive but he doesn't really get the ins and outs so I wanted to talk with women who get it!!!

I'm in my 2 week wait now and it's like torture!! I'm assuming that I will be going down the IVF journey but still giving it my all. When we conceived the ectopic I was due to go on holiday and my mind was so focused on this big holiday I was so chilled about it and then. It happened. So I honestly believe chilling out and focusing on other things is the key. I try to distract myself by keeping myself busy but IT'S SO HARD!! I'm also keeping a cycle diary so I can look back and reflect. I just feel so angry with the world for not letting me do what every woman has been designed to do and that is reproduce!! Lol...can't help but think why me but then I think why not me!! I wouldn't be dealt anything I couldn't handle I suppose.

As you can see ladies it's been almost 3 years and im still very raw about it all...

How do u all manage to stay positive and not go crazy with it all??

It took me over 3 years of trying before i got my BFP due to health problems both with myself and my partner. It got so frustrating that by 3 years i had given up hope of ever getting pregnant ( i did conceive once when very young but miscarried). I had literally given up and pretty much stopped trying, on new years eve this year i begrudgingly paid for a pregnancy test just to prove my other half wrong as i was 5 days late but felt like AF was coming so was 100% i woulld get a negative like always... but it wasn't and i don't think i have ever laughed so hard and then cried so much.

I'm just telling you this because you should never give up, and wanted to show you it still can happen no matter how much you believe it wont! xx
Hi NickNack. Welcome to the forum

Your doctor is right, there is no reason why you can't concieve with one tube, like you I only have one functioning tube but results from tests show I have a low AMH level so after trying for 2.5 years we are starting the IVF process, off to Oxford next week to have a look around and speak to the specialists, you will get support on here even if it's only in the virtual form.

There are so many ladies on here that are going through the same struggle, in a way reassures you, you are not alone
@Doll Face79 So So happy to hear you have finally received your blessing. Bet u are so excited. I haven't given up completely. I do try sometimes to tell myself, it's never going to happen so just move on but the my mind always end up right back on it. I have a lot going on the next few months so trying to focus on everything BUT baby!!! Lol...what's your due date?

@Always trying Keep me posted on your IVF appointment. I'm fascinated to see how it al works but the process does freak me out a bit. How did u feel when u found out you only had one tube. I cried for days and thought I was being over the top looking back but it is devastating. The test I had was horrible and they told me the results but didn't let me answer any questions did my consultant appointment a month later!! What is low AMH? Xxx

Nicks xx
Hiya KickNack ,

Just passing by to say i'm in my 25th month of trying , I did get pregnant in Feb but had a miscarriage. I have a daughter with a previous partner . But my ovaries have become polycystic. This place is great for chatting and there is always someone here to answer your queations.

The ORACLE on IVF is Louise B and i would suggest you read up on all her IVF threads they explain the ups and downs wonderfully x x xx
Hey Hun welcome :) my friend just got her bfp with only one ovary and tube working so yes it can happen. I know its tough but don't give up as you will get there in the end xx
Hiya and welcome. So sorry about the ectopic hun.
Main things to remember are stress = less chance of falling pregnant so maybe arrange a nice big holiday if you can? *nudge nudge, wink wink* kinda thing ;)

I've been trying for my first baby for 7 years now but I do have PCOS.
There's no reason why you can't conceive natually but yes the 2ww seems to drag hehe.

Good luck hun!
I've found my blog to be a really useful way of getting my feelings out in words and I find that helps me stay calm about things.

I'm starting IVF in a few weeks and have a diary in the TTC diaries section and on my blog if you're interested

Louise has been through three cycles, although it's not always been a happy journey for her as things have been very complicated.
@Always trying Keep me posted on your IVF appointment. I'm fascinated to see how it al works but the process does freak me out a bit. How did u feel when u found out you only had one tube. I cried for days and thought I was being over the top looking back but it is devastating. The test I had was horrible and they told me the results but didn't let me answer any questions did my consultant appointment a month later!! What is low AMH? Xxx

AMH is what helps produce the eggs, all very confusing for me really, only just started this journey so I am learning as I go along, will let you know how I get on but like other ladies have mentioned Louise B is a pro on this and other ladies are far more down the line than me so will be able to help answer your questions

Welcome to the gang, nick nack! I'm not as far along my journey as you- been trying fr 18months and never been pg. just starting testing process now. I absolutely despise the 2ww and usually have a mini breakdown at the start of the final week of my cycle which is prob due to pmt. sorry about your loss and good luck for the next stage. Feel free to rant away on here,it's really helpful! Xxxxx
Thank you. I too have a mini breakdown every cycle but I've been trying to be strong as my hubby tells me seeing me so upset breaks his heart so I'm trying to be a bit stronger!!

Can anyone tell me the jargon which is used? I'm assuming BD is the baby dance? What's the others?? Xx
Welcome to the forum lovely. There are loads of great ladies who can help you on here. Me and hubby have been trying for 2.5 years now with unexplained infertility. We have been referred for IVF now. In the meantime we are trying to chill out as much as we can. Everyone is here for you.

Love Gizmo xxx
Thank u Gizzy. We can support each other through IVF. Our first appointment is Sept. Have u got a date for your appointment yet?? Xx
I'm just telling you this because you should never give up, and wanted to show you it still can happen no matter how much you believe it wont! xx

I agree with dollface never give up :-)

I was TTC for 4 years, it felt like a lifetime because it nearly was! I had never had a positive test and was 100% convinced we couldn't have kids it was awful. I then had a nervous breakdown caused by my job and was signed off work for 3 months and put on citalopram (anti depressants) 4 weeks in I got my first ever BFP I am convinced it is because I was relaxed and resting and de-stressed, whatever the reason he is my miracle baby I dont know how he got here but he finally did!

I would love to think that you will all get your miracle babies too xxxxx
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