Ladies please please help.....


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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My sil is 14 wks pg tomoz and has been bleeding since sat arvo, went up to the hopsital sat night and they did a scan said that the heartbeat is still there adn the cervix is closed but they think miscarriage is immenent.

she refused to stay in hops and is at home still bleeding but i dont think she has lost it yet. Any advice wud be helpful girls.

Whats her chances of not losing it, and if she does surly she shud be at hosp??

I dont know how to help her.

Michelle. x
How can they say a mc is imminent ? Hb and cervix closed looks gd to me but it depends in the rate if the hb they say if it's under 100 it's not a gd sign but can still be ok she would know if she loses a baby at 14 weeks ur talking a baby here albeit a bit small size of a large plum so she will be in some pain and will defo see a baby come out, I hope everything turns out ok for ur sister though fc xxx
Oh no this is awful, did they say more than that? Are they planning to do another scan? Hope all works out ok :hug:
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She needs to be in hospital :hugs:
Hope she and lo are ok x
I'm not sure how they are coming to the conclusion that she will loose the baby......but if they feel a mc is likely then nothing she can do will stop it, if she has a bleed in the uterus that is putting hte baby at risk, then bed rest may help lessen the bleed and make the risk less, but even then she could go on complete bed rest for weeks and if there is a problem with the baby it will not help.

I have read so many stories about women bleeding throughout their pregnancies and the baby being fine at every scan they it may not be so.

I really hope it turns out ok and the hospital are wrong.
Hiya, I would advise that she does go to hospital. I was over 11 weeks last time (both times but I suspect the first time that the baby died around 7 weeks so it wasn't as bad as the second time when I know it was at least 10 weeks) and it was very very tough going through that at home. 14 weeks would be even q
Whoops - pressed send by accident
14 weeks would be even worse than that. I would never go it alone again, I would be in hospital. That's my biggest regret - because that way I could have had a biopsy on the baby and may have had a chance of knowing what went wrong.
I really hope she is ok xxx
Thanks so much evryone.

She has had blood on and off for the last 24hrs but it has eased off esp ova night. She is at her mums today and the midwife has said that she needs to rest and that it looks promising if she doesnt bleed much more. So fx its guna be ok. Guess its just a waiting game.

Michelle. x
I really hope so! I bled at 12+6 with my little girl and it stopped and all was ok.
She's now 16 months old :)
Pass on my regards to your sister in law, hope it all turns out ok! Xx
That's gd news for ur friend I would be complaining about the person who said mc was imminent how bloody stressful must that have been bloody shocking that xx

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