Labour signs and symptons


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2010
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Sorry I know we must have had this thread a million times before, but was just wondering what peoples labour signs and symptons were/are if any?

I have had period pain on and off for days now, but nothing more. People talk about the baby engaging, pressure below, back ache, bump dropping. I dont feel any of these. Can labour honestly just start without any of these? Im just going about my business, still driving etc and I keep thinking 'Gosh what if labour just starts in the middle of supermarket and im on my own, half hour from home' haha. xx
I had no signs with both, just the plug loss! MW had me on a CTG machine 2 days before I gave birth and I was contracting, I couldn't even feel it!!
1st thing i knew on all of mine was contractions nothing else at all
With my first i woke up about 4am with loads of clear runny discharge (which i was later told was my show) then contractions started within the following hour then straight off to hospital as they were only abour 3 mins apart and lasting 1 min! No blood or loose bowels or waters breaking for me lol
Thats why i havent a clue what to expect this time round lol
I had loads of clear runny discharge then some blood in loads of runny discharge that evening u had her two days later but was in labour the morning after I had the runny discharge I lost plug for weeks before hand x

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With my first i woke up about 4am with loads of clear runny discharge (which i was later told was my show) then contractions started within the following hour then straight off to hospital as they were only abour 3 mins apart and lasting 1 min! No blood or loose bowels or waters breaking for me lol
Thats why i havent a clue what to expect this time round lol

Oh dear! It makes me feel better that there is still hope for me with not many signs. Although i am really achey and have shooting pains up my lady bits. Also keep leaking small amounts of watery discharge. So reading the above has got me unsure what is happening. Also confussed it might be my waters trickling? x
the midwife did say i should be able to tell the difference as your waters leaking does indeed look like water and if you wear a pad on your knickers it should be soaked through within an hour or so even with just leaky waters whereas if its just runny discharge it will still seem a bit slimy rather than watery. At the time tho i wasnt sure as there was a lot of it but at the hospital when they examined me and i asked if it was my waters she said no, that would have been my show!
I didn't really have any early signs, just started on the contractions! They were so mild to begin with took me a while to realise that's what they were too, it wasn't a case of fine one minute and in painful labour the next like it always is on tv!
Thanks Soozy, that helps, dont think its my waters. This is awful keep going to bed thinking it will happen tonight, so achey and period painy . . . but each morning keeps coming back around haha. Cant be long now though. Almost there. x

Inky - the tv has a lot to answer for. They always do the waters first, with a painful contraction etc and its more often than not, nothing like that haha. Thanks for your comments x
Oooh not long now for you Twinkle! hope something starts for you soon X
Thanks JJ mum, due date today. Cleaned kit cupboards, floor, had raspberry tea, pineapple, been for a walk . . . hopefully wont be long., So excited!! x
My friends waters broke slowly over a few days and she thought she was just peeing herself, bless. She told her mum she was in pain and she told her to go back to bed. lol she had the baby a few hours later. xXx
Haha pixie, that's the kind of attitude my mum would have, she asked me this morning if I wanted to earn any extra cash and I'm like yeah I'm skint.....she wanted me to sand down and re-enamel the bath. To be fair she did then think about it and said maybe it wasn't the best thing for me to be doing 'in my condition'....bless her :)
All my signs and symptoms disappeared in the run up to me going into labour. First I knew of it was my waters popping and the contractions started immediatly!
Ow Helen, its so exciting to know it can just happen at anytime then, you dont necessary need any signs. xx

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