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pre labour signs


Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2010
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to anyone that has had kids before - did you get any signs that you were going to go into labour? did everyone get a "show", did you have mild cramps for a few days before? or did you literally go to bed one night and wake up in the night and were in labour.

i am just wondering as I haven't had any show really, and the other night i went to bed with cramps but then they went. i am hoping to keep my hopes up that you can just go into labour at any moment with no warning!!

I didn't get any signs, just started getting pains and that was it, didn't get a show till just before I went hospital, and waters broke while I was in hospital! So yes you can just go into labour without any signs! From when I got my first pain to her being born lasted 5 1/2hrs.
First time I Just woke at 2am to contractions that got alot worse over time, then list plug then waters but no real signs b4 hand

This time now, again no signs really just went bed woke up at 5am with niggles, n it's 3am nearly 24h on n I'm about 3 cm, still no plug or waters just contractions better more n more x x
Thanks . That's really interesting as people are always talking about losing their plug
And this and that but it's reassuring to know it can just happen! Especially as i havent really had any signs. Nadine good luck i hope you're nOt too tired! Xx
Not me, this is my first :) but my Mum has never lost her plug before labour (she thinks it must have came out while she was in labour and she's not realised!)

With my little brother she was walking back from the park after school with my sister(so about 3.30-4) she felt her waters go, still no pain, went into a neighbours house where she says she started getting quite a lot of pain not too far apart. Neighbour phoned an ambulance and little brother popped out at 17.14 on the way to the hospital!! (Only a 10min drive away)

So from the sounds of that - it can just come on from nowhere! :)

From start to finish she was in labour 5 and a half hours with me, and 3-4 hours with my little sister. So there's still a good chance of something happening for you hun!

Really hope something happens for you today xxx
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I had no signs!! Decided to take the chrimbo dex down and felt something pop out of me, ignored it, happened again few mins later so thought must be a bit of plug (I was 38+5) so went to the loo to check... soon as I sat down whooooosh waters lol and that was the start of a very long journey!!
I feel like I've gone a bit mad to be honest. I just walk around my house making lists of things, thinking hmm, the bath should be cleaned, tidying papers, but not doing anything! not even watching tv. I can't sit still nor can I do amnything productive!

I never thought i'd be bored being off work and just able to chill, but I am! I feel like my life is on hold and I am watching out for every twinge and cramp, but from what you ladies have all said above, I'm watching for nothing!!

Did your labour pains start off painful immediately or just like period pain and then get worse? xxx
Nope, not really.

Only thing I noticed (when I went into labour naturally) was that for at least 12 hours before I felt really ott tired, nauseous, like I couldn't go on and really emotional (yes, more than normal!), and really hot too.

With dd, my labour started with really strong BH, with ds, by waters broke after the above.

Never had a show, and with my 1st 2, my waters were either broken for me, or wend well into labour.

Good luck!!
I lost my plus after sweep but did not go into labour will 10 days later. I just woke up in labour, contracting. the hospital broke my waters 24 hours after my first contraction to try and help speed things up - everyone different!
I feel like I've gone a bit mad to be honest. I just walk around my house making lists of things, thinking hmm, the bath should be cleaned, tidying papers, but not doing anything! not even watching tv. I can't sit still nor can I do amnything productive!

I never thought i'd be bored being off work and just able to chill, but I am! I feel like my life is on hold and I am watching out for every twinge and cramp, but from what you ladies have all said above, I'm watching for nothing!!

Did your labour pains start off painful immediately or just like period pain and then get worse? xxx

I know how you feel about being bored once you finish work but defo make the most of it coz when LO gets here it's hard work in those first couple of weeks so make the most of sleeping now. LO is worth it and you will feel so good to be bump free but it is tiring because they need to feed alot at first.

My waters went so off to the hospital we went because I was polyhydramnios and they wanted to check me. My cervix was open and I had a few contractions but then it all stopped. The next day they waited to see if I would go into labour naturally but I didn't so had to be induced. By this time I'd dilated to 5cms without knowing! But after that it was a long hard slog for me that ended up in an emergency c-section the following day.

Nobody can know how their labour is going to go though, you might have the most easiest natural labour, but tbh just take it as it comes that's all you can do.

My labour was not good but 6 months later I'm ready to do it all again lol Even knowing I have to have a planned section next time isn't putting me off.

LOs are soooo worth it all xxxxxx
Yes at this stage the wait has gone on for so long I'm actually relieved to have a date in the diary and know that I will meet my baby soon. But I'm Not giving up hope for me to go naturally in the next 36 hours score my induction on Sunday!
Hi - like you I really want to avoid being induced. I have had no signs whatsever and my midwife thinks its highly likely that I will go the full 2 weeks over.

I'm replying because I had a pregnancy massage this afternoon and the lady who does my massages also does acupuncture. She said that if nothing was happening next week she would try it out on me.

I think it won't start anything but if the baby is ready to come out it might speed it up a bit?

I haven't done any research into it but might be worth considering?

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