labour symptons


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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ok so was wanting people to post what their labour symptons where i was induced with my 1st and im driving myself crazy wondering if every little things is it, i have diarrghoea, baby is low down, feel lots of tightenings, feel stretching pains low down and for past week have had thick discharge (sorry tmi) is this related or am i still weeks away? xx
I had no signs at all with Lacey and with charley, my discharge got thicker and 2 days before having him I had a little bit of blood in my discharge! Other than that both labours started out of no where!
Sorry this is my first, so i cant add to the thread yet, but wanted to say it was a really good idea. Thanks. Look forward to reading more x
I had period cramps for a few days, day before I had discharge with every wipe, I then had diarrhoea before bed, next morning my waters went.

Lo had been wiggling all evening before my waters popped, so much so that she turned round!!

Emma x
ooh how exciting, will be interested in peoples anwers too
I've felt the same as you ashtonsmum for about 3 weeks now. Keep getting bouts of the runs and often accompanied by sickness. At first everyone was like 'ooh it's your body getting ready' and I kept getting excited but now I'm just trying to ignore it and if it happens it happens. I hope it happens for you though hun! x
Yeah ive also got low back ache and period pain. Also runny poo, but it hasnt lead to anything. So ive just relaxed and thought like you, when it happens it happens x
I've got loads of discharge (tmi) but that's about it. Had it for a few weeks now. I keep checking my knickers though for something more interesting down there!
i actually got constipated 2 days before going into labour and had no other symptons, i just started getting contractions that were coming every 3 mins and lasting for a min straight away!
I did have a curry the night i went into labour so i believe it helped lol, im so glad i didnt poop myself lol as im sure everyone fears that but i did remain constipated til baby was 2 days old so that wasnt good either but better than being embarrased i suppose lol (sorry if tmi)

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