Kids Xmas School Plays


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2005
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What are your kids this year??

My daughter is a carol singer so no costume needed, but Ethan has to be a Xmas tree, here is my crap attempt at his costume! lol

the bows are just the sticky ones you put on top of pressies, just hope they hold there stickyness for tomorrow or he will ook like a very empty tree lol
thats great layla.

joshua is going to be a donkey at his on thursday. he was offered the part of joseph but no, he wanted to be the donkey. i will take piccies and virgin have just emailed me that my broadband should be working now, so i will have a go at sending piccies, yippee.
brilliant costume!!

wen my boys were at primary school they were in the nativity plays and i never missed 1... but we were never allowed to take pictures. we werent even allowed to take cameras in the hall, or mobiles with cameras, if u were seen with 1 or caught taking pictures the head teacher demanded u take the film out or wipe them off if its digital... i no its child safety but i was always disappointed that i cudnt have pictures to remind me of the day...
thats a brill costume, luckily we dont have to make ours
Emily was a sheep this year, she could have been angel and done a song and dance but oppted for the sheep!
Mason was a villager.


He came out and cried, sat next to the teacher and generally didn't do anything for the first few minutes.
I was gutted. Then the teacher had a word in his ear and he got up, sat in his place said his line "some shepherds were looking after their sheep on the hills of bethlehem"

Then he joined in all the songs and did all the actions... talk about relieved!!
my OH son was an angel! bless them all!
we were gutted, both at work so couldnt go, its atleast an hour and half drive to where he lives :(
the kids all look fab in their costumes x

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