kids say the funniest things!! :D


Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2011
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i thought it would be fun to start a new thread about funny things that your child has come out with...

My DD is 4 and comes out with some corkers, for instance, we were talking on Tuesday about our dentist appointment on the wednesday, i always like to keep reminding her so that she co-operates at her appointment and out of the blue she said "are you having an epidural" so i asked when and she said "tomorrow at the dentist if you need a filling" needless to say i burst out laughing...

Another snippet from my LO

yesterday she was telling me about a little girl in her class called megan, i asked if she was the one with the glasses on, her response "no shes got normal eyes" hehe

Another snippet OH shaves his beard with hair trimmers as he hates been clean shaved, one time he was on the landing shaving when my daughter piped up "daddy, i dont like that noise...i hope you're not shaving your pubes" lmao i have no idea where she got that one from!
My step son is six and he informed me a little while back while we were out for a walk with the dogs, that he had mud on his trousers all the way up to his nuts!!!

Made me giggle!!

haha bless him :) love kids they come out with some funny things dont they lol xx
I was informed this weekend that- I love cottage pie its my favourite, I want to marry cottage pie!

Then he said something else was his favourite and he wanted to marry that too. I said you can't marry that and cottage pie.

He said 'Well, I'll marry that while kissing cottage pie!'

What that was all about I will never know!!

haha love it, my DD said she wanted to marry her daddy lol i had to explain that she couldnt hehe xx
today i asked my daughter if she wanted a boiled egg for her dinner, she replied "can i have a flat boiled egg so that i can dip my toast in the yolk?" haha i think she meant a fried egg :/ but i must admit i like her explanation of a fried egg, sounds much more healthier :D

Also she has just informed me after an hour of been a little get that she doesnt know how to behave haha!! Hmmm well she better start learning the little monster she is!! x
My friends LO is 6 and he came home from school with a picture of a rainbow saying #its to make you smile when you're being mardy! Xxx
hehe bless :D they are so funny!!

My daughter said today, "mummy...daddy gave me a kiss this morning while i was asleep" so i asked how she knew it was daddy and not me and she replied "i could hear it on his breath" haha!! that or the stubble :lol: x
Lol, we have a rather large lady neighbour and i was taking paige(3) to nursery she turned round to her brother and said " did you see that lady jake? She was really fat" i almost died!!
I work in a school with reception and I told the children they need to eat fast and one said " you shouldn't eat fast because you will get chicken pox !" heheheh

hehehe fabby stories ladies!! kids are fab for brightening up your day :D lol x
Thanks to my boys dad my delightful little man announced infront of my mates that he couldnt put his pants back on after the toilet as they had skiddies in them lmao x
Also, infront of all my family the other day, my boy announced that daddy likes to dress up. When I asked him what he meant he said 'Yep, Daddy likes to dress up as batman infront of his gf':rofl:

Me - Brooke Time For Bed
Brooke - I Don't Understand You Mummy, I Speak Spanish Now.
Me - Oh Do You?
Brooke - Yes, Ooh La La....

Strange Child!! Lol

My step son informed oh on Saturday:

"daddy, I think Mimi is loosing her mind!"

Mimi is me btw! All I was doing was singing- ok so I was singing to the cat but surely that's not too weird?


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